Free Essay Sample: Translation as Intercultural Communication

Published: 2023-12-20
Free Essay Sample: Translation as Intercultural Communication
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Languages Intercultural communication
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1259 words
11 min read

The incremental rate of globalization and immigration has resulted in the need for constant translation services. When an individual moves from one region to another, they are likely to face issues like cultural practice and communication barriers. People moving from non-English regions or countries to the US have to remain determined to learn the language, thus then need to seek translation services. Translation is a form of intellectual communication in which an individual knows more than one language, thus enabling them to help visitors break the intercultural communication barrier.

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Translation services primarily achieve intercultural understanding. As such, it acts as a cultural filter such that one can easily understand what is expected of them, thus easing tension and the inability to relate freely. Globalization has also resulted in high demand for translation services, given that society seems to be discriminatory against other languages (Liddicoat, 2016). For instance, in a French-speaking country, nationals from English-speaking nations have to seek translation services or learn the language to interact freely. The current society acknowledges that there exist various unidirectional translations in various languages, not just English. Translation has thus remained an important component of intercultural communication, as it facilitates understanding of one another’s needs and expectations at individual and group levels.

The lack of knowledge about a particular culture and language barrier remains the primary issue hindering a rapid rate of globalization. Otherwise, the world would have been ruled by a single culture if people were using a uniform language. For instance, it could have been easy for an individual to communicate and form social relations without worrying about the language barrier. Lack of knowledge based on language and cultural barriers can be avoided through seeking translation services. However, the translator must embrace professionalism and ensure that the message remains the same (Liddicoat, 2016). Notably, the translator will be relied upon in terms of enabling two people to communicate. If the professional misinterprets the message, then the intended meaning will be diluted. As such, the lack of particular language skills and cultural norms can result in misunderstanding and even offend one another during a communication process.

Some people have basic English language skills and competencies, in both written and spoken. However, they may not freely communicate as they struggle to master the language. Having an individual who acts as a mediator can help as a translator and enable the persons to develop and enhance their communication (Liddicoat, 2016). Translation thus forms part of intercultural communication, as it tries to break language and cultural barriers. Without effective communication, people cannot negotiate or reach an agreement during international business and social relations. Therefore, translation remains a key component of intercultural communication, as it enables individuals from different regions visiting English-speaking nations to freely interact with locals as they try to adapt to the new setting.

Translators should, however, note the need to understand the cultural background of the people being assisted. For instance, during a television or radio interview, or international agreements, the translator must remain professional and observe the ethical codes for both parties (Pena-Díaz, 2020). Pointing out the need for translation as part of intercultural communication remains a vital part of a student’s learning process. It facilitates the understanding of why people need to learn basic English terms before visiting countries like England and the US.

Various fields of expertise require translation services, particularly if internationals are involved. Notably, healthcare providers in the US or the UK will demand translation services as part of intercultural communication when handling patients from non-English speaking countries (Pena-Díaz, 2020). Even if some healthcare professionals may understand more than one language, the variety of languages globally poses a challenge that demands an interpreter. In the absence of intercultural communication, medical tourism and the hospitality industry could not have existed. As such, translation services, which demand an individual to know more than one language, have posed a high rate of demand. This trend is expected to be maintained in a highly globalized society. A notable example is the US and Canada, given that even if these countries have an official language of communication, the existence of different languages like French and Germany demands intercultural communication through a translator.

Due to the high rate of globalization and immigration, intercultural communication remains an important component of interpersonal and group relations. Social interaction and enhanced business practices depend on translation and its influence on intercultural understanding. As translators transmit ideas and skills, they make some concepts understood through oral instead of sign language (Sadiku, 2017). Translation breaks the language barrier and enhances professionalism and the possibility of helping people in need of particular services. Breaking language barriers requires translation services, meaning that intercultural communication professionals remain an important component in society’s transformation.

English translators take an active role in eliminating the language barriers for non-English speakers, thus bridging the existing cultural gap. People in communication need to see the world from different perspectives by understanding various ways of life. As such, an English translator must first be aware of the country’s culture, such as the US or Canada, before considering aiding another individual from France with translation services. Learning a different language as a linguistic professional thus demands the need to understand its relevant culture. This means that translators occupy two key roles; political or cultural researchers and linguistic experts.

Translation has become a much-needed career, and its demand keeps on increasing in the hospitality industry. Enhancing globalization starts with one’s assurance that in an English-speaking nation, they will have translators or people who can speak in their local languages. If not, an individual may not consider making international tours or business deals. This means that understanding and being eloquent in more than one language is fast becoming a much-needed profession. Translators must understand that new phrases and cultural concepts are being integrated into various languages, thus demanding to learn such ways of life (Sadiku, 2017). They will ultimately act as intermediaries and not just interpreters, thus enhancing the level of interpersonal relationships. Therefore, translation is not just a matter of conveying the meaning or information from one party to another but includes the building of cultural bridges to enhance the understanding of one another’s beliefs and practices.


The profession of translation is one of the initiatives that make people happy and feel accepted in various environments. They can learn about new cultures and ideas, meals, storytelling, and be able to transact. Taking the role of an English translator, for instance, will demand an individual to be equipped with interpersonal relationship skills and competencies, thus allowing them to advance their level of professional association. Given that few people have a chance to learn a second or third language, it remains essential for society to depend on translation services heavily. Facilitating communication among individuals or corporations can thus stimulate nationalism and cultural integration, a strategy that can enhance peaceful coexistence and high productivity. Translation services enable people to learn new ideas every day and take instructions based on different languages. As such, translation is considered a key component of intercultural communication.


Liddicoat, A. J. (2016). Translation as intercultural mediation: Setting the scene. Perspectives, 24(3), 347-353.

Pena-Díaz, C. (2020). The role of the translator and interpreter in terrorist conflicts. Intercultural Crisis Communication, 12(1), 327–338.

Sadiku Manaj, L. (2017). Intercultural translation and communication. European Journal of Social Sciences Education and Research, 11(1), 99.

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