Falling Injuries: A Growing Concern for Older Adults - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-11-15
Falling Injuries: A Growing Concern for Older Adults - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Medicine Healthcare
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 506 words
5 min read

Injuries regarding fall continue to be an area of concern and as a task across the care field. In some parts of the world, e.g., the United States of America, intentional falls are considered to be the most cause of injuries, which are not fatal, especially to people over 65 years. In community-dwelling people, it is confirmed that over 32% of them who specifically are above 65 years fall annually (Ioannis et al. 2020). Females are said to be falling in a more frequency manner than men.

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Fall injuries occurrence in acute inpatient is approximated to range from 6-44 percent, where fatal injuries like head injuries resulting from falls are said to occur less by about 2-8 percent. Due to these issues, fall injuries are considered to be preventable. Since they are preventable, injuries that are related to falls should not occur, especially while a patient is a care facility.

To the patients who are in the long term healthcare system, it is reported that an average of 30-54 percent of them falls as they stay. Since you want to implement the change, another thing to focus on is the financial sources and impacts. Nurses need to be recruited to be overlooking at the specified patients as a way of making prevention possible. Quality measures need to be put in place to prevent health care errors. Nurses are essential members of the health care facility, and their doings are so crucial to the success of the recital excellence squad.

The health information systems are so crucial to any facility. The system will help in mastering the patient's index, health information exchange (HIE), thus enabling the recruits to figure out the involved patient quickly. Since it is designed to manage health data, it will make the assignation of nurses to the concerned patients easily. For continued viability, the organization needs to include some processes such as evaluation of the results, the determination of activities in the healthcare system, improving on medical technologies, the level of taxes, and even hospital bills increase (Tres et al. . .2016). The hospital needs to operate, and then some strategies need to be produced to maintain the flow of health care services.

Communication is the main point of any firm. For the case of a health facility, communication between departments enables continued engagement between departments. a good relationship needs to be created To achieve that. In my proposal, sharing of information needs to be made standard; another thing is to create an environment where communication is all about more exceptional achievements while dealing with the falling issue in any health facility.


Tres, D. P., Oliveira, J. L. C., Vituri, D. W., Alves, S. R., Rigo, D. D. F. H., & Nicola, A. L. (2016). Quality of care and patient safety: an assessment based on indicators. Cogitare enferm, 21(5), 1-7.

Ioannis Moisoglou, R. N., Aris Yfantis, R. N., Petros Galanis, R. N., Aikaterini Pispirigou, R. N., & Athina Theoxari, R. N. (2020). Nurses' Work Environment and Patients' Quality of Care. International Journal of Caring Sciences, 13(1), 108-116.

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