Free Essay Example: Best Practices that Businesses Use to Create Social Media Presence

Published: 2024-01-20
Free Essay Example: Best Practices that Businesses Use to Create Social Media Presence
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Business Social media
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 999 words
9 min read

In the recent past use of social media has been very useful for the success of a business. The world has been globalized by using social media, and thus most businesses have prospered in their fields by ensuring that they are present on social media platforms. Therefore, for most businesses, it is relevant for them to adopt the best practices they will use to create a presence on social media platforms.

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These practices include creating an integrated social media strategy. Companies make sure that the social media platforms they use or involve themselves serve specific purposes. For example, sales marketing can be the primary purpose of using a media platform. The company will ensure that this particular media is only used for marketing sales. Such a strategy will be fair for the business to create a social media presence since people on these media platforms become customers of the company and succeed. A business should also adapt social media platforms in their communication processes (Adeola, et al. 2020). For example, making announcements through these platforms and communicating among themselves through the use of media use will increase their presence on the social media platforms.

The company should engage and interact with everyone who shows interest in the company's products or practices on social media platforms. The company should develop a team whose sole responsibility should be interacting with the audience through social media presence. They should ensure that the content they put on these media platforms is reliable for their customers. Such an approach will be very beneficial to these companies because it will also attract more customers to buy their products (Vagrani et al. 2019).

Businesses should regularly create and share adjacent industry content on the social media platforms they have involved themselves in. The practice will help the company to build a reputation in the online media. When customers see certain content, they will be able to which company the content comes from. Through this, they get the confidence to get products from the company by just online interaction through the media platforms.

Business persons should create smart goals for involving themselves in online platforms. The goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. For example, they should aim at increasing, let's say, their Instagram response by a certain percentage. Through this process, the business will increase its online presence since it has a particular goal to achieve and increase its online presence (Flanigan & Obermier 2016).

Companies should join relevant conversations on the online media they engage themselves in. By entering the relevant discussions on social media, they create a presence on social media platforms (Sapkota & Vander Putten, 2018). However, without engaging in relevant conversations, such as conversations that concern their products or services' quality and price, it would be hard for them to create a social media presence. Thus, joining these conversations is, therefore, a significant role in the success of these businesses. These conversations will enlighten the customers about the company, and through this, they will gain the company's trust from this interaction.

Create a schedule to post regularly on social media platforms. Posting regularly on media platforms helps in increasing the business's online platforms. With this schedule, they are present on social media platforms regularly since they have a plan that reminds them that they have to post some specific content at a particular time. Thus, the program will serve as a reminder for the business to be present on social media platforms.

Posting regularly also encourages the company to be present on different social media platforms because they will want to see their content from social media platforms' interactions. Through this plan or approach, the presence of the business in social media platforms will be increased, and therefore it is one of the best methods that companies can use to improve their online presence on social media.

Use of online marketing to market the business's products and services. Online marketing is mostly done on social media platforms. If a company opts to use online marketing, it will engage more on social media platforms since it will want to know how many people it has reached since it started online marketing. It will also want to see the sales made from online marketing on social media platforms and even the customers' responses. This eagerness of the companies or businesses to understand online marketing will increase their presence on social media platforms. Online marketing is another best way that companies can improve their presence on social media platforms.


In summation, there are different ways in which businesses can increase their presence on online platforms. However, the above is the best recommendation that these businesses can use to adapt and engage in social media platforms. Regular interactions and engagement in social media platforms have their advantages, including increased sales, which leads to increased profits for the business. As a result, companies need to adopt ways in which they will be able to increase their presence in online platforms for them to be able to enjoy these advantages. Presence in the media platforms will also allow the business to build its brand and credibility, which gives the customers an assurance that the company will deliver to its best potential and satisfy the customer's needs at a fair price.


Flanigan, R. L., & Obermier, T. R. (2016). An assessment of the use of social media in the industrial distribution business-to-business market sector. Journal of Technology Studies, 42(1), 18-29.

Vagrani, A., John, J., Ilavarasan, P. V., & Kar, A. K. (2019, June). Social Media Presence & Usage in Indian Business Sector. In International Working Conference on Transfer and Diffusion of IT (pp. 457-469). Springer, Cham.

Sapkota, K. N., & Vander Putten, J. (2018). Social media acceptance and usage by business communication faculty. Business and Professional Communication Quarterly, 81(3), 328-350.

Adeola, O., Hinson, R. E., & Evans, O. (2020). Social media in marketing communications: A synthesis of successful strategies for the digital generation. In Digital Transformation in Business and Society (pp. 61-81). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

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