Free Essay with Personal Statement for Working in Oracle Corporation

Published: 2022-06-03
Free Essay with Personal Statement for Working in Oracle Corporation
Essay type:  Personal statement
Categories:  Cover letter Job
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 917 words
8 min read

Oracle Corporation is one of the many leading companies in California and was founded by Ellison. The main aim of this company was to provide a relational database for business and governmental information management. Oracle also provides some services ranging from consulting, product support to educational tools in aiming to provide the innovative global business solution. Oracle also provides an array of services, from product support to consulting and educational tools in its quest to provide innovative global business solutions. (Encyclopedia of World Biography, 2004)

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As one of the leading company in innovation in California there are employees who help this company to run swiftly to attain its target .there are those employees who work full time and others has employed workers around the world because it has made many acquisitions over the last years and continued to operate many of them as separate businesses. Some have been employed permanently at each subsidiary with integrative roles. Those workers who work in the basis of part-time help the company to grow well by obtaining new ideas from other companies.

The software industry is a chain operated company because it consist of several industries including those outside of software and programming. Apart from the owner, Ellison convinced miner and Oates to go into business with him who from time to time had different ideas on how to make the company to grow larger despite they don't have equal shares. However this chain operated company have a lot of products that offers to its customers in a multitude of industries these includes servers, mass storage systems ,database and file management software. (Encyclopedia of World Biography, 2004)

for the business applications to run faster and reliable, it is also the work of this software its main function. The company has also become superior to its competitors because of the high-quality services offered at Oracle. Throughout the growth of the company, the owners created their own website which could also help them market their company globally to make it more competitive than others. The website of this company is where their products can be found. (, 2010).

The Oracle company has taken a long time to grow till at this time whereby its fruit has started to be seen worldwide. I can say it is not easy to navigate because thought the way there was a lot of challenges faced. The first challenge the Oracle company faced on the way is the Microsoft who have worked to compete effectively in the database marketplace although the late entrance to the marketplace, Microsoft had credibility and resources to make it compete effectively in the databases. Secondly, Oracle as demonstrated by its recent lawsuit with Google which is the major risk in evolving industries which it could lower the value of a company's intellectual my case because of stiff completion from other companies I will improve the products offered by the company and seek more innovations even if it is to assimilate from other companies in order to solve the ever-evolving problems within the customers. (, 2010).

The main mission statement of the Oracle Corporation is the enterprise software, and it was the solving problem of the relational database management .in companies of all sizes it also provides solutions which may also help in trust in the marketplace.As the original first mover software in the history, the company wants to prove its worthy good in technology to this generation and the generation to come.

The gross revenue per year for this company is usually calculated year so that one can know if the company is running in a loss or running in a profit. Therefore Oracle can provide the best margin. Some years back in this company they focused on oracles three major products which were software, hardware systems, and services. Through the analysis over the years, it showed that the segment and sub-segment reported by Oracle produced a positive margin in each of the years. " (Oracle Annual Report, 2010).

The main reason why I choose this company is that Oracle provides multiple on software solutions as services compared to other companies. More so I really like how this software company works globally and making industries working efficiency to meet their desired goal without interested in software's but in Oracle, I really like it mostly because it doesn't lag behind in technology and its efficiency in doing things.

I would like to work with this company so that I can be able to expand my knowledge more and help the communities within me.

The oracle corporation company has a positive impact and negative impact on the leisure community. On the positive side, the company provides employment for the people within and advances them in terms of technology without leaving them behind. On the negative side the company employees people from different part of the world to develop the company and the nation leaving their nation lagging behind in terms of development .this may also be called brain drain.

The Oracle company should be able to accomplish their goals which they had set before and to continue with more innovations that will lead the industry in a better way and solving the problems of customers. (Oracle Annual Report, 2010).


InterWorld Stats (2010). Retrieved May 23, 2011, from

Larry Ellison (2004). Encyclopedia of World Biography. Retrieved July 10, 2010, from

Oracle Annual Report (2010). Retrieved July 10, 2010, from

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