Free Essays in History: Nazi and Germany. Cold War.

Published: 2022-05-13
Free Essays in History: Nazi and Germany. Cold War.
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  History Hitler Cold War
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1097 words
10 min read

Essay 1: Nazi and Germany

In March 16th, 1935, Adolf Hitler made an announcement of re-arming Germany which was a violation of the Treaty of Versailles. Hitler made it public that Germany had started the construction of an air force, and provided plans for the reinstitution of conscription and creation of a German army of over half a million men. France, Britain, the League of Nations and Italy all provided statements which condemned the decisions of Hitler. Hitler was able to re-arm by strictly controlling the media and the press, where he hid the rearmament. Victory inspires revenge for the defeated and saps the energy for the winners, and this is why Hitler was allowed to rearm. The Munich Agreement allowed Germany to annex Czechoslovakia in the border inhabited by German speakers. This agreement played a role in allowing Hitler to participate in the rearmament.

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The Winter War was a military conflict between Finland and the USSR, then the Soviet Union. It started with the Soviet Invasion of Finland in 1939 November 30th, after the Second World War broke out. This war made Germans become overconfident. Before the Winter War, Soviet Union was feared in the world, and outsiders could not understand their internal affairs, and its military strength was not known. The Finns were weak and had a small population. The Finns staged a war which lasted for three months, and this encouraged the Germans. The three myths which are discussed by Michael Cherniavsky are winter season, Russian communications and overwhelming workforce. Given the Russian qualities about its vast workforce, we are forced into believing the presence of a ratio of 5 to 1 could make a thin battle line on the German side. At this time, there was an increment in German troops. The winter season in Russia was very harsh at this time. Hitler was not prepared and be only attacked with opportunity, forcing us to believe that the Germans could not fight because of the inadequacy of clothing. The Germans did not use their potential until it became very late. The primitive of communications of Russia was also a factor for consideration. These are factors which helped Russia in winning the battle against Germany.

Essay 2: Cold War

Question 1

The Yalta Conference, which was held in 1945 February, was the second meeting during wartime. The leaders in attendance of the meeting were Winston Churchill, the British prime minister, Soviet premier Joseph Stalin and the president of the USA Franklin D. Roosevelt. Their demands were the unconditional surrender by Germany and plans for the new world after the war. Stalin also allowed free elections in Eastern Europe, and he entered into the Asian war waged against Japan (Peterson 10). However, Stalin went against his words of free elections and formed a government which was dominated by the Soviet Union. This led to the controversial Yalta conference and resulted in the Cold War.

George Kennen, who was located in Moscow and held the position of American charge d'affaires, sent a telegram which was 8000 words long to the Department of State. This telegram included his views on the US and Soviet Union policy towards the communist state. George Kennan explained that the Soviet Union was unable to foresee a permanent peaceful co-existence with Western nations. He opined that expansionism of the Soviet was to be contained by strong resistance policy.

The Marshall plan was an American movement which was aimed at assisting Western Europe in supporting and rebuilding economies in the aftermath of the Second World War. The Marshall Plan, also called The European Recovery Program, was an offensive ideological tool used by the West against the East Community. The Stalin's Cold War was considered as a reaction to this plan.

Question 2

The Berlin Blockade was the first major crisis of the cold war. The Soviet Union prevented the railway, canal and road access of western allies to sectors of Berlin which were under the control of the West community. Soviets agreed to drop blockade only if the Western Allies withdrew the introduced Deutsche mark.

The Korean War which occurred from 1950-1953 is an example of the USA cold war policy of containment. In case of declaration of war and communist attempted to spread into the South, the USA would provide support to the South. The USA would also in the process fight communism spread into South Korea. This proved their containment policy.

The Second Red Scare was a reflection of the cold war as it referred to the fear of communism which permeated American culture, society, and politics from the late 1940s.

Question 3

Ho lived in Paris and the talks about the treaty of Versailles, he tried to convince the American delegation in speaking out for the Indo-Chinese people. Ho changed into communism after reading works of Karl Marx. He laid claim that every communist was bound to return to their countries of origin. Apparently, the request is similar to those of other independence leaders such as Mahatma Gandhi.

The USA government decided to get involved in the Vietnam War as a means of preventing the takeover of communist over South Vietnam. This was considered as part of the domino theory of containment policy which aimed at stopping the spread of communism.

The war was difficult for most Americans as it was a guerilla war. This type of conflict included conventional forces including Vietnam found it hard to fight. Americans were not equipped with weapons to fight in the jungles and paddy fields.

In 1968, North Vietnams launched coordinated attacks alongside communist Viet Cong forces against South Vietnam. The Tet Offensive was crucial in weakening the U.S. public support for Vietnam War.

Question 4

The policy of detente was used in the period of improved relations between the Soviet Union and the USA which started in 1971.

President Reagan initiated a Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) which neutralized incoming missiles of the Soviet of the soviet. This programs shocked the Russian who was not able to match the USA economically in the escalation of the armed race.

The Cold War ended when Mikhail Gorbachev took over the power of the Soviet Union in 1985. He brought revolutions which were not predicted by anyone. He introduced openness, and it included the willingness of members of the Soviet to allow western goods and ideas into the country.

The present world is produced by the Cold War as the energies and anxieties were expressed in boardrooms, laboratories, and even governments.

Works Cited

Peterson, James W. "The Cold War root of post-Cold War tension: duality of detente in the 1970s and neo-Cold War in the 1980s." Manchester University Press, 2018.

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