Free Essay Example: Filmon Adelehey

Published: 2023-10-11
Free Essay Example: Filmon Adelehey
Essay type:  Autobiography essays
Categories:  Arts Personality Personal experience
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 518 words
5 min read

I am 30 years old Filmon K. Adelehey born in 1990 in Asmara, Eritrea. I have a lot of personalities and generally an ethical code of conduct reflecting on my humble background. I am also a determined and goal-driven individual always with few words. I like encouraging people I meet daily in this life to be focused on what they do because determination is the key to greatness. I am always interested in recording the likeness of human feelings and emotions through portraits to make us feel that the world around us is familiar, ambiguous, general and memorialized through art.

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I started artwork while still a kid, age 6-7 years old. I would use old pencil colors because at that time I wasn’t in a position to get the right pencil colors, crayons, and the old ones that I used to draw facial portraits. I joined a local art school in Asmara at the age of 14 years and later transferred to a junior school where the art course was to take about one year for complete. After fifteen years, I completed my course and decided to engage myself in trying new life experiences on art and getting to learn a lot from globally known artists. As an artist, I have always been interested in the challenge of expressing the living essence of human beings in its totality, and I always wanted to use portraits to form more of my art. In my artwork, I don’t just want to paint a face but to be able to depict emotions, attitudes, characters, intentions, and moods. I find inspiration in the fragments of nature and interactions with people, held close for reflection. In my painted world, I capture the close likeness of a person on canvas and other surfaces in the form of painting to create both realistic and non-realistic portraits of my subject.

I apply a personal and imagery style on canvas to express the sensual pleasure and the empirical quality of the art. In the process of gaining more knowledge on how to improve my artistic skills, I learned that prominent and conspicuous pieces of art attract many people, and I had to use that concept to mine. I have adapted to making big-scale canvass portraits to express art creativity by making oil on canvass and charcoal drawings to make them more appealing, especially for exhibitions.

I have always wanted to become a solo artist and make lots of local and international exhibitions of my work as I had seen many artists do in my country back in the days. In 2015, I had the chance to represent my country in an international exhibition in Beijing International Art Biennale, a platform for upcoming artists from different countries to share ideas and showcase their artistic works. In August 2016, I moved to the United States due to an increase in political instability in my home country, Eritrea. As an artist, I was not too fond of the denial of freedom of speech and expression because this was partly what my work entailed, expression. Below are samples of my artwork.

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