Facebook Is Mostly Harmful - Free Essay Sample

Published: 2023-11-25
Facebook Is Mostly Harmful - Free Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Facebook Technology Social media
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 674 words
6 min read


With the rapid growth of technology, social networking platforms control the current society influencing our day-to-day activities. Facebook, in particular, is currently a crucial part of every individual, particularly the young. With its abundant and incredible features, Facebook has become an indispensable part and spiritual food in humans. The main advantage that comes with this social media platform is its ability to connect individuals from around the globe. It has also become a great platform of communication, which comes with a vital feature for sharing information, current events, exciting news, photos, and videos easily.

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Although everything that has a right side has its disadvantages, and the social media platform is no exception as it has bad and good aspects in the lives of its users. The use of Facebook has become a significant habit that gives people a hard time to stop due to its addictive nature. Additionally, there has been an increase in criminal activities and cyberbullying arising from the use of this site. That being said, even though Facebook has come to ease communication and bring entertainment, especially among the youth, it appears to be most harmful.

Social Media

Most times, individuals believe that social media is essential in their lives. However, the thing is, these platforms are more harmful than they benefit us. With the advancement in technology, Facebook is now easily accessible on phones making people addicted, thus raising concerns that this platform might be a bad social environment. For instance, the frequent use of and continually spending time on Facebook causes a reduction in face-to-face interaction in teenagers, a portrayal of less social skills, cyberbullying, and lower output at work.

Today, people perceive Facebook as an excellent social networking service, and they fail to control their usage. Rather than bringing people together, it creates a physical distance among individuals. Besides, as a result of people not being aware of the extent to which they are exposing their private lives online to strangers, these individuals could place themselves at risk of sexual harassment, being bullied, or attacked based on their religion, race, and gender. There are few guidelines to safeguard the people's welfare and access to their information. Some individuals have also been robbed; houses were broken into, while others receive strange deliveries from stalkers all because they shared their physical address with the world, and someone else with evil intentions used that information to their advantage.

Faking Profiles

Faking profiles is another issue. Some individuals create fake identities and use them to harass and insult others. There have been cases of people committing suicide after they consumed rude comments from Facebook. Undoubtedly, whereas social networking platforms could present their advantages, using them could make one feel isolated, anxious, and unhappy. The high number of filtered photos and luxurious lifestyles posted on Facebook tends to affect many individuals' self-esteem since most users are inclined to comparing themselves with others.

Lastly, Facebook poses a threat to its users due to its feature that enables one to pull up information about another user from the platform. With this access it could determine if an individual gets their dream job or not. That is because the majority of the companies nowadays use social networking platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, to do background checks on their potential candidates seeking jobs.


In conclusion, it is not right for people to face victimization because of the negative impacts of Facebook. Social media often humiliates, distracts, and destroys an individual through entertainment. If we would invest our energy into things that help in human development and reduce the use of Facebook and other social networking platforms, then perhaps we will no longer be walking over the damages presented by these sites to society. Evaluating the time used in Facebook would aid in eliminating the confidentiality, detrimental concerns, as well as bullying that flows through communities. Although it is essential to continue communicating with family and friends through Facebook, it still rests as a public platform that gets its users into trouble for uncalled actions.

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