Free Essay Sample: Mental Health and Stigmatization

Published: 2023-11-11
Free Essay Sample: Mental Health and Stigmatization
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Psychology Ethics Mental health
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 978 words
9 min read

Stigmatization can be referred to as the feeling, that a person feels like a member of a group of people or a member of the society who in one way or the other they disvalues you. In our case of mental health, people in the community tend to stigmatize people who are mentally challenged or else have memory problems ( Kates et al. 2018). This act tends to make people who are mentally ill to be excluded and even to be mistreated, whereby the members of the community view them as not being worthy.

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The case of unfairness comes as a result whereby people in the community or the dedicated group feel that they do not want to be associated with mental illness. In short, most people fear mentally challenged people. We can say that as a result of stigma, there is a production of a kind of isolation that slowly grows from people out of fear.

Mentally challenged people require regular diagnosis (Solt, Dutucu, Gunaydin, Citil, & Arik, 2018). As a therapist, I would consider a "mini-mental state examination". In this test, a therapist will need to study the appearance of the involved person, the memory, communication skills, and attention that the interested party is responding to the examiner without forgetting the judgment skill that the client displays. It is understood that psychological disorders need a diagnosis. The best way to diagnose the mental disease is through providing a physical exam. The examiner always tries to rule out physical problems that may trigger the psychology of the client to cause an identifiable symptom (Seifi 2016). It comes hand in hand with (MMSE).

Another way to do the psychological test is through a lab test. It includes a thyroid gland test; this provides an answer about whether the clients' problems are being triggered by either the use of drugs or alcohol through screening. Another way is through a psychological evaluation. In this case, an examiner will communicate directly to the client about how he/she feels and will ask the thought of the client on his status. To some extent, the doctor will have to ask the client to fill out a questionnaire that answers all these questions. It is almost impossible to get a clear identification of the type of mental illness one is suffering from, and the treatment but regular diagnosis and hard work enable the actual procedure to be identified (Auerbach et al. 2016). A good relationship between the client and the examiner is the core value as it is considered the central core as being among the ethical considerations in the psychiatric examination. Some factors are provided with the best interest, meaning decisions are made when a client is not in the place of capability.

Something like 1 doing empowerment to a client means that there are times when you have to provide the client with enough space, and time and offer support to them for them to have control over their lives (Shrivastava, & Shrivastava, 2019). That act demonstrates a high degree of respect for the client by treating them as good people who have the right to make their own decisions.

Sometimes the client may not be in a position to fulfil the criteria for diagnosis, in this case as an examiner you will not have 1to chase the client away al rather you will have to apply the factor of coping with the situation. The first thing to do is give the client choices to make. As an examiner, you will have to choose the best methods to apply to be on the same track with the client. Try hard not to ask the client "why" because you might already know or else he will be pissed off. As an examiner, you have to be ready and aware of the patient's questions. I also recommend leaning on the clients' strong points and being prepared to offer an alternative option.

Referring a mentally ill patient to a psychiatrist seems to be something to be debatable. First, you have to build a relationship between you and the client. Build a relationship of trust by making the client and the dedicated group trust you and your decisions, by so doing referral will be so easy. First, you have to mention the problem that you have identified as an examiner, as that during decision-making involves members of the family may it is a child or adult in making that plan (Talwar, 2017). During that time, you have to ask permission to offer a piece of advice that does not provide information blindly. Please create a free environment where everyone has a room for sharing his/her ideas. And through discussion, a lot will be heard, and as an examiner referring a client to a psychiatrist will be easy since everybody will feel to be involved and contented.


Kates, N., Arroll, B., Currie, E., Hanlon, C., Gask, L., Klasen, H., ... & Williams, M. (2018). Improving collaboration between primary care and mental health services. The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry.

Solt, A., Dutucu, N., Gunaydin, S., Citil, E. T., & Arik, E. (2018). Evaluation of the Pap Smear Test Status of Women and Affecting Factors. International Journal of Caring Sciences, 11(2), 1231-1238.

Seifi, Z. T. (2016). The Impact of Hard Jobs on Mental Status of These Jobs Employees in their Workplace and Social Life. International Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies (IJHCS) ISSN 2356-5926, 1(1), 359-373.

Auerbach, R. P., Alonso, J., Axinn, W. G., Cuijpers, P., Ebert, D. D., Green, J. G., ... & Nock, M. K. (2016). Mental disorders among college students in the World Health Organization world mental health surveys. Psychological medicine, 46(14), 2955-2970.

Shrivastava, S. R., & Shrivastava, P. S. (2019). Ensuring better management of physical health conditions among people with severe mental disorders: World Health Organization. Archives of Mental Health, 20(1), 30.

Talwar, S. (2017). Ethics, law, and cultural competence in art therapy.

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