Free Essay Example on the Literature of Enlightenment

Published: 2022-12-15
Free Essay Example on the Literature of Enlightenment
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Asia America American history World literature
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 580 words
5 min read


The Enlightenment period in literature refers to the Age of Reason which involve confluence of ideas and activities which happened in Western Europe, American and England colonies which took place across the eighteenth century. Scientific rationalism which was exemplified by several Scientifics in attempt to create a unified society was the hallmark of all activities which are relate to Enlightenment. However, due to close Renaissance heels, most Enlightenment thinkers argued that advances in industry and sciences results to progress of humankind and a new age of egalitarianism. During this period, more goods were produced at cheaper prices. This initiated more travelling among people as several chances were for upward mobile was heightened to change and improve life. Similarly many voices which expressed sharp criticism of cultural institutions which are time-honored were also boosted. Interestingly, the church became the central focus for Stymieing the focus and improvement of human reason. Notably, many Enlightenment intellectuals practiced Deism, based on the rejection of organized doctrinal religion to favor more spiritual and person faith. Consequently, the Western history was recorded for the first time. The political and religious hegemony leaders were adversely weakened making the citizens to fear nothing in making self-opinions. This paper focuses to examine activities in the Enlightenment and well as the Early Modern near East and Asia in relation to class and inequality.

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Literature of Enlightenment

Literature and the Age of Enlightenment explored several themes of political attire, social upheaval, geographical exploration, reversals of personal status, and the comparison between the supposed civilized state of man and natural state of man (Kant 234). However the period was associated with the celebration of different kinds of ideas about the capabilities of the human mind and its relationship with the scientific methodologies.

Robinson Crusoe

Robinson Crusoe was the best known work in the Enlightenment period. Despite a simple narrative style the artwork sailed through different varsities of the world to win several accolades. The Work discusses the life of slaves in the hands of plantations owners. Occasionally the work focuses in finding the most valuable approach to handle different animals without harming them. However, the number if people increases, reason overlapped and people started focus on how to kill the contenders to dominate the places

Early Modern near East and Asia

This period follows the post classical era late Middle Age. It was majorly associate with globalizing characters which helped it witness the colonization and exploration of the Americas with sustained contacts rise between different isolated parts.

Eastern Philosophy - Matsuo Basho

Matsuo Basho was as famous Japanese Zen. His focus was on the interest of everyday life and neglected beauty, thereby reconciles individual with their own circumstances. The artwork represents the story which is based on the history and foundation of humility. It reviews different stages of life and balances challenges that were common in Modern East and Asia. Eastern philosophy was majorly involved in the intellectual and social scenes which occurred between mod and late 1600s. As opposed to the age of reason which was maximally portrayed in the literature of Enlightenment, the Eastern philosophy of Matsuo Basho focuses of true selves thereby harmonizing issues which are associated with inequality and social class.

Works Cited

Arimitsu, Yasue. "Richard Flanagan's The Narrow Road to the Deep North and Matsuo Basho's Oku no Hosomichi." Coolabah 21 (2017): 6-23.

Kant, Immanuel, Towards Perpetual Peace, and Ed Pauline. "Rhetoric and Authority in Kant's Account of Enlightenment." Paper presented at the conference Rights and Social Cohesion. Vol. 2. 2015.

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