Free Paper Example: Companies and Their Founders

Published: 2023-10-18
Free Paper Example: Companies and Their Founders
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Company Strategy Leadership style
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1187 words
10 min read


Chief Executive Officer is the most powerful, rewarding, and exciting title in the business world. The CEO controls the biggest moves in the business such as accounts and performance of the business and is the one who meets the expectations of directors, shareholders, customers, and employees. The CEOs have the following roles in companies; setting corporate strategies, leading the top team, working with the board, aligning the organization, and being the face of the company to external stakeholders. An example of excellent CEOs is Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs who are the founders of Apple Computer, Inc., an American multinational corporation that designs and manufactures electronic and software products (Smith & Cockburn, 2013). The two have worked so hard that their company has attracted customers who are loyal to the company and its brand. Moreover, through the production of more improved devices and services, a good image of the organization has been created hence attracting more customers. There is also Richard Branson who is the founder of Virgin.

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The above CEOs and other founders work for them to achieve the expected results, even in the unforeseen future. They dominate the companies they have created such that when they pass the future of their companies can be uncertain. They do so in the following ways: Ensuring the Availability of an Excellent Corporate Strategy

It is done through ensuring that there are a vision and mission that matches the company’s expectations. Since a mission statement defines the company’s business, it enables it to reach the set objectives while a vision statement enables the company to know the future position of the company, its goals, and values (Yasir & Kamal, 2019). Such CEOs identify the corporate culture, values, strategies by interviewing employees, suppliers, and customers. Besides, they ensure that the objectives are measurable and achievable, and communicate clear messages. Apart from that, the CEOs ensure that they make strategies that enable them to make bold moves early such as approaching stakeholders and allocating resources that are useful to the organization.

They Ensure Organizational Alignment

It is done through making sure that employees’ talents are matched to their work in the organization so as one works in an area that they enjoy hence faster realization of organizational goals. Also, a company has a culture that refers to the attitudes and behavior of everyone in the company towards each other (Bhattacharyya & Jha, 2018). They include how people interact with each other, decisions they make, employee performance, reporting structure, their dressing code, and the values that they hold (Barling, 2014). In addition to this, organization alignment is done by ensuring that the organization's design, which is an organizational method that identifies the inactive aspects of how the workflows, procedures, systems, and structures. Aligning ensures that the company meets its goals and develops plans to come up with new changes (Bhattacharyya & Jha, 2018). Organizational designs lead to increased profitability, reduced operating costs, excellent customer service, and improved efficiency.

They Ensure External Stakeholders are Present

The stakeholders include; suppliers, the society, government, creditors, customers, and shareholders. The CEO ensures that all these people are available because they do different activities that ensure that the organization achieves its set goals and objectives (Bhattacharyya & Jha, 2018). Shareholders are those who have an interest in business operations because they make sure that the business is profitable and in return turn their investment into the business. On the other hand, creditors supply raw materials, services needed and financial capital to the organization to ensure its effective running. The companies help the government to grow and pay taxes (Yasir & Kamal, 2019). The government sets financial, monetary, economic, and fiscal policies to ensure that taxes are regulated and bank interest rates are regulated so that the organizations do not make losses. In addition to that, the local community is to be available in the business because they provide the required labor and services to the organization (Smith & Cockburn, 2013). In conclusion, some suppliers take products into the organization so that the company can smoothly run.

They Also Ensure that Teams and Processes are Available

Teamwork in an organization provides employees with an opportunity to bond with each other hence improving relations. Such motivates employees to work harder, cooperate, and support each other. Workers have diverse talents, weaknesses strengths, and habits hence learning and understanding each other makes work easy and goals achievable. Moreover, decisions are encouraged by CEOs in an organization as they enable the organization to achieve its goals, through the selection of a course of action from two or more alternatives (Yasir & Kamal, 2019). Also, ensuring that there exists a management process that includes activities of planning that involves how best to accomplish the set goals and organizing which determines how best to allocate resources to achieve the goals. Further, it should take part in controlling that involves motivating and directing employees to work towards the realization of the set goals, and controlling that involves the CEO to evaluate and monitor employee progress.

They Ensure that Board Management is Present

The board of management is ensured to be present by encouraging effectiveness which is a concept of how the company achieves its goals. The company goals include business processes, organizational structure and designs, employee performance, organizational behavior, and the overall alignment between different business areas (Smith & Cockburn, 2013). In addition to the above, the CEO ensures that there exist relationships in the organization among board members by thinking beyond the physical meetings. It is done by creating effective conversations, building transparency, building collaboration with honest efforts, and making trust a major component of the relationship (Miller, 2015). Besides, there exist organizational capabilities that refer to the intangible assets that are used to achieve goals. These capabilities include; talents, speed, brand identity, shared mindset, accountability, innovation, efficiency, strategies, customer relations, and leadership.

They also Work on their Norms

The CEO has a leadership model that he/she used to lead. They include shared leadership whereby the leader involves leaders in leading so that they become more responsible and accountable, situational leadership which the leader on the required training required to develop an employee in a specific situation, Laissez-Faire leadership that allows employees to set rules and make organization-based decisions (Yasir & Kamal, 2019).


In conclusion, the CEO of any given company works by applying specific strategies that ensure that the set goals and objectives are achieved. The CEO also sets long term positive gains of the organization and hence when they leave the organization through resigning or retiring, the future of the organization becomes unpredictable.


Lyon, A. (2019). Leadership Foundations: Leadership Styles and Models. Carpenteria, CA: Top of Form

Barling, J. (2014). The Science of Leadership: Lessons from Research for Organizational Leaders.

Bhattacharyya, S. S., & Jha, S. (2018). Strategic Leadership Models and Theories: Indian Perspectives.Miller, P. A. (2015). The Role of the Chief Executive Officer: Unlocking the Full Potential of Women Leaders.

Smith, P. A. C., & Cockburn, T. (2013). Dynamic Leadership Models for Global Business: Enhancing Digitally Connected Environments.

Yasir, H. M., & Kamal, S. (2019). Servant Leadership Styles and Strategic Decision Making.

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