Free Essay Sample on Respiratory Care

Published: 2023-11-24
Free Essay Sample on Respiratory Care
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Healthcare
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1610 words
14 min read


Respirational care aims at offering quality care in the health of a patient. Respiratory therapists assess patients, offer care, treatment, education, and perform the diagnostic evaluation. Thus, this paper aims at reviewing three articles regarding respiratory care.

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Respiratory Care Considerations

In the article ‘Respiratory Care Considerations in the Childhood Cancer Patient’ the article aims at examining the prevalent complications in pulmonary experienced by children and the effective methodologies to care, diagnosis, and therapy.

Noninvasive ventilation containing bi-level and CPAP positive airway pressure has substituted negative pressure ventilation in providing care. Non-invasive methods may reduce the ventilator risk linked to pneumonia for cancer patients with the augmented threat of infection.

Also, positive-pressure ventilation has offered the populace ventilator support (Elbahlawan et al., 2017). Contemporary approaches regarding mechanical ventilation comprise the strategy for protective lung with the utilization of permissive hypercapnia, and low tidal volumes have enhanced the results in numerous Intensive Care Units offering care to cancer patients.

Respiratory Care for the Ventilated Neonate

In the article ‘Respiratory Care for the Ventilated Neonate’ it aims at examining and monitoring the scientific literature as well as invasively ventilated newborns regarding the respiratory care to aid physicians to enhance the care efficacy while averting harmful iatrogenic impacts.

Nurses caring for newborns should always track the monitor, oxygen delivery systems, ventilation devices, and oxygenation of the patient (Rocha et al., 2018). It is essential to utilize highly sensitive equipment to aid in the monitoring of the patient.

Mucus can produce resistance in the airway, which may minimize airflow (Rocha et al., 2018). Maneuvers of the respiratory kinesiotherapy may enable sufficient flow of the expiratory without resulting in the closure of the airway.

Aerosol therapy has been presented to be an effective drug delivery method. Aerosolization equipment in neonates comprises inhalers, nebulizers, and holding chambers.

Respiratory Care Considerations for Children With Medical Complexity

The author in the article ‘Respiratory Care Considerations for Children with Medical Complexity’ claims that there exist a growing number of children with medical complexity (CMC) who are mainly characterized by chronic states impacting the various organ systems, utilization of medical technology both at intensive healthcare and home.

Airway clearance techniques (ACT) aid in the facilitation of lung secretion removal and have presented an enhancement in the functioning of the lungs, sputum expectoration, and symptoms to persons experiencing non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis.

It is substantial to provide oxygen to medically complex children due to acute lower respiratory tract infections, congenital heart disease, and interstitial and prematurity of chronic lung disease (Chiang & Amin, 2017). The provision of oxygen aid in the prevention of the probable chronic hypoxemia consequences such as pulmonary hypertension, adverse effects of neurocognitive, and suboptimal progression.

Respiratory Care

In the previous years, there has been an increased rate of a childhood cancer survivor, mainly due to the enhanced infancy malignancy therapy. Noninvasive ventilation containing bi-level and CPAP positive airway pressure has substituted negative pressure ventilation in providing care (Elbahlawan et al., 2017). During the 1970s, medics have utilized high-frequency chest oscillation, which has presented success in other settings of severe respiratory failure (Elbahlawan et al., 2017). Minimum invasive methods may reduce the ventilator risk linked to pneumonia for cancer patients with the augmented threat of infection.

Also, positive-pressure ventilation has offered the populace ventilator support. During breathing, it is essential, effective, and safe to maintain the air tubes open. Contemporary approaches regarding mechanical ventilation comprise the strategy for protective lung with the utilization of permissive hypercapnia, and low tidal volumes have enhanced the results in numerous Intensive Care Units offering care to cancer patients. (Elbahlawan et al., 2017). A machine delivers this positive-pressure ventilation through a mask or artificial airway, blowing oxygen in the air passages such as the throat ad nose at a gauged pressure.

Prolonged mechanical ventilation is vital to pediatric cancer patients who require support as a result of critical lung injury (Elbahlawan et al., 2017). Moving patients to particular weaning units may enhance outcomes and minimize costs. Most patients need respiratory care for a short period. Besides, home mechanical ventilation may have diverse objectives for patients with poor diagnosis from their fundamental malignancy, such as permitting them to go back to their residence for some time in the palliative approach.

Respiratory Care for the Ventilated Neonate

The article aims at examining and monitoring the scientific literature as well as invasively ventilated newborns regarding the respiratory care to aid physicians to enhance the care efficacy while averting harmful iatrogenic impacts. There exist an upsurge trend of utilizing noninvasive modes of ventilation in the neonatal intensive care units (NICUs). Also, NICUs are increasingly using respiratory therapy and individualized nursing care (Rocha et al., 2018).

Respiratory Care

Nurses caring for newborns should always track the monitor, oxygen delivery systems, ventilation devices, and oxygenation of the patient. It is essential to utilize highly sensitive equipment to aid in the monitoring of the patient (Rocha et al., 2018). Nurses should set the respiration, heart rate alarm limits, oxygen saturation, and blood pressure according to the NICUs specific care standard and existing evidence (Rocha et al., 2018). In delivering effective and safe nursing care, extreme and expertise are vital aspects. Airway clearance, thermoregulation, stable hemodynamic status, and optimal positioning are some of the elements of cardinal care.

Mucus can produce resistance in the airway, which may minimize airflow. Maneuvers of the respiratory kinesiotherapy may enable sufficient flow of the expiratory without resulting in the closure of the airway (Rocha et al., 2018). Respiratory kinesiotherapy methods lead to lung mechanical impacts, enhancing ventilation hence allowing good airway maintenance and ventilator weaning. Also, the endotracheal tube obstructs the cough reflex, weakens the functioning of mucociliary, and augments mucus production (Rocha et al., 2018). Maneuvers that conduct periextubation have presented enhancement in pulmonary symptoms with a reduction in the lung atelectasis occurrence after extubation (Rocha et al., 2018). The multiplicity of techniques such as active techniques, postural damage, and positioning are some of the neonate's respiratory kinesiotherapy.

Aerosol therapy has been resented to be an effective drug delivery method. Aerosolization equipment in neonates comprises inhalers, nebulizers, and holding chambers (Rocha et al., 2018). Aerosolization aims at attaining high concentrations of drug in lung tissue. Critically ill neonates use drugs such as diuretics, surfactants, bronchodilators, corticosteroids, and vasoactive agents. Ventilation gas conditions, as well as aerosol characteristics such as the shape, size of the nebulizer, influence the inhalational therapies' effectiveness (Rocha et al., 2018). Thus, as part of routine treatment, it is essential to administer patients with ventilator support aerosolized medications.

Respiratory Care Considerations for Children With Medical Complexity

According to this article, there exist a growing number of children with medical complexity (CMC) who are mainly characterized by chronic states impacting the various organ systems, utilization of medical technology both at intensive healthcare and home (Chiang & Amin, 2017).

Causes of the Respiratory Risks in CMC

In most cases, children experiencing medical complexity face diurnal respiratory failure. Recurrent pulmonary exacerbation episodes and nocturnal hypoventilation linked with respiratory aspiration or infection precede this respirational failure. Small aspiration volume mainly results in chronic pulmonary injury, which may comprise bronchiectasis. Children with these complexities tend to have declining cough reflexes primarily. For instance, the impairments in the diaphragm or abdominal muscles may inhibit children with injuries in the spinal cord sufficient cough.

Respiratory Care

Airway clearance techniques (ACT) aid in the facilitation of lung secretion removal and have presented an enhancement in the functioning of the lungs, sputum expectoration, and symptoms to persons experiencing non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis (Chiang & Amin, 2017). It is easier to administer chest physiotherapy, which helps in the mobilization and removal of secretions frequently in combination with postural drainage or suctioning. Intrapulmonary percussive ventilation (IPV) is another ACT form that offers high rate intermittent air bursts during expiratory and inspiratory series causing intrapulmonary vibrations hence mobilizing excretions to the mouth (Chiang & Amin, 2017). Utilizing a positive pressure enables clearance of the respiratory secretions by mechanical in-exsufflation, thus generating a natural cough. Contemporary models have the oscillation element, which improves secretion mobilization and loosening by performing adjustments in rates and amplitude settings.

Also, it is substantial to provide oxygen to medically complex children due to acute lower respiratory tract infections, congenital heart disease, and interstitial and prematurity of chronic lung disease. The provision of oxygen help in the prevention of probable chronic hypoxemia consequences such as pulmonary hypertension, adverse effects of neurocognitive, and suboptimal progression (Chiang & Amin, 2017). It is substantial to monitor the levels of carbon dioxide carefully to guarantee hypercapnia does not proceed after the oxygen initiation, especially to children with upper airway obstruction conditions. Caregivers should take great care of the oxygen as it is highly flammable when exposed to flames or fire. It is imperative to discourage smoking around patients receiving home-based oxygen. Pediatric specialists should establish decisions on offering oxygen with suggestions for assessing the children for at least 6 hours, including the periods of sleep and feeding. In some cases, children obtain home oxygen through a minimum flow system utilizing nasal cannulae (Chiang & Amin, 2017).


In conclusion, the main aim of offering respiratory care should be to enhance the quality of care, growth, and rehabilitation. Respiratory care comprises oral care, suctioning airways, respiratory monitoring, and oxygen therapy. It is assumed that more children with medical complexities will rely on respiratory technology due to the progressions in life-sustaining support. Also, the neonatal patient has distinctive physiological features; hence invasive ventilation is necessary for the newborn infant's treatment with respiratory inefficiency. Healthcare providers should have familiarity with associated complications experienced during respiratory problems and comprehend all the technical, indications, and safety considerations. In this case, failure to deliver appropriate respiratory care results in the incidence of some issues.

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