Extended Challenge Activity Reflection

Published: 2023-08-11
Extended Challenge Activity Reflection
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Strategy Abuse Law Career Civil rights
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1866 words
16 min read

you need to drawn from example based on your own experience in doing the challenge. You whole paper content is comes from what articles that i provided to you. You need to have example example example that drawn form your experiences in each learning point, no example means out of topic ! thanks .

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Learning and Growth

After my 8-week extended mind-based training program at the Palousemindfulness.com and Insight Timer, my three learning points were openness to experience and controlling my emotions (emotionality)emotionality is negative term, you may have some verb, emotional intelligence, and developing a positive psychological state (psychological capital) ( Psycap is a term, you also have some verb before this term, how you learn from psyCap?).

The first key point I learned is openness to experience and emotionality. Based on the HEXACO score, my score on openness was 3.7 which is under 20 in the class. This criterion is important because people with high scores on openness to experience are inquisitive in nature and use their imagination freely. They learn more things and are willing to try new ideas. Openness to experience also encourages imagination and intellectual curiosity (Aghababaei et al., 2016). My learning points in openness to experience can help me develop in wisdom and leadership in several ways. First, it will help me in solving problems by enhancing my creativity. Creativity is crucial in decision making and problem solving and these two traits are important for any leader. Another trait of a good leader is tolerance and resilience. Openness to experience will make me more tolerant and accept the differences of thought of others better (Coutu, 2002).

( You SHOULD have real experience here, although you mentioned you learn openness to experience, but how meditation help ????????? any example? The purple color only a example for you , you can have look. AGAIN, this paper is a reflection, when I read the whole paper, I can't even find one experience about the meditation training , )

After the training, i know that mindfulness is the process of paying attention, in an open, nonjudgmental way, to my experience in the present moment. Mindfulness as the process of developing an awareness of the present moment that is filled with COAL-curiosity, openness, acceptance and love toward our ongoing experience.

My brain has sometimes been described as an 'anticipation machine' - I unconsciously predict people's behaviours or news things based on what I've experienced in the past. It is my shortcut mechanism to help me filter and sort the countless stimuli I am bombarded with every day. Up to a point this is necessary. For example, I predict that when the traffic light turns green, the cars in front of me will probably begin to move, and I get ready for this. Not keeping an open mind, however, can really limit my effectiveness at work, as well as lead to impoverished relationships.

I am not a person who is particularly curious about new things. My life has always followed a formal path. During the training process, I was originally not very interested in meditation because I have never been in contact with it. I feel very unwell in the week, but then I gradually felt the benefits of meditation, not only let me relax myself, but also make me change in my body, my study schedule became regular, and sleep quality also improved too. If I didn't insist on letting me understand and open mind to try meditation at that time, I think it would be my loss.)

My score on emotionality was 5.3 which was too high and this is not good because people with high scores experience anxiety regarding life's stresses and need emotional support from others. A balanced emotionality is important because it increases resilience to stress, makes one to be emotionally dependent on himself, and will not be highly sentimental (Perry & Sibley, 2013). Recently, life feels a little more intense: at home, study, out in the world. When life begins to feel more intense than normal, it is important to remember to slow down, turn toward these bigger feelings, and see the bigger picture. Life is always in flux. Every thought, feeling, and the moment is quickly changing into the next. The practice is learning how to stay with and turn toward the difficulty. I felt that meditation trains me to be resilient. The more I can learn to stay with all the highs and lows of my thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations, the more strength I can bring to each moment and experience. In other words; the more balanced the emotionality, the less stress I will experience. My learning points in emotionality can help me develop in wisdom and leadership since it will help deal with stressful situations easily and with clarity.

( add your own experience in your second learning point which relative your 8 week meditation, don't only use the word comes form the artice, it feels bad. Use the experience to support what you learn) My second learning point is emotional intelligence. Based on the result of the survey, my emotional intelligence was 4.63 which was slight above average. This criterion will enable me recognize my emotions and those of others, differentiate between different things, and manage emotions properly.

After my extended challenge, my score in my emotional intelligence was 5.15 which was a 10.81% increase showing that there was an improvement. My learning points in emotional intelligence can help me develop in wisdom and leadership since it will help me lead teams efficiently, focusing on people and goals. It will also decrease my stress levels and know to handle stressful situations and reducing interpersonal conflicts (Rosenberg et al., 2015). When people are aware of their emotions and can control them, it helps them know their strengths and weaknesses and know how they can improve their lives thus make better decisions (Schneider, Lyons, & Khazon, 2013). With a well-developed emotional intelligence, I will handle moments of stress and pressure more smoothly (MacCann et al., 2020). This means that I will reduce my anxiety levels in the face of a challenging situation and face obstacles consciously and positively. Emotional intelligence also helps in reducing fights and interpersonal conflicts. By identifying how other people feel, one can act to reduce negative emotions and thereby conflict.

( add your own experience in your third learning point which relative your 8 week meditation, don't only use the word comes form the artice, it feels bad. Use the experience to support what you learn)

My third key point is psychological capital. Based on the survey result, my psychological capital was 4.42 which is slightly above average. Psychological capital is important because it will help me be more confident (self-efficacy), be optimistic about things, persevere in achieving goals and be hopeful, and being resilient (YoussefMorgan & Luthans, 2015). Sometimes I lose hope easily and I am not optimistic when things seem hard. Psychological capital will help me overcome all these problems and I will become more optimistic, hopeful, and efficacy. Regarding my own experience, practicing "mountain" meditation allowed me to remove myself from these thoughts and view them from an outside perspective. With practice, I can even change these negative thoughts into positive ones. In addition to reducing negative thoughts and negative feelings, meditation can improve my ability to relax. I found that spending time in nature does wonderful things for my overall wellbeing. At the end of the first week, I got my "wise rewards," which I took the opportunity to give a" snack bag" to my building helper (louis). All these learning points helped increase my decisional effectiveness by reducing the impact of stressors and improving my emotional capacities (Coutu, 2002).

Design and Planning

I intend to undergo gratitude training as a challenge so that I can embark on a self-discovery path and learn skills needed to reinvent my life using educational and transformation tools that are currently available. Gratitude is associated with positive moods, health, relationships, and well-being. Before my extended challenge, my score on gratitude was 6.50 and after the extended challenge, it reduced to 6. This is the main reason why I want to embark on gratitude training.

Gratitude training goes hand in hand with broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions. According to this theory, positive emotions such as joy, happiness, and enjoyment increase the level of awareness in a person (Denovan & Macaskill, 2017). Experiencing positive emotions increases personal resources, which can then be used in other contexts and under other emotional states (Kahn & Isen, 1993). In this sense, experiencing positive emotions will lead me to generate new response repertoires, new possibilities to offer more creative solutions These positive emotions also enhance actions and thoughts and enables flexible thinking and problem-solving skills. All these traits are crucial to anyone who wants to become a leader.

My gratitude challenge will comprise the following.

Monday Write three things I am grateful for

Tuesday Send gratitude messages to at least three people (a friend, a family member, or anyone I am grateful to)

Wednesday Write about three positive qualities that I have and I am grateful for

Thursday Write three things that made me smile today

Friday Do something special for at least two people that I care about

Saturday Volunteer or donate something to a cause I am passionate about

Sunday Think about things I have been taking for granted and be thankful for these things

The entire gratitude training program will take approximately 24 weeks and it is expected that by the end of the training period, I will be more thankful for everything I have and experience in my life. Positive emotions will expand my possibilities of attention, cognition and action, and an improvement in my physical, intellectual and social resources (Fredrickson, 2001). Positive emotions will also expand my field of thought. If I increase my field of thought, it will indirectly increase my field of action, through more creative responses and more varied actions. As for social resources, these are also increased, since it facilitates the creation of social relations, cooperation and friendship.

( So, what is your training detail????????, I thinks I have comment this very detail, and I also provided an article to you , As a example, you gratitude training can be write down 5 things your are grateful for the past week every day , and consecutive 24 weeks. And each things maybe is one sentences and you also take a picture everyday..........ect ( This kind of plan is means detail plan...!!!!! Again, please read the blue color article and


About Gratitude (2020). Accessed online from https://www.gratitudetraining.com/about

Aghababaei, N., Blachnio, A., Arji, A., Chiniforoushan, M., Tekke, M., & Mehrabadi, A. F. (2016). Honesty-humility and the HEXACO structure of religiosity and well-being. Current Psychology, 35(3), 421-426. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12144-015-9310-5

Coutu, D. L. (2002). How resilience works. Harvard business review, 80(5), 46-56. https://www.boyden.com/media/how-resilience-works-589626/how-resilience-works.pdf

Denovan, A., & Macaskill, A. (2017). Stress, resilience and leisure coping among university students: applying the broaden-and-build theory. Leisure Studies, 36(6), 852-865. https://www.tandfonline.com/action/showCitFormats?doi=10.1080/02614367.2016.1240220

Emmons, R. A., & McCullough, M. E. (2003). Counting blessings versus burdens: an experimental investigation of gratitude and subjective well-being in daily life. Journal of personality and social psychology, 84(2), 377.

Fredrickson, B. L. (2001). The role of positive emotions in pos...

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