Free Essay Sample on Methods Used by Sociologists

Published: 2023-11-29
Free Essay Sample on Methods Used by Sociologists
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Sociology Data analysis Research
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 556 words
5 min read


The essay by postman creates a vivid impression that he perceives sociology as a certain form of storytelling anchored on moral framework but not science. However, as indicated in chapter three of the textbook, there exist numerous sociology tools and primary methods of research that are often applied by sociologists, which include experiments, observation of participants, and surveys. Although the methods are not completely scientific and significant, I believe an author like Anderson can make various valid claims regarding the existence of several instances of science in the study of sociology and in the research.

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Ideally, a close comparison of the methods used by sociologists to those applied by scientists illustrates a striking resemblance and widely shared similarities between the two groups. For instance, they all apply the “scientific method," which is greatly characterized by multiple steps in the study process. The process of research comprises of observation, testing of hypothesis, data analysis, and formulation of valid and logical conclusions. Every step entails distinct designs and ways specifically tailored to ensure accuracy in the study and the collection of data to be observed.

Replication Study

One of the most common ways is the replication study. Basically, the replication study involves the exact repetition of given research; but by either different groups of individuals or in a distinct setting and time. It is critical to comprehend that it is virtually impossible to obtain accurate data on certain factors, such as the explicit behavior of all human beings around the globe. However, through the intervention of the replication study, it is possible to gather data of such nature. As long as both the dependent and independent variables are maintained throughout the study, the research can also be carried out repeatedly to ensure that the required accurate data is collected. Nevertheless, the research can be performed by applying the covert participation observation, which enables the researcher to collect and study a given group of individuals. The covert participation observation makes it possible for the researcher to blend in the group; hence the people do not realize that they are being studied, leading to the collection of more accurate data since it prevents the Hawthorne effect.

According to the third chapter of the textbook, science is empirical; this means that science is anchored on systematic and careful observations, not on opinions. As such, Sociology, just like science, involves an array of trials and errors. Classically, several research and experiments must be carried out in order to settle for a specific result; no answer is deemed wrong unless proven. Consequently, I think the textbook’s author is striving to clarify that the process involved in completely comprehending the behaviors of human beings is undoubtedly difficult and demanding, although it is not impossible to accomplish. In the same manner as science, we can never be fully able to conceptualize everything that entails and drive the different types of human behaviors. However, it should not necessarily mean that we stop trying and pushing hard enough.


As suggested in Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary, science is a knowledge that can only be acquired through practice or study. Scientists apply scientific methods to perform their studies, which attained knowledge and are viewed as a science. Because sociologists apply the same scientific methods used by scientists, it is irrational to view sociology as not being science.

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