Free Paper Sample: Exploring International Environmental Law

Published: 2023-11-09
Free Paper Sample: Exploring International Environmental Law
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Law Environment Climate change
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1078 words
9 min read


Worries throughout the universe concerning the need for the world's action to take care of the natural environment is a concern that has recently grown. General public consciousness of the situation linked to the universal climate and the necessity to balance multilateral activities to deal with the issues was not possible even in recent decades. Worldwide concerns have steadily risen yearly as the dissemination of data widens concerning the environmental challenges that are always on the rise.

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A few efforts between nations to deal with issues connected to endangered species, oceans, and various natural resources were conducted in the nineteenth century. Still, most environment-related areas have not been addressed to date. The initial effort from the world was mainly not coordinated. The current international environmental law obtained a big boost when Stockholm in Sweden held the UN Conference (1972) on the Human Environment.

The Role of National Environmental Law

At first, many people never understood the importance of national environmental laws, but the roles are put in place to impact the issues concerning the environment. The nature of many human beings is destructive, and hence many self-centred people have the idea that the situation needs to be managed by each individual as they wish. The UNEP (United Nations Environmental Programme) has the responsibility to help governments in their member states to robust their institutional and legal structure for environmental management when they are requested. It was informed to know that UNEP has material guides and publications that assist in searching for ecological data. The data is important to build the ability of fast decision-making in interpreting, applying, strengthening, enforcing, developing, and implementing environmental laws.

Concepts and Theories of International Environmental Law

Principles like Principle 21 of the Stockholm Declaration in 1972 which says that "States have, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and the principles of international law, the sovereign right to exploit their own resources pursuant to their own environmental policies, and the responsibility to ensure that activities within their jurisdiction or control do not cause damage to the environment of other States or of areas beyond the limits of national jurisdiction" are among the ideas of the laws to help address specific issues.

If it were not for the principles, many individuals would always find themselves in arguments with the law since some individuals have contract ideas. The law provides significant concepts and principles and shows how one is accountable for what is around them.

The Global Environment Facility

It is to the benefit of the world and the environment that the GEF (Global Environment Facility) as an institution can fund the developing countries for activities that create global environmental advantages within the sustainable development context. When the 36 nations donated money in 1998 up to US$2 billion and US$2.2 billion in 2002, the money was utilized by the GEF to broaden their mandate so that they could include two new focal categories dealing with POPs (Persistent Organic Pollutants) and land degrading.

It is encouraging to learn that UNEP is developing a comprehensive programme that supports the development of a capacity of nations permitted to apply the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety and it is associated with helping the implementation and growth of National Biosafety Frameworks (NBF).

Access to Justice in Environmental Matters

Various governments and environmental institutions should create more platforms available for the public to take part in decision-making. The EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) process created by numerous national policies and laws is a perfect sample of a way to include the public at the best decision-making levels.

In many countries, EIA process has had a participatory approach which creates chances for the community to take part in making decision by learning about their power on actions which may affect the environment near them. As the courts take responsibility in national laws which help implement guidelines and policies, the public should be given a chance in making the environmental policies so that they can live in a conducive environment that they take care of.

Ozone Depletion

Governments of different nations should supervise the application of their national action plan. The Malaysian Government is a good example as they formed NSCED (National Steering Committee for Environment and Development) which helped in creating avenues in 1989 for Malaysia's ratification. There are Industrial Working Groups and a Technical committee in NSCED that work on aerosol, foam, solvents, fire safety, and refrigeration.

Other organizations were afterwards formed to be close to the Protocol's changes. The environmental institution in Malaysia (in 1996) established the OPU (Ozone Protection Unit) to monitor and act as the focal position for Malaysia's phase-out actions. The most important feature of Malaysia's implementation and response technique is the idea of desegregated stakeholder cooperation with the manufacturing department.

Global Climate Change

Activities done by human beings are seen to have been a major contributor to the changes the environment is observing. In the past decade, scientists have gathered information which is proof that rainfall, temperatures, and various weather conditions have changed. The info points that in the past century, the normal temperature of the world has risen by 0.6 Degrees Celsius. The report further demonstrates a rise in the volume of gasses (mainly carbon dioxide) released into the atmosphere by the greenhouses of up to 30%.


For one to comprehend international laws of the environment, it is crucial to understand the common international law basics. The code is part of the components of international law, and the requirements have been growing for a long time. Because a large section of global environmental law is included in MEAs (Multilateral Environmental Agreements), treaty law presentation is necessary for comprehending the components of the manual. The environment requires to be guarded well since we live in it, and the government laws should be followed strictly.


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Weiss, Edith Brown. "International Environmental Law: Contemporary Issues and the Emergences of a New World Order." Geo. LJ 81 (1992): 675.

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