Free Essay Describing the Monowheel Project

Published: 2022-04-20
Free Essay Describing the Monowheel Project
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Design
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1823 words
16 min read

Background to the Project

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The monowheel comprises of an inner and an outer casing. The inner edge has three little wheels that make contact with the outer edge. The outer housing is the first turning haggle a robust elastic tire. The rider sits on the inner side that additionally contains the motor, grip, and impetus component and petroleum/water tank. The fundamental principle of the monowheel is straightforward.

Materials for making a Monowheel

Outer Frame: Should be large and sufficiently severe to sit in, and enable the drive to influence it to move. Use a 50mm distance across steel tube with a wall thickness of around 3.5mm, molded into a 1.5m hoop.

Inner Frame: The inner frame holds the drive, the power source, and seat. The center of mass should be kept as low as possible to enable stability.

Rollers: Rollers allow resolution of the outer ring around the inner frame. Four or more 100mm nylon rollers should be used to facilitate free movement depending on the design.

Power Source: The power source can be an engine that uses petrol, steam power, pedals, or an electric motor. This is chosen depending on personal preferences and the ability to work efficiently.

Drive: A wheel that runs against the inside of the outer ring should be used. A friction-type drive is preferred.

Monowheel Design Methods

First Design Method

Acquire a mountain bicycle wheel: The spokes are removed, the casing, the internal tube and its liner. Keep the internal tube and the liner since they will be required to be used later.


A round gear is made: Note that a monowheel is propelled by a trigger gear at a quick engine. This will need a significant measure of the round gear. The degree of ring apparatus will depend upon the bicycle edge. Fix the least interior width from the wheel edge. This estimation will choose the extreme breadth from the round gear. Impact the external separation crosswise over from the round gear to equip possibly lower than the internal edge estimation. This allows a little division that part of froth lining fills.

After that the round gear is trimmed, it needs openings infiltrated and knocked to rise towards the wheel edge. There might be four openings exhausted so check four borderlines at the lever at clock points twelve (12), three (3), six (6) and nine (9). Guarantee that they team beside the spoke openings. On the off chance that they fulfill, then that is amazing! If they are omitted, Shift the open doors suitably. Clasp the round gear downward and infiltrate openings against the peripheral side through mechanical assembly at each stamp. Precisely when the gap is entered, valve the opening with the 8-32 number tap. Undertake this operation at each one of the four checks all over the gear apparatus. Upon the gaps entered and knocked, the following stage is to discover the spoke openings on the edge that will scale the screws which tighten within the round gear. Openings ought to adapt the 8-32 number of pins magnificently, nonetheless, if they do not, compose them more huge using a hand driller. After that lay the froth layer over the round gear splitting the locations from screws revealed. Fix the ring gear towards the wheel edge and tighten into place.

Cast the tire: The first inward tube can't be utilized considering the fact that the valve axis would distend through the edge in the direction of the gear. Settling this, a froth pool noodle, cut down the center, ought to be full inward the tire supplanting the internal tube.

Make three Frame Roller mounts, chassis Roller gears, Roller gear Spacers and chassis side Rollers: The surge mounts keeps the case focused to inside edge and to shield it from dropping out. Its outline is specific towards the wheel edge so a few tips and measurements may contrast. Assemble the chassis Roller mounts and make the chassis sides which make up the main body of the chassis. Make a steel drive shaft that drives the ring gear with the spur gear. Finally, the frame and the motor are assembled, and the monowheel is tested.

Second design Method

The following are requirements and the procedure for designing the 2nd type of a monowheel.

Outer Frame: Should be large and sufficiently severe to sit in, and enable the drive to influence it to move. Use a 50mm distance across steel tube with a wall thickness of around 3.5mm, molded into a 1.5m hoop [1].

Inner Frame: The inner frame holds the drive, the power source, and seat. The center of mass should be kept as low as possible to enable stability.

Rollers: Rollers allow resolution of the outer ring around the inner frame. Four or more 100mm nylon rollers should be used to facilitate free movement depending on the design [2].

Power Source: The power source for this case is pedaled since this is my preference.


Pedal pully

Drive: A wheel that runs against the inside of the outer ring should be used. A friction-type drive is preferred.

To develop this 2nd type of a Monowheel, start with a thick aluminum tube which is bent into a 6-foot series of spirals, like a huge spring. A metal shop does the initial work of turning the tube. This is done carefully so that the inside edges are not crimped. Note that the spirals will not be entirely round at first. Cut the pieces of the aluminum tube until you have a single circle with flush ends and then clamp the container to a giant steel slab, gasket it down, bump it around, heat it and relieve it, and then weld in place the balance lugs. Work on the wheel until it gets flat and round. Connect the ends of the circle by welding an aluminum lug into the center. To compensate for the lug, weld a scrap piece of equal weight to the opposite side.

The rubber tread for this new wheel originates as several new motorcycle tires which are cut up and stuck to the original rim with unique primers. The frame and outside wheel are glided along the rollers with a soft suspension.

Third Design Method

For this type of monowheel, both heading and speed are controlled through the same physical device; this makes the steering more troublesome. In a dominant part of frameworks, later in the course is affected by the rider moving his or her weight, or in the sudden development making a shearing power between a handhold and the hub that the driver is settled on. Better control can ordinarily be accomplished by bringing down rates.

A gyroscope is needed to provide the turning force. Outboard slides are used to give friction delay one side of the monowheel. Little wheels are utilized for steering; it is possible that one to each side or a single unit either before or behind the monowheel vehicle. Steerable propellers, which could give both steering and energy to move the monowheel vehicle. It has been noticed that having a propeller working close people on foot could be very dangerous that is why this design is not recommended. Furthermore, this type of monowheel has limited horizontal stability. A single wheel can fall over, unless it is extensive or has some dynamic adjustment, for example, a spinner. A few outlines have utilized outrigger slips or little wheels to address this.

Key Objectives for this project

To study about mechanical structure and construction of a monowheel

To design a monowheel from the study conducted.

Benefits of the Project

The main benefit for undertaking this project is that I will acquire enough knowledge and skills to that will enable me to design and come up with a monowheel which will be tested to make sure it is working.

Advantages of a Monowheel


Mono-wheel vehicles rely upon a gyroscopic impact to keep them upright. In any case, when mono-wheel vehicles are intended for human transportation, incredible care must be taken to guarantee that the rider is stationary and does not move in respect to the development or energy of the turning wheel. To achieve this, unpredictable controlling, stability, and parts are required which expands the cost of the gadgets to the degree that the general public can't appreciate the same.

Maximum Radius of the wheel

Another advantage of a monowheel vehicle over multi-wheeled vehicles is that the radius of the wheel is boosted concerning the span of a given vehicle, empowering the vehicle to arrange more significant obstructions than ordinary vehicles arranged on little wheels.

Conserves Human Energy

Monowheel facilitate movement from one place to another, and this does not only conserve human energy but also they are used as means of transport hence they help in time management.

Part B

Resources Likely to be needed

The resources that will be necessary to facilitate this project are as follows:

Enough money

Means of material transportation

Affordable materials for construction

People's time


The estimated costs for this project is summarized below:

The mountain Bike wheel costs $150

The bell that makes the foam inner tube costs $50

The pedals cost $100

The cost for rollers is $150

Gyroscope costs $150

Spirals costs $200

Other necessities will add up to $500

Therefore, the estimated costs for this project is approximately $1150

Gantt chart

Below is a time plan for all the key activities which needs to take place and the estimate of when the activity will be carried out with key dates.

Gantt chart

ACTIVITIES Period in months

February 2017 March-April 2017 May-June 2017 July-August 2017 September-October 2017 November-December 2017

1 Proposal Writing 2 Literature search and review 3 Defending of Proposal 4 Training 5 Collection of data 6 Assembling of materials 7 Constructing of monowheel 8 Evaluation 9 Final Report References

nbsp; Monowheel, W. (2018). What's Inside: Anatomy of a Monowheel | Make: Make: DIY Projects and Ideas for Makers. Retrieved 14 March 2018, from (2018). MonoWheel. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Mar. 2018].

Sahu, M., Shaikh, N., Jadhao, S., Yadav, Y. (2017). International Journal of Research in Engineering Technology. A Review of One Wheel Motorbike, 1141-1142. Doi:

The Monowheel: Man's Most Useless Vehicle Sees A Resurgence | (2018). Retrieved 14 March 2018, from

Sahu, M., Shaikh, N., Jadhao, S., Yadav, Y. (2017). International Journal of Research in Engineering Technology. A Review of One Wheel Motorbike, 1141-1142. Doi: 10.29126/24551341

Russel., J., $ Cohn, R. (2012). Monowheel: Book on Demand

Higgins., N., (2015). The World's Oddest Inventions (2018). MonoWheel. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Mar. 2018].

The Monowheel: Man's Most Useless Vehicle Sees A Resurgence | (2018). Retrieved 22 March 2018, from

H., C. (2018). How do I make a mono wheel? Retrieved 22 March 2018, from

Monowheel. (2018). Retrieved 22 March 2018, from History of the World's Craziest Invention - The Monowheel | Impact Lab. (2018). Retrieved 22 March 2018, from the-monowheel-with-amazing-pics.

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