Fire Mountain Program: Improving Self-Esteem Among Adolescents - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-10-15
Fire Mountain Program: Improving Self-Esteem Among Adolescents - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Entertainment Society
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 562 words
5 min read

The paper aims at identifying key Programs, which can be adopted to improve self-esteem among adolescents. Fire Mountain program was chosen for the project. The Program has three distinct outlets dedicated to helping the youth, such as counseling/coaching, youth camps, and residential treatment centers. Residential Treatment Centers is set to serve youths aged 12 to 1y years. The department is monitored and licensed by Colorado human service department. The Program is meant for extreme cases among the adolescent, especially for youth suffering from family conflicts, substance abuse, low self-esteem, and anxiety or depression. Students undertaking the Program have to stay for at least four months, and the curriculum only focuses on the life and relationship skills, personal wellness, resume building, and job skills. The teens are also educated on various issues to ensure they don't fall behind.

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Fire mountain also maintains youth camp activities for adolescent training. Camping activities are designed to ensure youths are empowered, and they feel appreciative of who they are. Other trainings such as healthy decision making, being responsible, and leadership skills are taught to enhance personal responsibility and relation with other people. Coping skills are also emphasized within the camps to ensure various challenges encountered in everyday life are catered for during teen development. Fire Mountain maintains several campaign program. To provide self-courage, self-reliance, self-esteem, and confidence, the Program maintains Rite of Passage Camp for all teens aged between 13 and 17 years.

The camping program is usually carried out outdoor and involves entertaining and challenging activities. Additionally, team leadership camp is an intensive leadership program that offers students with individual personal growth and helps them realize their potential. The Program also entails the Warrior Phoenix Challenge camp, which aims at assisting youths in fulfilling themselves in a manner that contradicts the society's view on them.

Fire Mountain has an intervention program that offers life coaching and counseling services to teens. The intervention aims at maximizing care for adolescents who prefer individualized coaching or counseling as opposed to a residual treatment program. By carrying out the Program outside in nature, the interventions have realized that teaching teens outside their mind helps in determining the root problem at a faster rate (Fire Mountain 2014).

The major topics covered under the coaching program entail activities such as grades, work, life purpose, at-risk behavior, confidence, and self-esteem. The coaching program is, however, not tied to educating the teens alone. It also benefits their parents by helping them understand what their children undergo through and how they can best interrelate with them. The tutors incorporate in the Program are mostly parents since they share firsthand information on the major challenges families face.

Despite the primary target being 13 to 17 years, there are existing plans on how the target audience can be expanded in various ways. Taking a case of counseling and coaching program for parents helps to incorporate the learning outcomes with parents as the immediate adolescent caregivers. Other programs such as Warrior Camp for boys and girls aged between 5 to 13 years prepare young ones as they enter the adolescent stage. By adopting the various programs early enough, preventive measures are achieved hence preventing serious issues affecting adolescence and puberty stage and improving self-esteem. The Program recruits its students through various social media platforms as well as getting referrals from various institutions and counseling agencies.


Fire Mountain (2014). Retrieved from

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Fire Mountain Program: Improving Self-Esteem Among Adolescents - Essay Sample. (2023, Oct 15). Retrieved from

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