Factors that will Affect Saudis Vision 2030 - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-12-23
Factors that will Affect Saudis Vision 2030 - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Policy World
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 745 words
7 min read


Saudis vision 2030 is a policy framework geared towards diversification of the Saudi economy by investing in sectors such as health, tourism, infrastructure, education, and recreation thereby reducing the over-dependence on oil. The vision 2030 aims to establish Saudi Arabia as one world top commerce hub (House, 2017). There has been a problem known as ‘resource curse’ that have bedeviled countries with abundant natural resources due to little varied economy that have inhabited grow. As Saudi Arabia moves towards the realization of vision 2030, various factors play a critical role in accomplishing the vision. The factors that of vital importance include inflation, present value, and the future value must be understood as Saudi works towards her vision 2030.

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Present value (PV) refers to today’s value of a future amount of money given a quantified rate of yield. It holds that a sum of money today is worth more than the same sum of cash in the future. In contrast, future value refers to measures the future amount of money that a certain sum is worth at a given time. Inflation, on its part, refers to an overall increase in prices and a drop in the purchasing power of the currency That a product value will be higher tomorrow than its value today (Al Fozan, 2019)

Ideally, this gives an individual a good picture of what is the estimation of the sum in the here and now that an individual will get in the future. It helps in dynamism in the projects. For instance, there are two ventures A and B, and if the higher present value will be gotten later on for venture A than B, then it is beneficial to choose A (given the various boundaries are same/fairly same). The same is the situation when there is an outflow of money in the future (Beers, 2018). Then it is analyzed which task has the most reduced cash flow by calculating the current estimation of the outflow estimation of both projects.

Project administrators work out the current value for the inflows and outflows and look at all the potential activities and afterward think of the ideal choice/venture/plan, which will benefit the organization. The same is the situation with future value; this is the value of the cash in the future when you have the cash at present. By and large, the future value is determined for projects which include money related instruments. The equation for future value is Future value = Present Value *(1 + R).

Leaders must have this information, considering Saudi Vision 2030, because there would be numerous cases when it is important to choose because of certain limitations picking one would be possible. So knowing about the cash stream is significant and realizing its careful worth is essential to make choices. The leaders, just like managers, must understand the interplay of the above factors to navigate the country to vision 2030 successfully.

The factors discussed above will affect Saudi Arabia as her Vision 2030 is working to transmute the kingdom, and this will take place with public ventures so the cash has to be spent judiciously and earnings have to be factored. That is why the said aspects will affect Saudi’cs Vision 2030.

Selected Article Summary

Accord to (House, 2017)Some financial reformists trust that building up the economy will boost advancement in administration and organizations or resident commitment with the government. For other youthful Saudis, improving the personal satisfaction, giving greater diversion, and just creation Saudi Arabia more fun would be a significant gain for the initiative; while Saudi Arabia is never going to be Dubai, the UAE model of social advancement without political progression is one that impacts the discussion over the locale.

However, for the individuals who are probably going to be washouts from the rebuilding of the economy, a diversion economy will generally be a costly extravagance. Vision 2030 will be viewed as a Westernization venture for a certain minority. There is a danger of a reaction against the economic and social changes, a Saudi adaptation of populism with a solid enemy of a Western component.


Al Fozan, A. (2019). Chairman KPMG in Saudi Arabia. https://assets.kpmg/content/dam/kpmg/sa/pdf/2019/inflationary-trends-in-saudi-arabia.pdf

Beers, B. (2018, April 2). Why the Time Value of Money (TVM) Matters to Investors. Investopedia. https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/033015/why-time-value-money-tvm-important-concept-investors.asp

House, C. (2017). Vision 2030 and Saudi Arabia’s Social Contract Austerity and Transformation. https://www.chathamhouse.org/sites/default/files/publications/research/2017-07-20-vision-2030-saudi-kinninmont.pdf

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