Federal Policy Analysis and Recommendations

Published: 2022-12-06
Federal Policy Analysis and Recommendations
Type of paper:  Critical thinking
Categories:  Finance Analysis Technology
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1665 words
14 min read

The world is shifting fast, and so are the conditions. There are sufficient reasons to believe that society has grown exposed to various schools of thoughts that have opened the path for the adoption and access to more significant opportunities for all gender. The social welfare still forms the backbone of social development in many countries of the globe. In this case, therefore, the civil rights and push for the adoption of the social rights in line with human rights reforms have taken center stage of the various improvements that the society so much longs to get. The creation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that carried with it tones of benefits in the social work framework. The Civil work Act of 1964 brought about plenty of benefits concerning the overall rights especially for beating the rise of gender discrimination that had formed part of the social disorder across many nations.

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Policy's Implementation in Regards to Social Justice

The Civil Rights Act 1964 was appeared to be the final triumph over such challenges as legal, social and political struggles in the fight to restore social order and fairness in the community. The Act was broadened to espouse not less than eleven sections, all harmonized to prohibit social discrimination relating to unemployment, public accommodation, and rights as well as access to facilities. The final upholding to this Act seen as the surest victory to legal struggles that relate to years and long periods of social disorder and discrimination across nations. The success of the Act realized by the momentary upholding of human rights as well as the creation of an atmosphere that respects and recognizes gender uniformity. The Act terms it as illegal to discriminate against an individual purely based on their gender. Therefore, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is the most significant stepping stone towards the recognition and acceptance of the fact that all humans have rights that must be respected and upheld by all people alike.

The implementation of the Civil rights Act did not come at the smooth run. There were myriad of challenges that proved to be great stumbling blocks to the successful implementation of this Act. Congress takes the greatest pride in pushing through some of these policies to their fruitful conclusions which meant that the civil rights are fully protected against violation by the various social sectors of the republic. Despite Congress passing many laws that prohibited gender discrimination, there was always an element of a cultural hindrance that seemed to provide a stumbling block to the overall implementation of the Civil Rights Act.

At the moment, the Civil Rights Act is one of the most significant contributors to the achievement of gender equality for women and minority populations. The Act which was first proposed by John F. Kennedy in 1963 offers some services and programs that target the general people and the minority groups alike. The Civil Rights Act provides adequate avenues for Equal Opportunities. The equal opportunity is the clearest signal to the rise and the achievement of social justice in the overall world. The Act was also incorporated in the United Nations Human Rights framework to create a stable and reliable social order across the globe. The actual characteristics relating to gender for both males and females stipulates the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The gender disparity has subjected women to grim cases of abuse and discrimination among other social minority groups. Thus the situation that has been sought for correction by the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

How Culture's Structure and Values Influence Privilege and Power

In many ways, social and culture have intertwined. There are several ways by which culture has continued to serve as the great stumbling block towards the acquisition of uniform human rights for all gender groups alike. The cultural formation of many groups aligned towards the superiority complex that continues to misrepresent the achievements that have been accrued by many of the social elements of the many groups for such a long time. In many ways, therefore, there is every reason to believe that the cultural structure in much society has continued to align the progress that the community has so much tried to achieve in as far as achieving equality and social rights.

The society has a fixed perception relating to the status of women in many ways. For example, the men seen as superior gender that should enjoy all the rights including employment opportunities as well as the rights to enjoy public rights at the detriment of the female gender (McClain 2015). The minority groups such as the disabled as well as the racially segregated groups. The group of people vested with power [perceived to be able to exercise it with authority and definiteness. In this case, therefore, the women, have continued to suffer the exclusion from positions of power reserved for the male gender who have continued to enjoy the same with little or no interruptions.

While the Congress has continued to develop and advance different aspects of social inclusion by introducing some laws that are favorable to the gender inclusion for all members of the society, the males cannot say the same. For instance, the government has established a robust framework to develop and create a firm ground for proper and comprehensive healthcare for all social groups.

Conclude the effectiveness of the policy. What have been the policy's strengths and weaknesses?

The citizens of America, have found the immense value of the 1964 civil rights act. The law banned segregation and discrimination from religion, race, national origin, gender in schools, workplace, federal assistance programs, and public accommodations. For Ofari-Hutchinson, the signing of the Civil rights act bill triggered, "a profound awakening" to the cases of racial injustice African Americans were facing around America, and to the introduction of the political world. Other civil right leaders and Ofari called proposed that 2nd July should be a "Civil right remembrance Day" to honor the 50th anniversary of the signing of the act. For the meantime, the Councilman Bernard Parks is scheduled to introduce the program to accept the step.

"It changed America," said Ralph D. Fertig, a USC social work professor who petitioned the Congress to permit the bill as an affiliate of the Leadership Forum on Civil Rights. "Beforehand the Civil Rights Act, employers were free to advertise positions saying 'No Negroes need to apply' or 'Whites only,' and the notion of holding interracial meetings in the majority of the federations in the South was intolerable. Restaurants and hotels were permitted to victimize with freedom. There was no means they could be forced to reunite, and there were still sign boards up that said colored washrooms, white bathrooms, colored springs, white spouts."

Schools were affected immensely by the Civil Rights Act. Although the Supreme Court had ruled in the "1954 Brown v. Board of Education case" that isolation in schools was characteristically unfit, there were incremental purposes of integrating public schools and universities in the succeeding years. "The Civil Rights Act obligated schools to take real steps to end exclusion, whether it was by transporting, redistricting or the creation of lodestone institutes," said Fertig.

"It intended that African American and white kids got to identify each other in school, just as Title VII of the act prohibited discrimination in the workplace, it got workers to interact with one another and find out they were human beings," Fertig, an elderly federal administrative judge and a former Freedom Rider in Chicago, said.

The president of the Carson-Torrance branch of the NAACP, Joseph Alford went to an isolated high school in Anniston, Ala., in the 1950s (Andrews & Gaby 2015). After a stretch in the U.S. Army, he later went to the then-all-black Alabama State College. As he was living in Montgomery, Ala., he objected with other civil rights leaders and kings and he brawled to modify the system unfair voter registering practices (Hersch & Shinall 2015).

Consequently, The Civil Rights Act of 1964 also debarred the unequal application of voter registration requirements. It surfaced the way for the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which abolished biased learning tests and provided other defenses. "I was excited because it would encourage a lot of black folks to get into the workplace because other persons would be able to vote without being harassed and that was a good thing," Alford Carson, remembered (Berg 1964).

Provide recommendations to improve the policy or to replace it with alternative solutions through an advocacy framework.

One of the best bills to be implemented in the United States was the 1964 Civil Rights Act. In any way, the statement cannot be replaced, but only a few adjustments could be made to improve the bill. By the fact that educational disparities still exist in American schools, the United States Department of Education can pass alternative policies to bridge the existent gaps in the public schools across the state. One of the rules in schools that have to be improved is the rule on suspensions (McClain 2015). Based on research, K-12 students are three point eight times likely to get suspensions as compares to the white pupils. In conclusion, the Civil Rights act brought a sense of equality and peace amongst the various races in the United States. As a final point, the bill is a fort of refuge for the American people, it has and will being of use to the United States.


Berg, R. K. (1964). Equal Employment Opportunity Under the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Brook. L. Rev., 31, 62.

McClain, L. C. (2015). Symposium--The Civil Rights Act of 1964 at 50: Past, Present, and Future.

Hersch, J., & Shinall, J. B. (2015). Fifty years later: The legacy of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 34(2), 424-456.

Andrews, K. T., & Gaby, S. (2015, June). Local protest and federal policy: The impact of the civil rights movement on the 1964 Civil Rights Act. In Sociological Forum (Vol. 30, pp. 509-527).

McClain, L. C. (2015). Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Legislating Morality: On Conscience, Prejudice, and Whether Stateways Can Change Folkways. BUL Rev., 95, 891.

Dobbin, F. (2018). The Sorry State of Civil Rights.

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