Exploring the Dynamics of Social Psychology - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-12-25
Exploring the Dynamics of Social Psychology - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Psychology Society Conflict resolution
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1126 words
10 min read

Personal Group Experiences

Social psychology involves the interrelation of one’s personality value and mind with the structure and culture. It focuses on a small group or the individual's mind to understand more about the human behavior of the emotional and social reactions. Groups also impact our actions and choices, for they serve a significant role in fulfilling our needs and serving goals. Psychology involves a join product of the person and the situation; hence the behavior depends on a socially constructed view of reality (Araújo et al., 2017). The creativity level of innovation is a critical skill that can be achieved by facilitating knowledge and generalizing new ideas according to their understanding level.

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Group Experiences

When first introduced into the group like any new member in a meeting of unknowns, I felt out of place. By getting to know the group's behavior and cultural motives, I started to develop a sense of belonging and togetherness as I got comfortable when socializing with the group members. These emotions were triggered by the relationship I gained with people and felt comfortable around their characters, which I vetted as compatible with mine. Groups helped me to affiliate by assisting when required and offering social support. When forming groups, people feel more secured with less intelligent people through the downward social comparison, for they are assured they are not monopolized of their ideas and companionship. We further participated in enacting performance and motivation on individuals by helping one another solve problems efficiently and show the process of creating a solution; hence it outperformed individual efforts.

Group Key Components

A group defines a peculiar part of a coherent unit that is varied from the others. I could consider our group as the common-bound type of ground as we had members interact face to face since we were all bonded to each other. Our engagement components included our status, the various roles we assigned on each one of us, the norms guiding our group objectives, and the cohesiveness aspect that completed our grouping. The group gave the ability to work together as a team, as it composed of peer group members who discussed situations affecting them. Each member strengthened their communication skills in delivering information on ideas, concepts, and solutions in a manner that all members can understand and can express ability. Further, the group leadership relied on each of us's roles based on the hierarchy of complications. Also, the leaders come up with the group's regulations, date, and time of a group meeting, thus encouraging our cohesiveness.

Group membership comes along with costs and benefits to individuals in the group. Groups make worse decisions than an individual could, thus where it gives more cost than its benefits. Brainstorming remains a perfect way for every group member to benefit from the generation of ideas that are significant in daily operations. The group aids task complex break-in that the duty assigned can be subdivided among the group members and be done efficiently without a short time without straining one's effort.

Behavior Effects of the Group

Individual behaviors are affected by conformity as we learn norms from people close to us, which we practice to fruition and adapt. I gained the art of creating time and binding it to perform a specific task, which later made me time-oriented in doing activities (Compton & Hoffman, 2019). The character can be altered through compliance. I gained communication skills and developed strong arguments by being given a chance to highlight views and resolutions while other group members listened. It is brought about by the possibility of developing one's voice and perspective concerning peers when saying out opinions.

Further, my behavior was transformed through obedience to authority and social influence. The group membership impacted how to solve a more challenging solution in life by sharing the problem with the people around me and considering the suggestions they give and resolutions—developing self-awareness of allowing other individuals to express themselves. Social influence came by listening to others with the same ideas and how they solved a particular difficulty in life and avoiding my weaknesses to overcome.

Solving Conflicts in the Group

Conflicts among groups or individuals originate from the assumption that they perceive as incompatible with others, usually from battling scarce resources. In the group discussion, we experienced disagreements, which led to resolving strategies to observe peace. We embraced the conflict in that once a dispute arises, actions were taken and not ignoring if the agreement is present as this would create tension between individuals and work not to be efficiently done. The peace was reached through bargaining to get a common ground for understanding each other. An alternative plan would be laying superordinate goals where we ensured every party in dispute persuaded a common goal, which would mend the relationship in the long run.

Group Cooperation

Members in a group have numerous schemes to maintain cooperation and strengthen their bond in the face of interaction and longtime relationships. Decision-making is standard methods of creating bonds in a group since they agree on the cause of action, and when bad choices are reached, they easily cooperate in accounting for their mistakes. We equally implemented some practical measures in helping each member benefit and kept their focus bonded to the group. Social embeddedness came as a unique aspect to allow us to relate since we ensured each party had their reputation well known. We quickly established openness and trust in one another.

Group Rules

Rules are standard norms that guide our emotions to observe the appropriate boundaries when relating to others. Norms operate correctly in different groups, thus dictating what members should do and not to. Implicit rules bring order in a group by giving the expected procedures of each member's expected systems. Our group adopted several rules on discussions, presentations, and even how to respond to each other in specific settings. The group had practices in its operations whereby members' mutual respect should apply at all circumstances, and one's opinion was to be respected. All the group members are assigned an equal amount of work to perform within the specified time and shared understanding of the responsibilities, which promoted fairness in the group. Members were encouraged to compromise and open to cooperate with others by keeping an open mind. However, on-time management of attending group meetings ten minutes before its start was not followed by all individuals, which made the project's objective to be delayed to be completed.


Araújo, L., Ribeiro, O., & Paúl, C. (2017). Hedonic and eudaimonic well-being in old age through positive psychology studies: a scoping review. Anales De Psicología/Annals of Psychology, 33(3), 568-577.

Compton, W. C., & Hoffman, E. (2019). Positive psychology. SAGE Publications.

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