Free Essay on an Ideal Classroom: Developing a Global Community of Open-Minded Individuals

Published: 2023-01-18
Free Essay on an Ideal Classroom: Developing a Global Community of Open-Minded Individuals
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Students School Community Classroom management
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1663 words
14 min read


The critical metric for determining the ideality of a learning environment is its potential to bring out the best in students. Many factors work together to enable such a conducive learning environment, and the personality of the teacher plays a central role in ensuring their synergistic relationship. Baker and Kanan (2005) noted, and rightly so that there is no one size fits all when it comes to the teacher being the custodian of an ideal learning environment. Every teacher must determine what works best for them, develop individualized styles, and create personalized harmony and rhythm. The learning experience should be fun, a trait that is derived from both personality and preparedness. Ideal learning environments are those that challenge students to learn and are also safe from the fear of failure and ridicule. This work hypothesizes that such a setting is achieved through evidence-based teaching and practical strategies, aims, and objectives of the school curriculum, and how teachers can nurture and produce liberal individuals using the curriculum. In line with this, an ideal school is that which aims to establish a global community of tolerant individuals who that are capable of steering the social, economic, and political development of their environment.

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Curriculum Aims

It is the responsibility of every learning institution to teach knowledge, which is relevant to contemporary society. The instilled knowledge should also steer the social, economic, and political development of an organization through enhancing the ability to live healthily, manage finances, and achieve an all-around fulfillment. The curriculum aims to set up a prerogative for every child to cultivate and relate understanding and skills which are crucial for self-fulfillment through engagement and motivation. While most of the views offered by Hill (2012) on the role of teachers in realizing curriculum goals are unique, he posits, rightly, that the critical objective of teachers should be to provide all learners with a prospect to familiarize themselves with accomplishment in education and also achieve high standard success. His assertions are based on evidence, thus their credibility. The mandatory curriculum bounds every teacher to integrate skills and understanding which are delivered through instruction in a flexible manner that suits the needs of a learner. Besides, the curriculum also draws on a child's preceding awareness and with a vibrant schedule for the way forward to maintain the progress of the learner.

Jabal (2013) observed that, if a child lags significantly, teachers can integrate the curriculum programs to differentiate a more excellent plan and degree accordingly in line with their ability. This view is biased as there can never be a perfect environment for learning as there always are many dynamics at play. On the same note, McKenzie (2012) elucidated that learners who are graded as high achievers can also meet challenging tasks within the curriculum programs of differentiation and work achieved through scheduling an extensive coverage and in-depth analysis of the subject. Such an approach prepares critical thinkers who are ready to evaluate differing perspecives.

McKenzie (2012) explained that a curriculum promotes coherence and continuity of thought subject matter to provide an opportunity for easing the transition between significant establishments and stages through providing the support required for long term learning. On their part, Moyles, Georgeson, and Payler (2011) noted that the education curriculum also enables the public to understand and is also an assurance of the worthiness and achievements of compulsory education, which is crucial in instilling confidence in the general public. It promotes an understanding of the values and results of mandatory schooling. The authors also observed that the school curriculum provides opportunities for every learner to learn and achieve since personal fulfillment is an aim of the education process. It is noteworthy, however, that fulfilment is derived from being useful in the community.

As a teacher, the type of individual to wish to produce is one student who is a model for others. Such an individual should be an asset to the learning environment, the society, and the nation as a whole. Today's student is exposed to the global environment and is hence required to apply knowledge to global challenges. Such an individual should be in a position to acknowledge others and treat them with respect. These include the faculty, fellow students, and the administrators. Such an individual should know that he or she is a model for others, and be fully aware of his or her duties, which include good qualities. Pollard and Pollard (2014) outline the conditions which such a student exhibit, and they involve being studious, nobble, and high minded in performing the assigned duties. Such a student is also conscious of his or her mission in life, and exhibits boldness, being frank, honest and truthful. Politeness is also an ornament for such a student. Similarly, my student should be loving and self-disciplined. These traits make it easy for student to interact with others and accommodate differing points of view.

Knowledge is intended to be the tool that enables the learner to experience a reality that is relatable to their experiences. It broadens the scope of the learner. Teachers are trained to understand that learners have different capabilities that result in different achievement rates. They must, therefore, continuously seek new approaches that ensure that the learning environment is better suited to meet the needs of each learner. Jewitt et al. (2001) observed that, while it is difficult to achieve an ideal learning environment, the physical classroom must act as a venue for life-changing interactions between students and teachers. This perspective builds on that by Stratford (1990) that it is vital for every teacher to develop a philosophy for teaching. It is these values that a teacher depends on to inspire their professional engagement with the student. Luddecke (2016, p.2) focused on the relationship between the personality of the teacher and the educational needs, noting that, the teacher must ensure that their particular philosophies are aligned to the aims, values, and ideologies of the curriculum to realize an ideal learning environment. These aims focus on streamlining theoretical knowledge with practical reality, which is universally applicable.

Contrary to the other studies, White (2003) addressed the subject of learning from the perspective of the student, noting that, the minds of students are not mere vessels that await to be filled with knowledge. In his view, each learner brings its unique brand of genius to the classroom. As a teacher, my job is to ensure that learners discover and empower that genius through the curriculum. The curriculum assists learners in realizing their educational aims and goals, and makes them develop an understanding of knowledge as a means and not an end.

In line with the above-described qualities, the curriculum teaches students to be life- long learners who can bring an impact to the society through steering social, political and economic development which is in line with developing an interactive community of liberal individuals. According to Elias, Zins, and Weissberg (1997), a unique curriculum arguably follows a coherent set of themes within a limited set of time. In general, objectivity is guided by set goals outlined in a curriculum.

Scaffolding Knowledge/Constructivism

According to Baker and Kanan (2005), the Vygotsky scaffolding and the associated conception of the zone of proximal development refer to teaching approaches that enable students to grasp knowledge more quickly than they would with old-style instruction. While it is an effective method, it works best when the teacher understands its implementations approach. The theory holds that students acquire more knowledge when they collaborate with their peers and less when they operate independently. A collaborative environment enables students to gain more skills and to relate the knowledge gained to their settings. A student's zone of proximal development refers to their learning level, such as reading and writing for the formative stages. The teacher that assists the learner in developing their skills is the scaffolding. Whereas this method is mostly applied for early years learning, it can be used to help learners of all ages to learn about anything, irrespective of its complexity. Of importance is the development of interpretive perspectives which help to understand the natural causes of global challenges without faulting persons affected by those challenges.

Constructivism, on its part, is a theory concerned with how activeness can be enhanced in the learning process. According to Reynolds (2017), experiential learning offers students the opportunity to process their newly acquired knowledge and skill better. In his view, constructivism relies on the concept that students construct their learning on previously acquired knowledge, and that reasoning is crucial in the stages of learning. This idea applies to curriculum development in the form of a spiral curriculum, which is a constructivist approach that involves students building on their existing knowledge. This incremental nature enables learners to add to their own cultures and values, the understanding of the uniqueness of other cultures and values.

How Students Become Better People

There are many perspectives on what makes a good student. According to Haywood (2015), the structure of the curriculum plays a crucial role in assisting students in recreating fallacies and establishing links between what they are learning at the moment and what they previously learned. This helps students or learners to become better individuals who can steer global development, and develop a universal community of neutral individuals. It is noteworthy, however, that the potential of a student is not limited to their capacity to attain the highest attainable expectations. The teacher plays a crucial role in ensuring that the learning process progressively meets curriculum goals so that the learner is equipped with the fundamentals that inform their day to day decision-making as noted by Pollard and Pollard (2014). When children are rational decision-makers, they are ready to appreciate disparities.

The achievement of curriculum objectives relies on the use of learning materials and aids to support the learning process. Teachers and instructors use lesson plans to ensure that they operate in line with the curriculum. In his study, Haywood (2015) noted that Lesson plans enable teachers to achieve the set curriculum objectives and reflect a purposeful set of long and short term aims and objectives.

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