Free Argumentative Essay on Smartphone Controversy

Published: 2022-05-19
Free Argumentative Essay on Smartphone Controversy
Type of paper:  Argumentative essay
Categories:  Information technologies
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1806 words
16 min read

The emergence of smartphones in the modern world has contributed positively in line with the technological advancement needed in the current situation. Notably, the beneficial aspects of the introduction of the smartphone have enlightened most users to fundamentally understand the operating systems, the networking and general aspects of communication. Apparently, the controversial issues around the smartphone are an ongoing debate and the discussions noted in different articles. One of the major controversial issues pertaining the use of the smartphone is the impacts of the smartphones on the cognitive abilities of the users around the entire globe. The motive of this paper is to compare and contrast the controversial approaches and the full impact of the use of smartphones in the contemporary world.

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Comparison and contrasting issues on smartphones

The most controversial issues surrounding smartphones includes the cognitive contribution of the device is revealed in a number of an articles put forward by different authors. On the other hand, a report by Chun et al. focuses on the effects of excessive use of smartphones on the brain activities concerning the emotional attribute in the society. According to Chun, excessive use of smartphones does not increase the mental functioning but instead creates the negative perception, intelligent and the general regulation of emotions. In comparison to Wilmer et al., in the article reveals the connection between the routine technological operations and the cognitive functioning of the brain, from the in-depth article analysis of the report, exposes the adverse adaptive effects of smartphones by the users on the emotional, behavioral and the intellectual aspects of an individual.

According to Chun, the impact of excessive use of smartphones has a direct implication on the facial emotions, from the research conducted using the behavioral activating system reveals that the excessive use of the smartphones causes a deactivation in the neural functionality. The constant smartphone users depict a responsive level of emotion in both the happy and sad situations. From this analysis according to Chun, the smartphone users are likely to experience the absolute in the cognitive element during the processing stage of the emotions on the brain this may results into the malfunction during the synthesis of the feelings which relate to the social interaction and the use of smartphones. On the other hand, Wilmer in the article revealed that constant use of the smartphone is not aiding the mental functioning but instead has a negative impact on the ability to think. However, the standard connections tend to manipulate the brain to the instant gratification of the ideas in the society. The speedy contemplation of the concepts linked to the global warming since the rate at which the plans interpreted is very high. On the same note, the smartphones spread a piece of information speedily which exposes the users to partial pollution of the environment because of the adoption of technological based methods for the waste disposal and recycling.

Apparently, Wilmer in his article reveals that the constant use if the smartphones have significantly improved the scientific literature at the preamble stages, this aspect is linked to the association between the cognitive skills and the domains in which the scientific research based on substantiating this aspect. On the other hand, Chun argues that the constant users of smartphones are unable in the long run to maintain a stable concentration when performing specific tasks. Notably, the continual erosion of the interpersonal relationship enables the users to adopt tendency linked to the emotional vulnerability. Also, Wilmer affirms that smartphone user continually experiences the low self-esteem due to acute addiction on the device. The users often experience the inability to control craving affairs, depression. Most smartphone users prefer texting as a form of communicating which influence emotions associated with the social aspects of an individual. These emotional developments are linked to the neurotransmitter memory in the central nervous system before it is taken to the brain for interpretation.

According to Chun, the article reveals that over the past, the smartphones have become important in the daily lives of the users pertaining the technological development. Also, the excessive use of smartphone has been considered the potential public health problem which leads to the possible adverse outcome. In comparison to Wilmer asserts that the most significant negative impact of technology on the users is because the smartphones are flexible regarding the functionality. On the same note the aspect of the technique according to the Wilmer, .consider the empirical work offered by the smartphone to the users. On similar account, both the articles portray a negative impact on technology provided by the smartphone.

According to Chun, another controversial issue which is revealed in the articles indicates that a number of the smartphone users often experience complications about the social interaction, the article designates that more people spend much of their time using the smartphone which has the tremendous negative impact on the central nervous system. Imperatively, studies reveal that the individuals who do not feel comfortable with their peers undoubtedly form the group who are prawn to addiction due to constant use of the smartphone. The criteria of the dependence have an absolute impact on the brain neurocircuits which has been known to provide the coordination in the body with regards to the stimulation of the smartphone usage. According to Chun, the addiction often realized prompt the emotional, behavioral and the cognitive aspects of the smartphone users. On the other side, Wilmer tends to explore the entire relationship between the customary smartphones users and the cognitive functioning aspects of the individual. Notably, the implication of the rational stimulus generated by users not clear but the experimental studies relate the effect to the financial impacts which deprive the uses of their cognition.

Chun article reveals that the progressive use of smartphones linked to the controversial issues such the alteration in the manner in which the brain perceives and thereby interpreting the behavioral changes with the emotions generated by the smartphone. The rewards proceeds in mind have the huge magnitude in negating the emotional transition from one activity to another while using the smartphones. Chun in the article correlates the emotional abilities while using the smartphones to the neuron transmitter particle in the brain. The controversy depicts that smartphone users are mainly triggered to gain their rewards. On the other hand, the appraisal stimulus from the use of smartphones supported by system generated in the central Nervous system as a result of the meta-analysis reveals that the emotional preferences depend on the cognitive approaches of the brain which induce the neural activities. Basing the argument on Wilmer's article, the massive use of the smartphone technology has created the controversy linking the mobile technology to the attention generated by the respective user within a scope of time. The article reveals that the adolescent smart phone users are more prevalence in portraying the relationship to the public. The constant use of the smartphones will, the teenage users whose sole regular engagement takes place online, this mode of operation tends to minimize the attention capacities by producing the lesser time in the real conversation with the fellow peers. One of the specific manifestations is that the tendency to remain unconsolidated with the scattered brain undoubtedly result into the peer group of teenagers and youths developing progressively shorter courtesy durations due to their improved interaction with smartphone technology, and use start at younger ages.

From Wilmer's article, the controversial issue which significantly discussed entails the consideration of the use of smartphones about the attention. Most adolescence adopts the ability to stretch more extended hours engaging in the continuous multitasking attitude of technology. In comparison to Chun, the technological advancement has resulted into another set of controversial arguments which links the users to the outcome; the smartphones often portray cognitive change which is the independent part of the brain about the activities done. This nature of the controversy is, therefore, guanine as the emotional status keeps on shifting from time to time depending on the smartphone user.

Chun revelation as indicated in the article exposes another set of the controversial issue that relates the neural activities to the emotional transition from one stage to another. The report reveals that during the passionate face processing the individuals may show a close interaction to the social activities. In other words, the real judgment is m primarily influenced by the emotional state of another individual in the same spectrum. Therefore it is listed that use of smartphones technology is extra receptive to psychological than physical findings. In comparison to the Wilmer's analysis, he reorganized the similar set of controversial engagement which links the use of smartphones, the technological interruptions in the mental and the physical states. On the same account, the adoption of an interruptive motive experienced when the smartphone users drift into the other related activities. This approach clears the controversies that the smartphone users are less receptive to response to the other related tasks. Also, Wilmer's present another set controversial issue that the smartphone users have higher perception ability about regards to the external stimulus. The linked to the constant response gives some form of notification and interactions with the external scope to effectively determine the external forces.

Chun in the article negates the controversial analogies based on the behavioral data analysis which intends to relay the sole interactions between the smartphones and the emotional valence of the individuals or people; the debatable point is that the emotional status cordially linked to the stimulus from the use of smartphones. While Wilmer, the smartphones have also created some of the controversial elements where most people believed that the addiction often caused by the constant use of smartphone could result in the mental health. Though research, shows that magnitude is used to determine the psychological effects of the continuous use of the smartphone.

Significantly, Wilmer's article reveals that the smartphone users usually develop and have a higher tendency to develop impulsivity which in turns create hyperactive emotional behavior. Such disorders create cognitive consequences which later affects the general tone of the smartphone users in comparison to the non-smart phone users. These measure depicted in the heavy smartphone users undoubtedly can reduce the individual capability to adopt the delaying gratification which can trigger the individuals to portray a mature emotional development useful in solving the future impulsive complications. This technique is vital in the hunger and stress management by an individual.

Contrastingly, the Chuns article also attempts to portray a different controversy where the smartphone users tend to link the functionality of the smartphone to the user. The report confirms that the general the heavy smartphone users adopts the addictive nature and are often preconditioned to the cognitive aspects of the body. According to the Chun article, the preconditioning the smartphone to concur with manuals and the dictates of the heavy smartphone users provides the basis of controversial issues.

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