Free Essay Sample on Conflict and Conflict Resolution

Published: 2023-11-09
Free Essay Sample on Conflict and Conflict Resolution
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Conflict resolution
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 777 words
7 min read


The main issues of conflict and conflict resolution are multiple parties, varying interests, and alternatives. Conflicts arise when there are two or more parties with varying interests. They are fueled by the perception of one party that the other has affected, or is about to affect something the first party cares about negatively (Thakore, 2016). For instance, there will be a conflict between a manager and an employee if the latter does not meet the required performance because it lowers the overall merit of the organization, against the interest of the manager.

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Ability to Effectively Deal With Conflict

The ability to manage conflict effectively depends on your ability to remain calm and alert while under stress, control your emotions and behavior, to concentrate on the feelings being expressed, to be cognizant, and respectful of differences (HelpGuide, nd). While calm, you can read and interpret the communication by the other party properly. Controlling emotions enables you to engage in proper communication with the other party to determine an appropriate solution without frightening, forcing, or confronting them. Paying close attention to the other party is necessary to understand their feelings through their verbal and nonverbal signals, like facial expressions, voice tone, and body posture. Lastly, to deal with conflict effectively you need to be aware of and respect the differences that have resulted in the conflict. By understanding and respecting the differences you can determine the most effective way to deal with the conflict justly, without suppressing the other party.

Real-Life Solutions to the Problem

In my opinion, to address the problem I would train the existing recruitment staff so that they are prepared to recruit and select the appropriate scientists. Allocating additional funds to hire more scientific recruiters will cost the organization more time and money than training the existing recruiters. Berkeley's study estimates the cost of hiring new talents to an organization to be as high as 50-60% of their annual salary, and the costs of turnover can reach up to 200% (Foster, 2015). Moreover, replacing the recruiters requires a lot of time to handle interviews, payroll administration, and benefits, which will result in production delays. Training the existing recruiters will empower them, increase the retention of employees, and increase their engagement in the workplace. Moreover, it will increase flexibility because you can encourage the recruitment staff to handle multiple roles and responsibilities, and enhance their management potential, which prepare them for promotion to departmental management and make them future trainers. Training the existing employees is, therefore, the best way to address the problem.

Criteria for Success

First off, the employee training program will begin with an analysis of the training needs of the recruiters. This will involve consulting with the recruiters to identify their skill gaps in hiring recruiting scientists, and their preferred training method to focalize the training on their weaknesses. Second, formulate a plan to effectively address the recruiter’s skill gaps, and avail the tools and resources necessary to effectuate the training, then develop the content of the training and implement it. Lastly, it will be essential to continuously monitor how the recruiters will adapt to the new roles, and address any weaknesses they will exhibit to perfect the skill. To measure the success of the program you will need a three-level evaluation; the feedback of the trainees, their transition to the new roles, and the Return On Investment (ROI) (Morriss, 2009). The feedback of the trained recruiters will be obtained by questioning, reviews, and performance assessments, their transition determined by post-training surveys, and follow-ups, and the ROI must provide the desired increase. Employing these criteria and evaluation will ensure the success of the program.


However, although conflicts are an inevitable part of work teams, there are always alternatives to predetermine the outcomes. Conflicts can escalate and result in nonproductive results, or they can be resolved to give mutually beneficial outcomes (Thakore, 2016). If negotiations fail, however, the negotiating party can take the Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA), or the Worst Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement (WATNA).


Foster, P. (2015). The Cost of Hiring the Perfect Candidate vs. Training an Existing Employee. Partners.Pennfoster.,-d-,-training-an-existing-employee

HelpGuide. (nd). Conflict Resolution Skills: Managing and Resolving Conflict in a Positive Way. Edcc.

Morriss, R. C. (2009). Effectiveness measurement of a training program developed for supervising discipline engineers (Doctoral dissertation, University of Alabama Libraries).

Thakore, D. (2013). Conflict and Conflict Management. IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM), 8(6), 07-16.

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