Free Paper on Determinants of Aggressive Behavior - Social Psychology Article Review

Published: 2022-06-17
Free Paper on Determinants of Aggressive Behavior - Social Psychology Article Review
Type of paper:  Research paper
Categories:  Social psychology Human behavior
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1156 words
10 min read

Hsieh, I., & Chen, Y. Y. (2017). Determinants of aggressive behavior: Interactive effects of emotional regulation and inhibitory control. PLOS ONE, 12(4), e0175651. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0175651

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Increasing societal issues associated with aggression present a factor and reason highlighting the need to increase research in this field of social psychology. The practice of aggression in all age groups including the young and adults presents another motivating factor that further builds the influence. The study by Hsieh and Chen (2017) dwells on the determinants of the aggressive behavior in humans focusing on the interactive effects that emotional regulation contributes including the inhibitory controls. The ability of the research presented in the above article to produce a final piece that explains the determinants further increased the interest paid to its content and its selection. In this article review, a description of the literature presented in the article is presented followed by a dwelling on participants, the research methodology, and findings.

Hsieh and Chen (2017) make their case by first detailing research from other scholars and the findings that these present. First, the author details research work providing a definition for aggressive behavior revealing that it is that whose intentions include harming or hurting others. In emphasizing the above, Hsieh and Chen (2017) detail that aggressive behavior may result in financial losses, physical injury, and emotional distress and to the extreme death. The research section also reveals the categories of aggression include the verbal, indirect or physical aggression. Furthermore, physical aggression is looked at to occur with other factors influencing including gender and age. The combination of the literature on the above and theories that explain aggression builds the research subject sufficiently. The authors put emphasizes on providing adequate research content that is of secondary nature. Relying on scientific journals sources adds credibility and reliability to the research. The research content emphasizes their point of view building an understanding for the readers besides adding to back up necessary in asserting the authority that the primary data collected requires.

The other attribute of the research conducted by the two authors that are worth closely evaluating is the selection of those to participate in the survey. Aronson, Wilson, and Akert, (2013) emphasize the efficiency of the process revealing that the selection of those to take part including the processes are essential in social psychology. The selected participants for the study were done after the approval of the study project by the Taiwan University's Research Ethics Committee. 80 participants were selected to take part. These were picked from a population of undergraduate students compensated financially with the option of taking extra credit in the course to participate. The above forms of compensation were considered as motivations to influence the participants. The age of the participants had a mean of 21.57. The study was balanced in respect to gender of the participants with 41 men included as compared to 39 women. Attributes such as the ethnicity, race and geographical locations of the authors were not dwelt on in the study as these did not serve as of relevance.

The third important part of the research is the methodology used that defines the collection of data, it's analysis, and reporting. As part of the methodology applied, the participants are featured in the paragraph above. Hsieh and Chen (2017) relied on questionnaires in gathering primary data with a private room used in the initial sessions of the study. Despite the researchers not explicitly stating the use of a quantitative method, it was the preferred option. The researchers favored the use of SPSS as the preferred data collection tool with ANOVA and other tests conducted on the data obtained. As part of the ethical process, the informed consent form was part of the process ensuring the participants understand the weight of their actions. The methodology was an effective approach in gathering data as the method was effective in ensuring sufficient data is obtained. The use of numerical data is aimed at enhancing the ability of the researchers to conduct the research using statistical measures.

The findings from the article indicate that aggressive behavior is affected by inhibitory controls also affected by the emotion regulation abilities of the person. Having the ability to control emotions enhances one's practice or engagement in inhibitory controls leading to the growth of one's abilities to reduce actions that represent an aggression. In a bid to improve management of inhibitory controls, the development of rehabilitation programs focused on the same is an integral part of successfully helping reduce aggression. The success of the rehabilitation programs relies on the availability of sufficient resources from which programs initiated to control aggression can run.

The study revealed that an effect exists between the inhibitory control and emotional regulation one has with a high on the two leading to less aggression as compared to those with lower abilities to control them. The conclusion reveals that inhibitory control occurs as a determining factor in one's aggressive abilities. In addition to the above, emotion regulation is a factor that enhances inhibitory controls.

The book on social psychology focuses on self with attention paid to the ability of people to understand themselves in consideration of a social context (Aronson, Wilson, and Akert, 2013). Relating this to the research by Hsieh and Chen (2017), the attribute of self is put to a test as the emotional attributes that play a role in self-are the center of the study. Social cognition also dwelt on in the book is a factor that appears in the research subject as thoughts on the social world are based on the nature of effect that aggression has on them. Lastly, social perceptions featured in the book are an essential factor to assess as these details the views of society on aggression as a social psychological issue.

The results of the article indicate that inhibitory control and emotion regulation if interacted yield control over aggression. In the real world, psychologists or those associated with handling aggression in children may embrace this approach to help build an improved attitude and approach in handling aggression. The results involved in aggression may also be controlled through the use of inhibitory attributes that limit the nature of damage that the aggression yields. In the above cases, providing psychological services that seek to build a bridge between emotion controls and inhibitory regulations.

Aggression has been influenced by a number of factors in society. One of this factors that have featured in debate increasingly is the contribution that television viewing has on aggression especially in children. The authors above focus more on the determinants of aggressive behavior. Adding some element of research on the effect that television viewing has on children and their aggressive behavior would immensely benefit scholars of social psychology.


Aronson, E., Wilson, T. D., & Akert, R. M. (2013). Social psychology (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River: NJ: Pearson.

Hsieh, I., & Chen, Y. Y. (2017). Determinants of aggressive behavior: Interactive effects of emotional regulation and inhibitory control. PLOS ONE, 12(4), e0175651. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0175651

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