Fearful Awakening: Environmental Consciousness in 'The Happening' - Free Paper Example

Published: 2024-01-23
Fearful Awakening: Environmental Consciousness in 'The Happening' - Free Paper Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Environment Movie Human Nature
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1377 words
12 min read

The Happening movie talks about the way that nature is planning on revenging humanity. Fear is notable in this film in various forms, for it can be noted that there are several people that are losing their lives in ways that cannot be described as normal. They are dying of mysterious deaths, and this is why the situation is dire. The crisis that affects the current world includes the distrust that exists among people, the inability to respect nature, and the lack of awareness. These are issues that are creating an element of uncertainty, and humankind is fearing for the future. The main message in this film is the urgent need to save the planet, and this is mainly conveyed by creating fear among the viewers. The film relies on philosophy and faith, and it is a better depiction of where humans stand at the moment, it raises their questions about the beliefs that they have in life. The existence of violent and bloody scenes is creating fear, and it seeks to show what humans are doing to the world. People should struggle to engage in the right activities, for this is the only thing that will guarantee a better future for everyone (Shyamalan). People are expected to develop courage, which should incorporate their ability to do the right things, even in situations of fear.

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Through fear, the movie is making the viewers think about their faith and life though in a fearful way. Based on the film director, there is a general consensus that the movie will trigger an element of fear among the viewers and make them act towards making the world a better place for the coming generations. However, the problem with this argument is that it may fail to realize the desired outcome. The film relies on fear to make humans act in a given way, but there is a possibility that humankind will not act. Out of the fear created in them, they may decide to recoil and wait for their fate after realizing that they have already desired their universe. Therefore, it is not all the time that the appeal to fear will have the intended impact on the lives of the viewers.

The process of relying on this argument has its share of weaknesses considering that it is not everyone that is going to be triggered to act by the fear created in this film. There is a group of individuals who will not take the assertions raised in this movie seriously, meaning that the directors will not manage to realize their desired goal. Additionally, when notifying people about an issue that is happening in a community, there are those that manage to act in the desired manner when they are shown the reality of an issue, and this means that they should not be placed under fear for them to react. However, there is another group that is highly likely not to be moved irrespective of the details that are presented to them.

The appeal to fear is liberally used with the intent to send the message home that human beings are acting indecently, and are damaging nature. There is an urgent need to change their ways and ensure that they are acting in the right way, for this is what will save the world and ensure that everyone is living happily and in an environment that is conducive to their living process.

Some of the instances that depict fear include when the wind is blowing, leading to the crowds freezing in place, and then everyone that is in Central Park commits suicide. A while later, some construction workers are walking on the rooftop, and they end up committing suicide. In this scene, there is panic, and the suicides are causing fear amongst people. Reporters are seeking to determine whether it is a terrorist attack or whether there is a government program that did not go as planned. Even scientists are worried that the attack may be coming from unexpected sources that do not understand. The issue is worrying since everyone does not understand the cause of the issue, and this means that they cannot manage to control it.

There exists violent content in this film that makes viewers worry and become fearful. There is an episode where a woman manages to insert a six-inch hairpin into her throat, and there is a man who gets his hands ripped off in a zoo by a lion. There is a moving lawnmower that chops an individual that falls in front of it. A policeman manages to put a gun to his head and pulls the trigger while there is a person who slashes his wrist with a glass. The issue of people dangling from a tree is creating fear among the viewers, and this is made worse by the driver of a jeep accelerating and then hitting a tree. An elderly woman smashes a windscreen, and a man shoots two teenagers at point-blank are some of the scenes that are noted to create fear in this film. The idea of the director is to make the viewers react and protect nature when they realize these fearful scenes.

In this movie, there may be an assertion raised by viewers that there is a possibility that the world would be better without human beings. The human race has played a role in its extension and destruction of the natural environment, and this means that there is a possibility that the world would be a better place without human beings in it. However, the movie’s main idea is that human beings should be involved in the conservation of the environment to ensure that it remains in a replenished state. There is a great need to care for the damaged materials, for this is what will ensure that all the resources that have lost their vigor will replenish. Human beings have the capability to manage the issues that are destroying the environment including global warming, which is causing more harm than good. The technological devices that humans have invented are causing significant damage to the universe, and there is a need to reverse these problems in the near future. The move will ensure that the various details that have happened in this film will be evaded, for there will be no people dangling from a tree or people slicing their throats.

Some of the personifications that are noted in this film include the instances in which plants are stated that they will attack humanity. The situation is absurd since the plants are given the fighting features that are seen in humans that allow them to attack others. The environmental disasters that are happening in this movie seem to only target humans, and there are no other life forms that are affected.

Nature is given a lot of credit in this field to the extent that it is exalted to the level of a pagan deification, and it relates to the assertions raised in The Monkey Koan in a distinct manner. It seems that the environment would perform better if human beings suddenly disappeared from the earth’s surface. The life forms are likely to evolve, and there will be limited instances of radioactive elements getting to damage the natural environment (Sharf). It is critical to note that any species that extends to overstretch the resources available, for it is highly likely to experience a population, and that is where the human race is headed.


In conclusion, The Happening movie relies on the concept of fear to work toward sensitizing human beings that they need to change and ensure that they are conserving the environment. In this field, there are many instances that create fear including people hurting themselves, getting into accidents, and others committing suicide. There are assertions that, based on the movie, the world would be a better place when the human race is eliminated. However, the truth is that human beings should ensure that they are conserving the environment by engaging in activities that are not harmful to the environment.

Work Cited

Sharf, Zack. M. Night Shyamalan Made His Peace With Mark Wahlberg Bashing ‘The Happening’. 2019. IndieWire. https://www.indiewire.com/2019/01/m-night-shyamalan-mark-whalberg-the-happening-1202033986/

Shyamalan, Night. The Happening. 2008.

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