Free Essay Example on the Men's Fashion Industry

Published: 2022-04-20
Free Essay Example on the Men's Fashion Industry
Type of paper:  Research paper
Categories:  Fashion
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1354 words
12 min read

The men's fashion industry is perhaps the most demanding in the current market. Unlike other industries that have a single distribution line, the men's apparel industry makes use of dual distribution. In this case, the manufacturers have their own retail stores and sell the clothes to other interested parties in wholesale as well (Stone 197). The rationale for a dual distribution system is to meet the demand for the items in this industry. Manufactures increase distribution channels to become more competitive and increase market shares because they cater for a bigger population. Alper Sen saw the supply and distribution methods in this industry as too complex. In the author's opinion, retailers like Wal-Mart and Home Deport account for a majority of sales in men's apparel (Sen 590). Most of the clothes end up in the hands of retailers who then distribute them to various stores across the country. A few people buy the clothes from the manufacturer retail shops. Moreover, the situation becomes complex because the fashion industry in general manufactures from others countries due to cheap labor. They send their designs to other countries that manufacture and give them back for sampling. The manufacturer in the US then sends the new designs back before they become finalized (Sen 583). The back and forth in this distribution network is quite complex and limits the competitive advantage of a company because it involves more time and money. The whole process of production and distribution also affects the customers who have to wait for a long time. According to the reading, the process can take as much as one year before it reaches the consumer.

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The men's apparel industry draws its influence from trends. For instance, name designing is a trend that has been in existence since the 1960s as people began taking note of the brand (Stone 197). Women were behind this trend that has since transformed the fashion industry for men. Today, every single fashion and social event invites the question," who are you wearing?" The case does not just apply to a celebrity man, but, rather, the society in general. From the watch, shoes, suit and shirt a man wears, there is always more worth or respect that they receive when they are wearing certain designer names. The interest in brands and names emanated from the women's fashion industry that put emphasis on this aspect. In spite of the gender issue, men still showcased interest in buying clothes from designers who had become household names in the women's fashion industry. The position indicates the liberating nature of men's fashion in the 20th century. For the first time, men did not feel stigmatized by their choice of clothing and fully embraced name designing. After all, the women in their lives bought clothes for them (Stone 197). The same gave rise to branding and fashion household names. There were manufacturers who bought these household names and used them in their garments to improve their sales. The name became the whole idea behind the men's apparel industry as they looked at the label because making a purchase.

Vahie and Paswan assert that the emphasis on name designing as being attributable to changes in lifestyles and attitudes towards labels in general. The name of a brand can indicate status and prestige for many people (Vahie & Paswan 70). Most consumers associate a well-known brand with quality and prestige. The case is especially prevalent among men when compared to women who have a tendency of looking at the nature of a product as opposed to the fashion line. Name designing is, therefore, important to both the customer and competitors. The name of a design name determines whether or not a company will be competitive enough in the men's apparel business (Vahie & Paswan 70). For instance, an entrant into the men's apparel market cannot compete with names like Versace, Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein, and Men's warehouse. All these designer names are already established in the market, which is attributable to the trend that begun in the 1960s and now determines competitive trends in this market.

The men's apparel industry also emerged as an aid to the average man in the society. For instance, Men's Warehouse by George Zimmer built its brand around a company whose sole motivation was to help people (Stone 198). It changed the dynamics of fashion and reached out to the average man in trying to enable them dress for the employment opportunities they wanted. The company specializes in formal wear and specifically targeted men seeking employment or looking to re-enter the working class in the society. The company operated under the philosophy" More to business than formulas" and helped transform the appearance of the average man as the society became more cautious of how men dressed and their overall look (Stone 198). The same company led a national movement that included individuals donating their clothes to those who were less fortunate so that they could have an opportunity to be part of the well-dressed man in the workforce.

The rise of companies such as Men's Warehouse showcases the impact of the men's apparel industry to societal perceptions and the overall culture. Historically, fashion was always depicted as a woman's affair. However, since men started caring about their appearance, employers took notice as well and have since used this as a determinant of personality traits. For this reason, authors like Hooley & Yates encourage career educators to talk to individuals about what they wear to an interview and overall process of seeking employment (Hooley & Yates 441). The suit-and-tie man, for instance, emerges as more prepared and even charismatic than the average man. Therefore, Men's Warehouse was part of this culture and formulated the dimensions of formal dressing for men. The company provided the overall rationale that the men's fashion industry shapes many aspects, one of them being employment in the United States. This trend impacts the overall strategy that companies in the men's apparel industry use to try and compete with others. For instance, companies like Ralph Lauren and Calvin Klein use the image of an exquisite man who is loved at work and home to sell their product. They showcase confidence and success as being attached to what a man wears and use a strategy that communicates uniqueness to advertise their clothes.

Indeed, the men's apparel industry in the United States has highly transformed into what it represents from what was the case in the 19th century. For instance, the formal wear emanated from England. Designers like Savile Row facilitated fashion statements such as the draped suit that became a form of identity in the American society (Stone 197). However, political movements and college students changed this and embraced their own sense of style. They loved the multicolored shirts, shirtdresses, plaid suits, and shiny boots (Stone 197). In the `1950s, 60s, and 70s, many considered this style as a representation of individualism and a sense of masculinity. However, this is not the case in the 21st century. Today, a man dressed in this description is perceived as a representation of a rise culture (Rubinstein 40). Fashion today makes a statement about one's sexuality and who they are and may not hold the same identity it did years ago. The same impacts how companies advertise and the type of investors they have. They need to have a target population and ensure they are sending the right message through dress codes. Investors also tend to be keen about the target population that a company has given the sensitive nature of aspects like sexuality.

Works Cited

Stone, Elaine. The Dynamics of Fashion, 4th ed. New York/London: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2013. ISBN 978-1-60901-500-8

Hooley, Tristram, and Julia Yates. "'If you look the part you'll get the job': should career professionals help clients to enhance their career image?." British Journal of Guidance & Counselling 43.4 (2015): 438-451.

Rubinstein, Ruth. Dress codes: Meanings and messages in American culture. Routledge, 2018.

Sen, Alper. "The US fashion industry: a supply chain review." International Journal of Production Economics 114.2 (2008): 571-593.

Vahie, Archna, and Audhesh Paswan. "Private label brand image: its relationship with store image and national brand." International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 34.1 (2006): 67-84.

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