Free Essay Sample on Historical Background of AST

Published: 2023-11-24
Free Essay Sample on Historical Background of AST
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Career Surgery Ancient history
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 673 words
6 min read


The concept of surgical technologists can be traced back to the ancient Egypt where high priests needed assistants to help them treat several disorders (AimsEducation par. 1). Furthermore, a greater need for surgical technologists developed during the World Wars where female nurses were identified as operating room technicians (ORTs) and were required to support surgeons with on-the-spot surgical procedures (AimsEducation par. 2). The coming decades resulted in the transmission to surgical technologist from ORT where educational institutions as well as major hospitals started offering training programs for surgical technologists. Currently, there are bodies such as the NBSTSA as well as the AST that are responsible for certification of surgical technologists (AimsEducation par. 5). As such, the primary purpose of AST as a governing body is to ensure that surgical technologists possess the necessary skills and knowledge that are required in providing quality care to the patient while in the OR.

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AST Membership

Membership into the AST is necessary for all the certified surgical technologists as it represents the ST’s profession in the operating room (OR). Furthermore, membership can be obtained annually and in four categories. Membership is determined in terms of the ST’s achievements such as active membership is awarded to individuals who have successfully completed and maintained the certification presented by the NBSTSA while an association membership is offered to individuals that successfully concluded the certification presented by the NBSTSA but have not maintained their certification (AST par. 3). Furthermore, the board holds annual meetings, state assemblies, workshops and forums that are held in different states on different dates. However, these dates vary as per the organizers (AST par. 3).

Professional Behavior of a Surgical Technologist

Surgical technologists are required to take part in continuous education as well as practice their profession in a manner that facilitates dignity and pride to ensure that they operate in an environment that is free from contaminants and disease-causing germs (McFadden par. 5). Additionally, STs ate required to report all cases of unethical to authorized personnel as well as treat the other members of the healthcare profession with utmost professional manner that will help to promote harmony (McFadden par. 6).

Scope of Practice of Surgical Technologist

Surgical technologists are linked with health care professionals that are responsible for performing surgical care to the patients. As such STs operate under the supervision of surgeons to provide safe and effective surgical procedures to ensure that the OR is safe and the equipment are functioning to their maximum capacity (AST 01).

Qualities for Employment

STs should be able to proficiently work with equipment instead of relying on patient interaction for employment satisfaction. Additionally, the ST should be able to troubleshoot or adjust several equipment to ensure that sterile products are intact during operation. Moreover, an ST should be able to anticipate what the surgeon needs and at the same time ensure that nothing is left in the patient (Concorde par 2). The ST should also be alert and well-organized to ensure that they are capable of handling issues in the OR. The ST should also be able to stay alert such that they can prevent distractions that may result in harm to the patient (Concorde par 3).


Certified STs are capable of securing employment opportunities in hospitals, clinic, private practices as well as outpatient surgical centers. Furthermore, STs can work in the ER as they are trained to assist with all actions that revolve around the OR such as routine operations and emergency surgeries (AIMSEducation par 16).

Works Cited

AIMSEducation. "Surgical Tech Salary and Career Opportunities in the US." AIMS Education, 31 May 2019,

AimsEducation. "The History and Future of Surgical Technology." AIMS Education, 12 Sept. 2019,

AST. "Association of Surgical Technologists." Association of Surgical Technologists, 2020,

Concorde. "5 Good Traits of an ST." Concorde Career College, 29 Apr. 2020,

McFadden, Donna. "Code of Ethics for Surgical Technologists." Career Trend, 26 Sept. 2017,

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