Paper Example on Final Draft Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder Webpage Review

Published: 2023-03-23
Paper Example on Final Draft Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder Webpage Review
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Internet Parenting Child development Mental health
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1002 words
9 min read

Complaints by the daycare employee or parent that a child is uncontrollable do not necessarily show they lack parenting skills. Children being out of control is a factor that can be associated with ADHD, which is clearly explained on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website. CDC is a government-funded organization that has published a webpage providing the public with scientifically advanced and factual research as well as information necessary for both parents and caregivers. The webpage offers critical information that parents and caregivers can use in knowing whether a child has signs of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). According to the CDC, many children who show signs and symptoms of ADHD may be mistaken as being uncontrollable.

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ADHD affects not only children but also adults. The disorder is increasingly becoming a significant concern in America today. Therefore, CDC intervenes in addressing the issue by informing and protecting the public through the provision of information about various diseases, including ADHD. The information provided in the CDC website is all-encompassing and includes details about where the prognosis of the medical condition, its seriousness and severity of a disorder (CDC, 2018, para. 1). On its webpage, the CDC uses pathos, logos, and ethos to communicate the various details about ADHD.

Pathos denotes the emotional appeal or influence that is projected to the audience. (Ethos, Pathos, and Logos, 2015). The website uses actual pictures that demonstrate how people who have ADHD behave, which draws an emotional connection with the target audience. The language and the references used are not only expressive but also targeted for parents or caregivers of children with ADHD. Parents and caregivers who are either uninformed about ADHD are likely to assume that children just purposely or voluntarily decide to become uncontrollable. With the clear and appropriate information as provided on the ADHD webpage, the child caregivers might receive such behaviours exhibited by children as they grow up differently. The empathetic appeal is present in the emotional connection and understanding. This information shows some sensitivity to its audience, explaining the scientific backing that there is no known cause of ADHD. However, it is has been said that ADHD is passed genetically. For information on getting help to manage ADHD, the CDC has included a reference page with a section to "Get Help", the tone conveys a personal point of view (CDC, 2018, para 12).

The ADHD webpage provides a well-organized analysis of critical information, using logos in a way that it logically appeals to the audience (Walker, 2005). The main page has an inviting image of a doctor and parent who are smiling. Just under the image, the CDC supplies necessary details about ADHD. For example, the signs and symptoms, such as trouble paying attention and acting out. The CDC expresses that symptoms may decrease or go away as the child gets older. The webpage also has different tabs that one can click on for more information - for example, research materials and statistics recommendations. Parents and caregivers can click on the tabs for more information on, "What's New With ADHD". The information is well organized and easy to understand. The way each section of information flows from one section to the next gives the readers a smooth, easy to read perspective. Throughout the website, the CDC supplies links in their data which are peer-reviewed, providing the audience with factual evidence from peer-reviewed publications and research.

Throughout the CDC's webpage, ethos is only used remotely. It is not expressly used in trying to persuade the audience (CDC, 2018, para. 1). However, one display using ethos is the credibility of information and data. Appeal to logic is present where CDC supplies credentials and support every detail using intense medical research, thus ensuring professional rigour and eliminating misinformation. The ADHD webpage shows that there is a twenty-two per cent increase in the number of children with ADHD. The sale of medication, such as Adderall has also doubled during the same period. Adderall medication could have effects similar to amphetamine if taken by someone not who has ADHD. It is also illegal to use or have prescription medication unless it is prescribed to the individual by a licensed physician (FindLaw, 2019). There are side effects that may occur from taking prescription medication. Studies show that Ritalin influences white matter in the brain, specifically, in children ("Radiological Society: ADHD Medication May Affect Brain Development in Children", 2019).

CDC does an excellent job of capturing the emotional reaction of the audience emphasizing the tone and visualization that is used. After analyzing the CDC's website on ADHD, one can see that the site, is truthful, convincing, and appeals to logic, and authority, as well as the emotions of the audience. The CDC has proven its ability to report vital information publicly to parents and caregivers looking for ways to improve the lives of those who have ADHD. Children that show signs of ADHD have a tough time controlling themselves or their behaviors. Although ADHD cannot be cured, it can be managed successfully, and some symptoms.


ADHD facts Retrieved from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, 2018).

Ethos, Pathos, and Logos, the Modes of Persuasion-Explanation, and Examples, (2015). Retrieved from, L. (2018).

Fitzgerald, K. T., & Bronstein, A. C. (2013). Adderall (Amphetamine-Dextroamphetamine) Toxicity. Topics in Companion Animal Medicine, 28(1), 2-7.

Radiological Society. ADHD Medication May Affect Brain Development in Children (2019, August 26). Targeted News Service. Retrieved from

The Rhetoric of Mock Trial Debate: Using Logos, Pathos and Ethos in Undergraduate Competition. College Student Journal, 39 (2), 277-286. ?-06700 Retrieved from URL, https://search.ebscohost.

Walker, F. (2005). The Rhetoric of Mock Trial Debate: Using Logos, Pathos and Ethos in Undergraduate Competition. College Student Journal, 39(2), 277-286. ?-0672002Retrieved from

Washington Drug Possession Laws (FindLaw, 2019). Retrieved from

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Paper Example on Final Draft Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder Webpage Review. (2023, Mar 23). Retrieved from

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