"Fahrenheit 451" and "1984." Paper Example

Published: 2023-05-01
"Fahrenheit 451" and "1984." Paper Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Ray Bradbury Fahrenheit 451 1984 George Orwell Comparative literature
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1118 words
10 min read

"Fahrenheit 451" and "1984" present gradual dynamics in contemporary society that is hard to be noticed since the mindsets of the majority of the people change with the society involved. Such transformations change the entire system and the setting in the society, hence resulting in integrity and brain manipulations among the society members that, in turn, make them incognizant of the profound changes. This research article aims at comparing and contrasting a common theme in "Fahrenheit 451" by Ray Bradbury and "1984" by George Orwell in transforming society and identifying the author who utilized more elements in bringing up this thematic aspect explicitly.

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Comparing and contrasting a Theme in "Fahrenheit 451" and "1984."

The main explicit theme broadly presented by the two authors is the theme of societal transformation. The changes that occurred during the ancient years of the cold war when the world superpowers were involved in the struggle for supremacy and the aspect of freedom in most of the societies which were still in the bondage from them then oppressors (Ronnov-Jessen, 1984). Fahrenheit 451 uses various examples to describe the gradual changes in the societies where freedom gets identified and the core parameter pressing for such transformative calls.

Both "Fahrenheit 451" and "1984" depicts societal settings that believe in dystopian fiction and believe in transformation and changes in future societies. The two novels develop predictions of how the future societies will be regarding the items being imposed by the authorities. However, most of the predictions and speculations indicated in the novels show that the anticipated future has not yet occurred and hence putting the society members at the urge to prove the realities of such predictions (Bartleby Research, 2020). The future depicted is, however, very near, and it is just a matter of a short time before it is reached. The implementation of the changes tends to be mandatory but taking different approaches, as presented by the authors.

Moreover, the two novels present the compliance of the two main protagonists, such as Winston Smith and Guy Montag. Government is the sole body issues directive and regulations that the people need to adhere to in ensuring that most of the anticipated future gets achieved with all the parties on board being the major drivers. The two protagonists in the novels play a critical role in enhancing the transformation preached by those in authority is accomplished through the use of various approaches that entailed using the oppression methods or the other way where the society members are engaged more softly and liberally (Bartleby Research, 2020). Based on this aspect, where two characters in both contexts play important roles in the novels, it upholds a similarity between the two books in presenting the central themes.

In contrast, the two novels depict some of the contrasting items in the society where "Fahrenheit 451" by Ray Bradbury presents a civilized society where transformation and other dynamic changes occur silently. The parties involve slightly notices such changes since the whole system, including them, get embedded in the dynamism (Bartleby Research, 2020). On the other hand, and "1984" by George Orwell indicates an oppressed society where the changes are enforced oppressively and brutally that it has negative implications and perceptions of the stakeholders involved. The changes in the society are explicit because the transformational approach hurts the parties and hence making them separated from the system. George asserts that the main parties in the change process are spectators and participating in the process from outside the system hence making the transformation process have mixed perception reactions unlike in "Fahrenheit 451" where the change is within. All the parties participate in freedom change from within.

Moreover, another explicit difference between the two novels is that "1984" by George Orwell exploited the use of historical material such as the literature sources and documentations to pass the intended message to the society members unlike in the "Fahrenheit 451" by Ray Bradbury where the author never employed and literature material in demonstrating the censorship and transformation that occurred in the society (Bartleby Research, 2020). Therefore the society in "1984" had rich knowledge about the past and hence had some light on the future and how it would look like as compared to the "Fahrenheit 451" by Ray Bradbury where the people in the society had no historical knowledge and hence making the gullible to the change they do not know. Based on these contrasting aspects, the two novels, it is clear that the two novels presented a common item but in using different approaches.

The Author uses the Elements of Literature More Effectively to Bring out the Theme

"1984" by George Orwell uses literature and other documentation in bringing up the theme in the context. The setting in this context uses various aspects such as the screens and the "thought-police" systems in monitoring the activities and movement of the people. In the "Party" incident, the members of the society are persuaded into believing that the transformed future they had been thinking and anticipating for was right there. Therefore, they were required by the authorities to dance to their tunes and did as required since failure to observe the required guidelines would lead to oppression. The use of "thought police" instilled fear in the society members and hence gave in to the changes that the authorities wanted for a transformed future (Bartleby Research, 2020).

Based on the comparison of the two presentations by both authors, "1984" by George Orwell uses more elements in trying to underpin and reinforce the thematic aspect in the book on the transformation in society. The book enables the readers to have an appropriate reflection on the real issues that are affecting the current society. It creates a sense that makes people in contemporary society fast-track on their lives, values and virtues, and other life items they have chosen to follow. It is important since flashbacking on the lives people are living enables them to be conscious of their environment and be cognizant of changes in their surroundings.

In conclusion, both "Fahrenheit 451" by Ray Bradbury and "1984" by George Orwell are novels that present a vast number of similarities due to common themes of censorship transformations, which take center stage in both contexts. However, the perceptions of the people about the future in such societies varied from one novel to another due to the different approaches used by the authorities trying to impose transformational rules in each society. "1984" by George Orwell uses widespread literature materials that enlighten the society members about the past, unlike in "Fahrenheit 451" by Ray Bradbury, where the society is incognizant about the past.


Bartleby Research, (2020). Fahrenheit 451 Vs. 1984 - 970 Words | Bartleby. (2020). Retrieved 25 March 2020, from https://www.bartleby.com/essay/Fahrenheit-451-Vs-1984-PK3PP83VUXZW

Ronnov-Jessen, P. (1984). World Classics and Nursery Rhymes: Emblems of Resistance in Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 and George Orwell's 1984. George Orwell and, 59-72.

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