Flooding in Nigeria - Free Paper Sample

Published: 2023-12-12
Flooding in Nigeria - Free Paper Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Government Healthcare World Water Disaster
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1414 words
12 min read


Regardless of the flood's terrible encounters, casualties need to make a trip significant distance to help dissemination focuses; be on a long line for extended periods; battle to set up status as casualties to fit the bill for help from the legislature. There is an insufficient arrangement of practical health offices by the legislature to oblige complete, quality, and long haul foundations for flood casualties.

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Improvement in health security and the foundation for flood casualties should be a prioritized measure at Kogi State, Nigeria. This paper investigates the implementation of emergency and medium-term health interventions in populations living in repeat flooding areas of Kogi State, Nigeria.


The predicaments of floods keep on increasing, most particularly in Nigeria at Kogi State. The pith of its consideration in research is never detached to its causes, resulting in the difficult loss of properties and even unsalvageable loss of lives and control measures. Flood is one of the main considerations that forestall Africa's populace from getting away from destitution level (Action Aid, 2006), and the most hit by the flood are normally metropolitan poor (Adetunji and Oyeleye, 2013). A flood results when a river runs out of its limits and lowers encompassing regions (Stephen, 2011).

Also, Kates (1985) characterizes flood as a flood of a breadth of water that lowers land. European Union (2007) considers flood to be a transient covering of land by water, not secured by water before the frequency. Nelson (2001) characterizes flood as a characteristic outcome of stream in a consistently evolving condition. Sada (1988) considers flooding to be curiously high paces of releasing, regularly prompting immersion of contiguous land streams, and it is normally brought about by extraordinary or delayed precipitation.

Flooding is the most widely recognized calamity in Nigeria. Most of Nigeria's states are progressively experiencing yearly flooding during the blustery seasons brought about by expanded precipitation connected to environmental change. In contrast to some cataclysmic events, flooding can be controlled with legitimate arranging and fundamental foundation arrangement. For the most part, Nigeria's flooding is human initiated with current poor metropolitan arranging practices and deficient to non-existent natural framework adding to and compounding the issue.


The nonappearance of a public Flood Risk Management (FRM) procedure or exhaustive flood hazard maps, for instance, are pointers of the absence of consideration paid to Nigeria's flooding issue. This proposes planning and executing sufficient FRM methodologies, including appropriate spatial arranging and framework, to control the floods that antagonistically sway Nigeria's supportable turn of events. Metropolitan foundation, supported by a significant lawful and strategy system, shapes the foundation of human settlements.

Components, for example, FRM measure target lessening the probability of potential effect of floods while spatial arranging, otherwise called metropolitan arranging, town arranging, land-use arranging, and physical arranging, are techniques utilized by the public division to shape the area, appropriation, and interlinkages of land use exercises. Nigerian urban communities are described anyway by a helpless framework, which impacts decency and maintainability. The absence of pertinent lawful and strategy systems is another sign of the low significance given to controlling and overseeing flooding in Nigeria at all three degrees of administrative, state, and nearby governments. To date, practically zero exertion has been appeared by the legislature to take care of this issue.

The Nigerian government and important partners need to act and give health services during flooding, accordingly improving individuals' lives. At that point, the particular health agencies at Kogi State, Nigeria, are affected by the floods. The paper closes by summing up the effects of flooding in Nigeria and calling for aggregate and unequivocal health measures by completely concerned partners to control the flooding danger.

Crowded Nation

Nigeria is the most crowded nation in Africa, with a population of 153 360 912. It is situated inside the jungles along the Gulf of Guinea on the west shoreline of Africa. It is flanked toward the west by the Republic of Benin, toward the east by the Republic of Cameroon, toward the North by the Republic of Niger, and the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Guinea toward the south. The nation has two significant sorts of the atmosphere, which partition the nation into mangrove bogs and tropical jungles in the south, savannah district in the central belt, and desert in the far North.

The stormy and dry seasons range from April-September and October-March individually. Heavy rains lately have caused streak floods in numerous territories of West Africa and the Sahel district. In Nigeria, this has been the most noticeably awful flooding in 50 years. It has left at any rate 431 individuals dead and more than 1,000,000 uprooted. The Federal Capital Territory and 35 out of 37 States have been influenced. Of the 35 States influenced, 14 have endured extreme harm, including decimating extensions and common foundation, health offices, and homes.

Numerous families have migrated into improvised camps, schools, or have families. The windy season isn't yet finished, and the ongoing, constrained arrival of extra dams and stores has expanded the degree and effect of these floods. The flooding has influenced profoundly powerless country networks vigorously dependent on means farming. Essential health administrations are now seriously overstretched. The floodwaters have completely disengaged numerous people groups. Water and disinfection offices have additionally been seriously affected by the flooding.

Water supplies in metropolitan regions incorporate channeled water enhanced by boreholes burrowed by private people. In the rural zones, wellsprings of water incorporate hand siphons and boreholes, and most occupants get their drinking water from the rivers. An enormous level of these water sources is probably going to have been harmed or tainted. Because of the flooding, the Federal Government of Nigeria has announced a crisis and approached the worldwide network for help with requests to adequately react to the calamity, including the preparation of better health services to a state like Kogi that is frequently affected by floods. A fast needs evaluation is in progress by the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT), of which WHO is a part of 14 of the most noticeably terrible influenced states.

Reaction Needed

Reaction to the need for emergency and medium health services is being brought about by the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA). A National Emergency Task Force has been set up to organize the well-being reaction and interface with NEMA. WHO is taking an interest and supporting the Taskforce. The Nigerian Red Cross, neighborhood health specialists and a couple of different NGOs are the fundamental suppliers of emergency and medium health services.

Before the floods hit, the vast majority of the influenced areas in Kogi State still need improvement in their health services. The under-nourishment and ailing health because of the food emergency, congestion, and absence of safe water and disinfection have made most of the Kogi State residents defenseless against illness. Flooding can harm or cause contamination to water sources. This encourages the spread of water related ailments, for example, Cholera. It can likewise increase mosquito reproduction rate and, hence, an increment in vector-borne illnesses, for example, intestinal sickness.

Nigeria is not appropriately portrayed as a debacle inclined nation, yet it has encountered huge scope crises that have cost lives and properties. Nigeria is the monetary center of West Africa, with its coastlines in the south limited by the Atlantic Ocean. A lot of its urban communities and financial center points are based on the shoreline of significant streams. Additionally, there are more than 3,000 neighborhood settlements and fishing networks. The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) is the sole government foundation ordered to embrace and execute the executives’ duties. In an offer to improve NEMA's operational proficiency, the National Disaster Management Framework (NDMF) was created.

The center reason for the NDMF is to direct the executive’s exercises in the nation. The National Disaster Management Framework was exposed to content examination to assess the degree to which the NDMF perceives nearby networks' contributions in the hazard decrease measure. At this juncture, the paper will present board structure in Nigeria and contextual analyses of explicit networks in states that were attacked by floods in 2012 and 2017 and ask about the part of nearby information in a debacle hazard the executives and talk about how the occasions were figured out how to educate holes in the calamity the executive's cycle. A comprehensive quest for materials that address the pith of the exploration subject was directed.


Various scholastic organizations, research bodies, and government offices should be questioned to recognize applicable arrangement reports, gather papers and articles that advocate for implementing emergency and medium-term health interventions in populations living in repeat flooding areas of Kogi State, Nigeria.

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