Free Paper Example on Anti Abortion

Published: 2023-12-12
Free Paper Example on Anti Abortion
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Abortion
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1770 words
15 min read


Abortion refers to the termination of the pregnancy before a birth. For many years, women around the globe tend to terminate unwanted pregnancy due to weak cervix, blocked fallopian tubes, healthy risks, malformation of the fetus, embarrassment or other reasons well known to them. It is right to recognize that abortion can either be artificial or natural. Abortion occurs naturally if no medication or surgery conducted to terminate the pregnancy and becomes artificial if there was a deliberate intention to terminate it. Although pregnancy termination occurs in every society, little research is conducted on why women would prefer abortion. The pro-life individuals have different opinions on the right to reproduce and grant someone the right to live. Their controversy has affected the multidimensional features of human life, such as psychological, moral, religious, and physical life, causing both psychological and reproductive complications. Abortion being a controversial topic has brought both health and social argument on whether it is right or wrong to practice abortion.

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Unwanted Pregnancies

Annually, approximately 42 million women with unwanted pregnancies opt to abort due to weak cervix, blocked fallopian tubes, healthy risks, malformation of the fetus, embarrassment, peer influence or fear of what people would say (Haddad & Nour, 2019). Pro-life supporters suggest that abortion leads to a high mortality rate. Annually, approximately 4.7% to 13.2% of maternal death occurs due to unsafe abortion. “In developed countries, about 30 women die in every 100,000, unsafe abortions” (WHO, 2019). Among the procedures used in terminating a pregnancy, 20 million of them appear unsafe, contributing to death rate or complications. Unsafe abortion involves unskilled individual carrying the activity in an environment that does not follow the required medical standard. Although some women survive, they may suffer long-term complications. Research conducted in 2012 showed that approximately 7 million women went for treatment annually, due to complication from unsafe abortion (WHO, 2019). Thus, instead of improving human health, it increases complication and accelerates death rate.

The pro-life advocate opposes abortions arguing that it is a violation of human right. Unborn children have the right to survive, and only death can terminate their life (Roberts, Kimport, Kriz, Holl, Mark & Williams, 2019). The autonomy of every individual requires protection, even if the victims do not have the potential to express themselves. Also, it is not right to give men the freedom to exploit women. Legalizing abortion in some of the countries encourages men can have sex with their women without taking responsibility, but putting women at risk. Some sexual intercourse is deliberate, and therefore both man and woman should take responsibility, instead of taking advantage of the innocent soul.

The pro-life also argue that individuals who advocate for safe, legal abortion are “anti-life.” The human embryo has life since it fulfils the four criteria of biological life, which include metabolism, reaction to stimuli, reproduction, and death (Schwarzwalder, 2015). The zygote has a genetic composition different from other existing creatures, disproving the argument that terminated fetus or zygote is part of the woman body. The DNA contains the hereditary features that can be seen in childhood and adulthood. Besides, the human zygote is simply a human organism since it carries out all the activities through independent functioning. A zygote initiates a development that is likely to be interrupted by external intervention, accident, and disease (Schwarzwalder, 2015). It matures into a human being who passes through stages of life such as birth, childhood, aging, maturing, and death. This scientific evidence shows that human egg and sperm is a new unit that is usually alive and fully human being.

Emotional and Physical Health

Abortion destroys the emotional and physical health of the woman. The pro-life women and men argue that abortion is not empowerment but an act of desperation, betrayal, and abandonment that affect the victims (Schwarzwalder, 2015). A website is known as “www.”, provide a platform where women help one another cope up with stress that occur after abortion. The websites contain about 2.5 million posts that explain how women were pressured to abort by family members, friends, husbands, and boyfriends. These women express their experiences such as guiltiness, promiscuity, nightmares, inability to maintain relationship and excessive drug abuse consumption. In the real sense, carrying out abortion shows how society has failed to meet women needs. Instead of providing a solution that built their confidence, it creates a woman with low self-esteem and regrets (Schwarzwalder, 2015). Guiltiness drives women to desperation, making them feel inferior in society. No matter the desire to save the unborn child from sufferings, women who abort suffer from guiltiness. It becomes a burden to her conscience, burdening her soul until death. Women do not need to abort, to be productive members of society.

Pro-life suggests that people who justify abortion by saying that no one tells when life begins base their argument on philosophical and political view. Scientifically, the cardiovascular system becomes the first organ to function after the implantation of the fetus (Schwarzwalder, 2015). After 22 days, the heart of the fetus began to circulate blood, and this can be detected using the ultrasound. In six weeks, other parts of the body, which include the tongue, eyelids, nose, and mouth, have already formed. Between the sixth and seventh week, the brain activity can be detected, and in the tenth week, the fetus can make a bodily movement (Schwarzwalder, 2015). Therefore the argument about no one knows when life begins is invalid. The entity in the fetus deserves protection and legal acknowledgement.

Opposers also say that abortion destroys families and relationships. In case of death, the whole family gets affected. Abortion leads to the loss of an irreplaceable child or the mother, causing conflicts (Roberts et al., 2019). Research shows that abortion is more likely to destroy a couple’s relationship than improve it. It also destroys trust among couples, leading to dependency, insecurity, and fear among women. It also prevents women’s ability to maintain a long-term relationship in future in that they encounter divorce or break up. Research shows that women who have aborted engage in shorter relationships compared to women with no history of abortion. Due to self-hatred and guiltiness, the woman feels as if they do not deserve a devoted relationship (Roberts et al., 2019). Such kind of women will push potential husband away to destroy the relationship. Other women will remain in a hopelessness, betrayal, and abandonment situation. Therefore, abortion is not a solution to a successful relationship.

Principles of the Feminist

Opposers say that abortion violates the principles of the feminist. Some actions, such as violence and abortion, are erratic to the main feminist principles, which include non-discrimination, justice, and non-violence (Roberts et al., 2019). Women have the right to control what is growing in their womb even though it was not their wish. The society should not judge or force the woman to abort, to avoid the shame of becoming a mother at a young age. In another argument, the pro-life suggests that abortion is a sin (Roberts et al., 2019). Biblically, God condemns all evil things such as murder. The scripture says that God created the human being in his image, and since fetus grows up to human beings, it is created in the image of God. Destruction of human life interferes with God’s creation, and the wrath of God can make the wrongdoer suffer.

Opposers suggest that women who have aborted are immoral. Abortion is associated with sin, and other members of society judge women who have aborted (Roberts et al., 2019). Biblically, sex before marriage is a sin; hence unwanted pregnancy, especially at teenage is an immoral act. Although the victim might have experienced rape that led to unwanted pregnancy, anti-abortionist advocate that women to carry full pregnancy since some are against the contraception pills. Some pro-life believe that emergency contraception may terminate the pregnancy by preventing a fertilized egg from embedding itself on the woman fetus. They are also against the pills since they terminate the fetus. Nonetheless, some support the usage of contraceptive pills, although some women use them, they end up getting pregnant (Roberts et al., 2019). Apart from rape, most of the sexual intercourse is done deliberately and therefore, no room to advocate contraceptive pills.

Life is sacred, and only God has the right to terminate it. The pro-life claim that a fertilized ovum need to be treated with respect. A sperm has life, and when it fuses with an ovum, it forms the fetus (Roberts et al., 2019). Later the fetus grows into a zygote, which later becomes the child. If the sperm and egg did not have life, there would be no formation of human beings. It is not fair to make some assumption and deny a creature life because it has not fully developed.

Besides, abortion also creates new problems. Women who abort believes that terminating pregnancy solve their problems. Abortion seems to erase some problems, but in the real sense, problems still exist (Roberts et al., 2019). Conceivably, it becomes easy to complete college or university without the parents knowing that their daughter was pregnant. Abortion does not solve all the problems; it only gives the women time to proceed with life without much burden, especially while schooling. However, majority of women give birth while in college or campus and proceed with their studies. Many parents accept their daughters despite the situation, making them feel wanted in society (Roberts et al., 2019). It is better to reveal the truth and live a happy life other than say a lie that cost an innocent soul because, in the end, the problems may not be solved. Just because it is legal in some countries, does not make it right, and may not stay hidden forever.


Abortion is also a way of avoiding responsibility. Abortion becomes a cover-up for a sin committed or for a relationship gone sour (Roberts et al., 2019). When two human beings engage in sexual intercourse, they must accept responsibility. Circumstances at which the baby is raised may be difficult, but that does not authorize the killing of an innocent child. Opting to raise a child is becoming responsible, but deciding to abort is denying life to a child, which is becoming irresponsible. Additionally, abortion can cause economic waste, such as workforce and resources (Roberts et al., 2019). The resources used during the abortion process should be used to fulfil other economic needs. The countries that have legalized abortion use the taxpayer income to fund abortion. Such money should be used to fight unpredictable disasters in the country. It could also be used to raise the living standards of a vulnerable member of the society or fund other health programs, to improve the patient’s outcome.

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