Free Essay Example - William Shakespeare

Published: 2023-02-14
Free Essay Example - William Shakespeare
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  History Shakespeare World literature
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1009 words
9 min read

Part 1: Development of a Narrative

Formal education writing includes stories that describe influential people, places, and events. The literature provides a lot of influential people who contributed to the changes in society and the lifestyles of the people (Shakespeare, 2007). William Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564, in Stratford. At the age of eighteen, Shakespeare got married to Anne Hathaway who was seven years older than him. Shakespeare and Anne Hathaway got two children; Judith and Susanna. Shakespeare occupies a unique position in the world's literature (Shakespeare, 2007). Other poets like Dante and Homer, and novelists such as Charles Dickens and Leo Tolstoy tried to transcend national and global barriers but none of their living reputations are comparable to that developed by William Shakespeare. In this paper, I will provide a narrative about the life of an influential person called William Shakespeare.

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The literary skills and experiences of William Shakespeare influenced many people that included Robert Greene and other writers in the World's literature. In 1585, William Shakespeare went to London to start his apprenticeship as an actor (Shakespeare, 2007). William Shakespeare offered his two poems to Henry Wriothesley that is the Venus and Adonis in 1593 and The Rape of Lucrece in 1594 (Muir, 1979).

Currently, Shakespeare's plays are played in all parts of the world. William Shakespeare's poems have also been used in different countries than ever before. Shakespeare used pathos to illustrate how various literary devices are differently applied to represent the livelihoods of people in their societies. According to McEachern (2013), "Shakespeare is astonishingly clever with words and images, so that his mental energy, when applied to intelligible human situations, finds full and memorable expression, convincing and imaginatively stimulating"

Also, Shakespeare joined one of the legendary theaters in United Kingdom called the Lord Chamberlain's Company. After joining the company of actors in the company, William Shakespeare improved his literacy skills especially in composing poems. William Shakespeare emerged to be an influential poet and playwright. Later, William Shakespeare joined some men from Chamberlain Theater to operate new playhouse called the Globe. The Globe turned to be the most known and performing theatre during that time.

The share of the income from the Globe playhouse enabled him to purchase a new home for his family at Stratford. Shakespeare was seen as the foremost dramatists of his time because evidence from literature materials have shown that his main focus was poetry but not playwriting. The enduring literary skills enabled Shakespeare to write many poems that depicted the livelihood of the people of his time. Shakespeare's sonnets were endorsed between 1593 and 1602 but were not published until 1609 (Muir, 1979). In his plays and poems, William Shakespeare invented introduced thousands of words that combined Latin, French, and native language. Some of the English vocabularies invented by Shakespeare include words like bloodsucking, courtship, dewdrop, downstairs, birthplace, fanged, hunchbacked, misquote, stillborn, watchdog, and a schoolboy.

According to literature, William Shakespeare wrote plays that are more than thirty (McEachern, 2013). Shakespeare's plays are normally categorized into four different groups that include comedies, histories, romances, and tragedies. It is also important to note that Shakespeare wrote the remarkable tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. During his last years of writing, William Shakespeare became the influential person due to his ability to write different romantic plays like Cymbeline, A Winter's Tale and The Tempest (Muir, 1979). Rose flower determines the lifestyles of people in the world.

Part 2: Personal Reflection

My ability to develop appropriate narrative depends on literacy skills and writing experiences. Critical analysis and evaluation of the audience also determined the approaches that I used in developing the narrative. I developed my narrative after critically thinking on how literature writing emerged in the world. Literature is important because it determines the writing skills of people (Muir, 1979). after a critical analysis of the important vocabularies used in writing, I realized that influential people in literature contributed to the invention and adoption of new words used English language. Also, my critical thinking skills enabled me to analyze the contributions of William Shakespeare in literature; therefore, making me write about his story. I also decided to present the narrative about William Shakespeare because of his enduring literary skills; therefore, enabling me to develop appropriate knowledge on the development of narratives.

Lastly, I selected William Shakespeare's story in developing the narrative because he is the most famous and influential person in the world's literature. Many influential people were motivated by Shakespeare's poems and plays. For example, the dramatist and Ben Jonson once prophesized that Shakespeare "was not of an age, but for all time" (McEachern, 2013). The prediction of Ben Jonson has been fulfilled because many people are currently using the plays written by William Shakespeare. Some of the strategies that I applied narrative include imagery and symbolism. Literary devices are important in developing an appropriate narrative in literature. First, I used imaginative vision while presenting how William Shakespeare incorporated pathos in his poems and plays. Secondly, I used universal symbolism to the development of the narrative, for example, "I used the rose flower in paragraph six of the narrative to symbolize love and romance."


Muir, K. (1979). Shakespeare's Comic Sequence. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. Retrieved from:

McEachern, C. (2013). The Cambridge Companion to Shakespearean tragedy. Cambridge University Press. Retrieved from:

Shakespeare, W. (2007). The complete works of William Shakespeare. Wordsworth Editions. Retrieved from:

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