Free Essay on Fear No More The Heat O' The Sun - Shakespeare's Poem Analysis

Published: 2020-06-18
Free Essay on Fear No More The Heat O' The Sun - Shakespeare's Poem Analysis
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  English literature Poem Shakespeare
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1274 words
11 min read

Shakespeare's Fear Not Anymore implies that troubled individuals have finally escaped the agonizing conditions that circumvent their lives on a day-to-day basis. One should feel relieved that these troubles have come to pass and that the troubles life has to offer are long gone. Its somber attitude does not go unnoticed by any chance. The idea that there is life lost makes it gloomier than the consolation it offers.

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It can be seen that the bereaved has had so much pain trying to swallow the fact that he has suffered in the loss of his lover. He is so tormented that he can only express his pain by imagining how the lover will be at ease because she could not be there to experience the agonies that life has to offer. He seems to cloud himself with the idea that he is now left alone to deal with the complexities that life has to offer. The poet says, Fear not the heat o the sun (1). This statement represents the challenges we face day in day out. The last line of stanza says, As chimney sweepers, they come to dust (6). Here the poet clearly indicates that everyone could die anytime in their lives. He uses this very idea to comfort himself that death is not limited to his yard only.

The poets message is rather depressing than comforting. His only concern is his feelings. It is clear to him that death befalls everyone no matter how old the person is. It is only a matter of time before this happens. It could happen to the golden lads and girls, to the sceptre and even the physic (11). Even though we may discern the message differently, line five of stanza two seems a bit scary to me. Daring death is one thing, but having its reality striking ones nerve is another, things come to dust. It cannot be much clearer how agonizing that statement is given that it has been mentioned three times in the entire poem (

If life is worth living then the poet will be probably wrong in his message. Life to him is nothing close to merriment and Marilyn is nowhere close to conception. To him life is a constant source of trouble burdened to humanity. The soaring sun to the sneering thunderstorms will bring goose bumps to anyone who is experiencing life. To a much more degree, his message according to my perspective encourages death. He does not give hope to people who are in such depressive situations as he is. All he is doing is making sure that he eases into his situation but dragging people in a completely different direction. In my mind, I imagine someone bereaved and troubled by life. He or she might commit suicide citing the message from the poem in order that they may escape these problems with life which in this case is the horror we should fear not after it has left us.

How the poet conveys his message about death is very strategic. His style of diction helps him drive the point home first to himself and then to the lover. His words on life could be harsh but what more could he use to comfort himself? Words like golden lads and ladies (5) exquisitely define the beauty that lies in being young. He then contrast the exquisite choice of that lot he defined in the poem with chimney sweepers. It is so much contrast that there is an image of two distinguished sections of humanity in it. But finally, they have the same fate. The words he chooses helps him to point out to the listeners that there is only one course that they are subject to undergo no matter their social standing. We all are reduced to dust.

The nature of heebie-jeebies created by words chosen will vary depending on how serious something is. Even in legal practice, the most innocent of all will be condemned to life depending on the words that will solicit the jurys opinion. The same goes for a poet who seeks to sink a point home. This excerpt not only explores and exploits diction to capture the attention of his listeners but nails it in the flesh by use of repetition. Repeating words such as come to dust three times makes the message better placed. It serves as a constant reminder of death. In its cognitive form, relative to the poet, dust is used to show that there is nothing worth attached to an individual. Repeating it only stresses the fact that there is no way we can evade death.

Notably, among the themes discussed earlier, we can clearly see the way there is a contrast being made known about life and death. It makes it easy to understand to the listener the intended message from the poet. The peacefulness death has to offer is a complete different direction that his stand on death is. He, through his experience, opine that death is spiritual reward. It is the only path through which humanity will know peace and no worries from life which is horrifying. The two different directions make it easy to understand emotional problems the poet is facing in the wake of his lovers death (

In the book of Genesis, in the Bible, God cursed Adam and his descendants for disobedience. The phrase used in the Bible is more or less similar to the one used in the excerpt about coming back to dust. Allusion from the Bible tells us that most of the listeners were Christian. Christians normally view death as punishment from God for their lack of respect.

Apart from allusion we can also identify various styles adopted by the poet in his poem. Imagery is seen in the first stanza.

Fear no more the heat o' the sun; Nor the furious winter's rages, Thou thy worldly task hast done, Home art gone, and ta'en thy wages; Golden lads and girls all must, As chimney sweepers come to dust (1-6).

We have a clear mental image of how the sun can be so harsh yet thunderstorms have the same adverse effect as the heat from the sun; we can also visualize the golden lads and ladies ending up being dust with the chimney sweepers along with them. The tone in the poem is varying; it is a somber mood all through but that is from the listeners point of view. The poet seems to be in a deep dialogue with his beloved. He talks to her about the agonies of life and the home she has found. His tone to her is uplifting and encouraging at the same time (Sir).

The poem is more depressing than encouraging to those who have not been in a similar fix as the poet. It creates a monster out of life and an angel in death. It makes it seem like the only remedy of the horror is death. Death to me is horrifying. It is not about what it has to offer but what we can make of it. It can be hard to discern the position of the poet but in his confusion and distress he is reaching out to his beloved to comfort her rather than himself.

Work cited,. 'The Wondering Minstrels: Fear No More The Heat O' The Sun -- William Shakespeare'. N.p., 2015. Web. 14 Oct. 2015.

Sir, Mr. 'Fear No More The Heat O' Th' Sun - CIE Literature'. CIE Literature. N.p., 2014. Web. 14 Oct. 2015.,. '+++ ______ Fear No More The Heat O' The Sun _____ +++ By William Shakespeare'. N.p., 2015. Web. 14 Oct. 2015.

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