Free Essay: Gandhian Concept of Truth, Compassion, and Kindness

Published: 2022-06-08
Free Essay: Gandhian Concept of Truth, Compassion, and Kindness
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Gandhi
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1485 words
13 min read

The modern society is defined by an overwhelming presence of violence, an aspect that has emerged as a result of man's desire to secure his or her personal interest. In addition to this, the chaos escalation that has been witnessed over the twenty-first century has been fuelled by man's greed for material things, and the spirit of individualism. As a result, numerous problems have emerged within the economic, social, political and ecological contexts. Interestingly, man has been forced to focus on technological advancement and innovations as the bridge to solve the present challenges and catastrophes. These unfolding were somehow foretold by Mahatma Gandhi back in 1908, while he was preparing the Hind Swaraj manuscript. The following essay will explicate the three pillars; truth, Karuna (compassion), and Daya (Kindness), and provide a reaction and application of each concept in today's society.

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Truth is simply what is right, open, beneficial, and fair to an individual. It is an aspect that shifted over the years, perhaps with the exposure to a broader pool of wisdom and knowledge. The truth was more of a more general construct than what man applied and conceived it to be. Gandhi elaborated that man was constricted to perceive the truth as an aspect that revolved around utterances, while in his elucidation, the truth was an element that cut across different sectors, extending from an individual's thought to action, and finally spoken words.

Reflection on the Value of Truth

Truth is a process and not an event. It is an element that is realized over time and not in a single moment. One scenario is not sufficient for judging about an individual's truthiness. Ideally, people tend to be honest or open up on certain issues depending on the prevailing situation. One aspect that is essential for an individual to discover truth according to Gandhi was love for all, a clause he quoted as Ahimsa or non-violence. Personally, I do agree with Gandhi's ideology of a universal love approach as the catalyst or trigger to nurture and realize the truth. Within any community setting, 'love for all' enables an individual to treat every creature around them with impartiality and equality, elements that accord one self-respect and a sense of honor within the community. In the event of conflict or confrontation, people with such traits are always granted a judicial seat or position, for they embody the truth, an element that justice was supposed to vouch for, from the moment of its inception.

Analysis of the Value of Truth

From an individualistic perspective, the truth is a crucial platform for growth in most settings. This is because by upholding the elements of truth, one becomes open-minded, reasonable, and embodies justice, aspects that favor the hand of moral law or Karma. Within the family, the truth is a desirable element, as it nurtures trustworthy attributes. A family member, who is perceived to be truthful, is always entrusted with many responsibilities, an aspect that emerges based on his or her credible reputation. A dishonest person, on the other hand, usually crafts a negative perception from family members, who in most events harshly regard him or her as untrustworthy.

Within the society, it is crucial to note that truth as a personality nurtures a sense of protection and favor from the public in the midst of a crisis since a character is deemed to be honorable and respectable. If the society is to elect truthful leaders, every segment of the community would be fairly represented in all matters. Finally, within the government, most of the problems and malice that exist today, such as corruption, nepotism, embezzlement of funds, as well as tribalism among others, are because of dishonest and unethical leaders. These leaders lack the aspect of truthfulness since they are not transparent in their dealings. An honest leader tends to portray openness, fairness, and justice in his or her actions. In case such a leader is wrongly dragged into dubious circumstances, his or her record of truthfulness may set him or her free.

Compassion (Karuna)

Based on Gandhi's works, it is clear that he endorsed compassion as one of the approaches to realize enlightenment. Compassion was a good feeling that was generated from the mellowness of one's heart. Compassion is achieved through selfless practice, given that it is aimed at significantly or wholly alleviating the suffering upon which humanity is born into. It is interesting to note that in most of his publications, Gandhi vouched for compassion as a bridge that enabled man cross from conventional truth to ultimate truth.

Reflection on the Value of Compassion

Compassion is an act of expression pity, mercy, or concerns over other people's sufferings or situations. It is a bridge to the ultimate truth. This is because compassion as a virtue mainly arises from true wisdom. For instance, the act of being selfless in giving emerges from the fact that nothing in this life is permanent. As such, the search for materialistic comfort would be vanity while the true realization of one's purpose in life can be achieved through giving. In addition to this, it is essential to note that compassion as a practice is nondiscriminatory. However, for one to realize this, the individual must have achieved inner awakening, unbiased intelligence, as well as spiritual growth. Cumulatively, the remarkable aspect of treating others respectably, as one would want to be treated, can only be expressed through the acts of compassion. Therefore, compassion does not exist on its own. An individual does acts of compassion out of love and care.

Analysis of the Value of Compassion

Within an individual, there are numerous benefits of embracing compassion. However, the primary aspect is based on the act of discovering one nature as well as true-self. Additionally, by pursuing compassion, an individual open ups regarding the attainment of factual knowledge, wisdom, as well as enlightenment. From a community perspective, the use of compassion would nurture peaceful coexistence among different members irrespective of their differences, since the virtue of compassion vouches for forgiveness, tolerance, and nonviolence. Internationally, the adoption of empathy would be a solution to man's constant warfare, events that are usually natured by competing egos, selfish desires, ignorance, as well as impurities of self.

Kindness (Daya)

Although kindness is associated with compassion, it is crucial to note that kindness and compassion differ in some aspects. Compassion is more intensely defined by emotions and reciprocation of comfort, while the kindness is defined by deeds of charity that are meant to alleviate but not reflect a person's suffering.

Reflection on the Value of Kindness

Although compassion may be deeper than kindness, it is crucial to note that kindness is essential to alleviate man's suffering. In today' world, man has lost his ability to be trustworthy, loyal, and faithful, elements that portray the act of kindness. As such, many individuals' actions have been perceived to be accompanied by a selfish and hidden agenda, with those who display kindness being perceived as the purest at heart. Kindness as a virtue entails being nice, considerate, or generous to others. Kind-hearted people are always considerate about other people's happiness, and their goal is to put a smile or assist the needy party. They often view other people's sufferings as theirs, and always look for a way to provide a solution. The act of kindness entails doing good to others.

Analysis of the Value of Kindness

There are many elements of kindness that are compatible with those of compassion. However, from an individualistic perspective, consideration offers an individual the joy of aiding in one's misery without the laxity of bragging it off. At the family level, the kind-hearted people tend to be at the front line in providing help to the suffering members. They try to understand the individual's situation and sympathize with him or her. From a community perspective, kindness becomes a vital tool in alleviating the troubles and challenges that are faced by the unfortunate members of the community. From a nationalistic level, kindness promotes peaceful coexistence among people undergoing through different and varying degrees of hardship. For instance, a country that accommodates and treats refugees from neighboring nations well portrays an act of kindness.


In conclusion, the three values of truth, compassion, and kindness as explicated by Mahatma Gandhi are effective in combating most of the problems that man faces today. It is crucial to note that the tragedies of the common, as well as the oppression of the weak, are elements that have continued to exist because of the selfish desire of man. The modern-day man, who is individualistically minded, tends to place his interests first and ignores other people who need be treated well. It is only through the application of truth, kindness, and compassion that man can develop a tolerance and understanding of the other party.

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