Free Paper Example on Cyber Grooming

Published: 2023-11-26
Free Paper Example on Cyber Grooming
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Research Internet Child abuse Sexual abuse Social issue
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1779 words
15 min read


The online grooming of children for purposes of sex through the internet and other related technologies has grown to a global problem. It is a mess that has had many children at great risk for abuse sexually and exploitation. By definition, grooming represents the process where an adult creates a relationship with a kid, either through the internet or other related technologies, for the purpose of facilitating offline or online contact with the child sexually. Online grooming is often connected with a set of different types of sexual exploitation with children; these may include creating materials that sexually abuse the child and also sexual assault (Owen, Noble, and Speed, 2017). The research proposal presents an analysis of the theoretical framework of child grooming, and the implications of the study of child grooming have policies, program enhancement, and the various theoretical contributions.

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The research question that the study looks to address is how is research on cyber grooming relevant, and how can one protect oneself? The proposal looks at undertaking a literature review, taking interviews with the relevant stakeholders. The proposal intends to bring together various findings from the main theoretical frameworks that try to analyze the study on child grooming.

Literature Review

This review looks to establish and analyze the various studies that have delved into the understanding of Cyber grooming by exploiting the research gaps. These studies present a broader analysis of the understanding of our research proposal because they critically analyze cases of cyberbullying from across and then presenting a theoretical approach or analysis that helps guide and inform future studies and understanding of the topic in general.

Thongraweewong (2018) presents a study on the application of the computer-related Crime Act to the protection of children in the digital forum from being victims of cyber grooming. The study examines cyber grooming in the context of a legal framework by analyzing the processes involved in cyber grooming. Thongraweewong (2018) provides three stages that are applied in the process of cyber grooming; they include:

  • Assessment of risks and selection of the victim
  • Relationship building in order to develop trust
  • Committing sexual intention with the child

The study is primarily based in Thailand but borrows crime laws in other countries like the UK and America throughout the three stages. In relation to the set laws and crimes acts against Cyber grooming, Thongraweewong, in the asserts that Thailand crime laws against Cyber grooming share a number of similarities in certain stages of the cyber grooming process that seemingly cannot be applied, for instance, the selection of victim and assessment of risks (Thongraweewong, 2018). The study points out that although there have been newly amended crime-related acts that provide specific content in the sexual offense, there still exist great limitations in their application for the purpose of covering activities of cyber grooming.

Nikolovska (2020) analyses the internet as the creator of the mind of a criminal and the vulnerabilities to a child through cyber grooming. Nikolovska tries to explore the understanding that unless we have an empirical understanding of the specific cyber behavioral characteristic are applied by the victim and offender in the process of cyber grooming, and there cannot be an explanation of online sexual grooming. The study, therefore, conceptualizes the affordances of cyber in the context of certain cyber variables that are measured in the context of an interactive cybercriminal scenario.

Nikolovska (2020) asserts that the dynamics of cyber grooming do not happen solely in the context of a technology-based crime or in the context of deviant behavior, but cyber grooming happens when human behavior and technology interact by miss relation of information. The study provides a gap as a theoretical contribution to the study of cyber specific as variables meant for distinct cyber phenomena. New ways of safe internet behavior require the understanding of the various behavioral characteristics that creates a chance for the discovery of possible eradication of the cyber grooming risks through the internet and promotion of safe practice, Nikolovska, (2020).

Machimbarrena et al. (2018) present an overview of victimization in cyber dating abuse, sexting, cyberbullying, online grooming, and the problematic use of the internet. The advancement in the use of the internet has resulted in great risks that tend to affect the psycho-social nature of the adolescents, one of the risks is Cyber grooming (Machimbarrena et al., 2018). The study looks to identify the common element that lies between the described risks of the internet and the identification of those victimized through the internet. Increasing possession and use of smartphones is the gateway to these set risks negatively affecting the psycho-social o9f the teenagers globally. The study tends to explore the interconnection of cyber crimes and how they are a risk to young people. Machimbarrena et al. identify this as a gap that needs to be explored in the context of a better understanding of cybercrimes. Victimization, as is the context of the study, is the reason why young people are vulnerable to the other forms of victimization and therefore extending their status of victims to even longer time. Victimization does not occur in isolation but tends to be followed by the rest of the abuses.

Sampling Logic

In order to realize the research objectives and aims, the research proposal had to undertake a series of related phases of data collection. The sampling process involved undertaking in processes such as interviewing cyber groomers and also disseminating awareness of the relevant key stakeholders (Cullen, and Palmer, 2019). The sampling process aimed to explore the context and background of internet abuse in various individuals as a way to set the research in the current legislative context. This phase was also meant to answer the research question based on the current and comprehensive data that will be given by the individuals interviewed

Data Collection Strategy

Interviews with strategic stakeholders ensure that every professional with expertise in cyber grooming are included. Stakeholders can be easily approached through emails and outlining the intended purpose of the study and the scope of the study. The first contact of the stakeholders addressed through the email was first informed through a telephone call to make sure that they were ready to take part in the study. A set date was prepared for the convenience of the stakeholders to take up the interview.

In-depth interviews are the most viable process in this context. The voluntary nature of the research needs to be emphasized, and the presentation of a consent form should be given to the participants before the interview begins. For a better and quality interview with the stakeholders, it is important to digitally record and carry out the process by a topic guide. The topic guide should take on the important set of themes that are relevant to the study. The interview should effectively question the responses of the participant's experiences, the circumstances, their attitudes, and the contribution of the participants in order to ensure that the interview is fully detailed and understanding.


The sample of participants in this category should be selected from various sexual offenders' data provided by the state management of services. Since this is a special phase in the process, individuals seeking consent for the contact should be passed to the team. Also, the research team should be involved in contacting the individuals who had consented to release the details of them taking part in the study.

Focus Group

This process majorly involves schools where students are given detailed information meant to inform a decision on whether to be a part of the study. A consent form is also necessary for every young person in the school that decides to take part in the study. The most relevant group of school children in this study should be secondary school children with a range of 11 – 16 years old. It is important to note that there are prevailing differences between older children and younger children in the nature of the use of the internet and the incidence. There also exist socio-economic and gender background differences. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the resulting sample from this category comprises of the age group of 11-13 years, and those in the bracket of 14-16 years of age. A mix of girls and boys in the group having single-sex should be created where possible socio-economic diversities in the identification of their differences in attitudes and behaviors can be achieved. A number of focus groups from this sample should be created with much focus being on their socio-economic backgrounds in order to meet the intended objectives of the study. A topic guide should be adopted in this case covering major areas of concern such as safety awareness, their general use of the internet, their online experiences, and their attitudes towards safety training and awareness.

Theoretical Framework

The structure for effective understanding and in intervention for the awareness programs and cyber grooming to inform policymakers, young people, and teachers requires an in-depth understanding of the behavior of online groomers, the limitations and change enablers, and what drives their actions. It is common to note that these offenders all behave in a multi-complex and dynamic nature. However, for the optimum effect, it is equally important that this framework analyses as well and explain the behavior of online groomers. In that context, therefore, the following theories help in the professional understanding of the study.

Self-regulation model relating to the process of sexual offense by Hudson ad Ward -this theory presents the general understanding that the different styles of self-regulation, the external and internal processes that permit a person to take part in a goal related act, underpins the process of a sexual offense. The two styles of goals discussed here are avoidance and approach. Approach goals mostly relate to the successful attainment of a situation and often involve behaviors that are approach-focused. An example is where a person tailors their online profile to attract a particularly young child's interests (Dangerfield, Ildeniz, and Ó Ciardha, 2020). Avoidance goals, on the other hand, relate to the reduction of a certain state where attention is on negative information that signals failure instead of success. An example here is a case where an online groomer masturbates to a collection of images of children to suppress the desire of making contact with a young child online.


Effect of online disinhibition by Suler – the theory focuses on three dimensions that help in the understanding of the behavior of online groomers. Dissociative anonymity is the first dimension as it relates to the online platforms giving people a chance to separate set actions away from the identity of the real world, thus making them less vulnerable to opening up.

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