Paper Example on Fostering Social Change: Student Unions Collaborate to Empower Multicultural Society

Published: 2023-08-26
Paper Example on Fostering Social Change: Student Unions Collaborate to Empower Multicultural Society
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Students Society Multiculturalism
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 603 words
6 min read


The motivation to lead the front in fostering social change is built on the need to help students and the larger society to come to grasp how to appreciate multicultural society. Established on a collaborative framework, the student unions acknowledge the challenge of turf protection but with a clear resolve to work as a team in sharing resources and jointly conduct effective educational programs (Hughes, 2010). Fundamentally, the collaboration is guided by mutual respect and a high level of reliance.

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I have grown comfortable in my skin and have become authentic in recognizing my grassroots. I am a father, and my husband plays a leadership role for both. I would my family has motivated me to cast a clear vision and setting realistic goals. Concerning the numerous challenges, I have gone through to achieve the present academic achievement, I have gained exemplary insights on how to develop a balance of power based on self-perception. I have become aware of my uniqueness to express thoughts and feelings assertively.

In enrolling for the course, I was keen to explore the possibility of becoming competent in organizational management and studying how to become more emotionally autonomous to establish the best way to communicate with others and interact constructively in a socially acceptable manner (Hughes, 2010). The training session was quite insightful in understanding our competencies to gain empowerment while accommodating others. Most importantly, the process was an excellent time for me to come out with a clearer own vision through learning skills purposed for leadership and business development to enhance our assertive techniques.

Besides, the participating members were engaged in other community service works, which helped each of us appreciate life and gather insights on what is needed at the ground to promote education. The participants enjoyed the volunteering programs due to the fact they are offering a helping hand to someone either experiencing life struggles.

Through the course week, I have gained conflict management skills during the class interaction. I learned that conflict in a team is inevitable, but the most important thing is to identify it earlier and solve it to prevent a crisis. In regards to competency, I am now more competent in managing a large team. Therefore the project has sharpened my leadership skills. Management of resources is also something I have come to learn a critical aspect since financial constraints can derail the gains of a project. While I am continually trying to fulfill my responsibilities and leading teams in community service, I believe the coursework and insights on future leaders' development will help me practice transformational leadership in my education and support other community-based initiatives. It is with great hope and appreciation for the foundation in providing a leadership platform for students. The course is a preface in my journey of educational and leadership goals that humbles me, knowing that I will become the best out of unaverred support.


Reflectively, transformational leadership and organizational management go hand in hand, and it is imperative to develop mindfulness to meditate through the process to become aware of ourselves and ought to be applied in daily life to achieve the benefits. It is a moment that we need to experience because it is a pure and untainted exercise that helps us to regain energy. Individuals question the focus on information concerning standard management practices, such as the management processes, practitioners who operate in some standard, understandable settings, or competing understanding environment. Such perceptions raise the questions about leadership centric theories that dwell on personalities, position, and productivity.


Hughes, M. (2010). Managing change: A critical perspective. Kogan Page Publishers.

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Paper Example on Fostering Social Change: Student Unions Collaborate to Empower Multicultural Society. (2023, Aug 26). Retrieved from

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