Free Essay for Students on Disaster Readiness

Published: 2022-07-13
Free Essay for Students on Disaster Readiness
Type of paper:  Course work
Categories:  Management Disaster
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 615 words
6 min read

What should the government do to provide incentives to improve disaster readiness?

Disaster management in the United States has not been a government mandate and most specifically not the federal. Business entities caught in calamities often tend to their families and other community organizations for support. The federal and national governments often engage in the rescue operation and activities to re-establish and enforce civil orders when needed (, 2018). The risks that disasters pose are likely to reoccur as some types of weather calamities are linked to climatic change including prolonged heat, heavy rains, and floods. It is however unfortunate that the existing federal policies are not well fitted to handle these problems as they ought to be. More resources have been focused on responding to and recovering from these disasters rather than providing incentives for disaster mitigation. This summons for the need to reinvent the existing policies and help save lives and money.

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The government needs to formulate incentive tools that can create disaster preparedness like conversational through engagement and persuasion. This will make individuals increase interest in understanding disaster risk for the regions they live, work or own property in. The tool, therefore, becomes an onboarding, enlightening tool and for that reason can invite business leaders and friends to other practices such as simulation games. The incentives will be effective in spreading awareness. At the same time, the government can educate and assist people in defining their priorities and tune their evacuation plans, contingency plans, and plan major necessities and low-tech communication backup. Business organizations that have shown effective disaster preparedness can, therefore, qualify for incentives which include insurance discounts, utility bill discounts and grants for development and growth (Mullich, 2013). Nevertheless, more fundamental problems such as improvement of healthcare, education service delivery, and electricity shortfall need to be addressed amicably before the government can afford to invest in disaster mitigation incentives.

Do you feel that your organization (just make something up) is crisis ready? Why or why not?

There is no organization that is resistant to crises and fuming issues that when goes to the public can have significant damage to the brand and survival. Nevertheless, it can be concluded that our organization is crisis ready because of the following reasons;

  • The senior management has often shown commitment in relaying communication openly and consistently, both bad and good times.
  • The most likely crises have been identified
  • There is a crisis management team on standby
  • The members of the crisis management team understand their role and responsibilities
  • The organization has a legal crisis management plan
  • There is a list of all the stakeholders, personnel and all parties that need to be involved in case of a crisis
  • There is a process set that is used to document all the aspects of crisis response to help mitigate future emergencies
  • The organization has procedures to manage information flow in the event of any crisis

The list represents numerous fundamental components of effective crisis management. Since the organization has ensured some of these plans have been put in place, it can be stated with finality that it is crisis ready. It is prepared for the inevitable problems and issues that may arise in the course of operation. Without the plans, an organization needs to engage with the management team and converse on taking action to get prepared in case a crisis occurs. There is a need to be crisis-ready since it cannot be predicted.


Mullich, J. (2013). Preparing for Natural Hazards: A Better Approach. [Online] Risk Management. Available at: [Accessed 30 Jul. 2018]. (2018). Plan Ahead for Disasters | [Online] Available at: [Accessed 30 Jul. 2018].

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