Free Paper Sample on Anthropology

Published: 2024-01-05
Free Paper Sample on Anthropology
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Literature Anthropology
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1700 words
15 min read


Anthropology is identified as the actual study of humanity in society. Anthropology originates in the natural science, social sciences, and humanities. Francois Peron initially used the term anthropology in the discussion over encounters with Tasmanian Aborigines. Therefore, anthropology concepts have been applied effectively in various concepts, including establishing the socio-cultural anthropology subfields. The idea has also been applied in various books that describe different contexts in political philosophy and anthropology (Simpson, 2014). For instance, the Mohawk Interruptus by Audra Simpson displays various contexts that show the relationship between political philosophy and anthropology. Therefore, this paper presents the analysis of the theoretical concepts on anthropology and how it is used in social and political theory using the details on Audra Simpson's book, Mohawk Interruptus.

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Extensive Exploration

The book, Mohawk Interruptus by Audra Simpson, displays an extensive exploration of the complexities encountered in Mohawk's sovereignty along with Canada and the US's borders. Therefore, the book gives a detailed understanding of the current relationship and fraught past between the settlers and indigenous societies. In the book, the author gives various concepts that would be applied in describing humanity in the context of anthropology. Simpson challenges the readers to understand the existence of the other's sovereign identity (Simpson, 2014). The description of sovereignty within the other is applicable in realizing that sovereignty compels individuals to recognize that when the indigenous political orders are experienced in the present society, they exist as part of the settler governance contexts. The author also aims to display a critical of the narrow and dominant politics of recognition used in recognitions confining the endogenous people and the fundamental rights that they apply in discernable and essentialized forms of cultural differences. Throughout the book, it is evident that the Mohawk people refused the established paradigm and the inherent power asymmetries that it works to naturalize and reproduce.

As evident in the book Mohawk Interruptus by Audra Simpson, the idea of anthropology is applied in both social and political theory contexts. The idea of political anthropology is described as the subdiscipline of cultural and social anthropology concerned with the much comparative and study of political practices based on fieldwork approaches (Lewis, 1973). In the past, Audra Simpson shows the idea of political anthropology as the issue of concern where the idea of political anthropology developed from an interest in the structure used to account for the process but with an advancing tendency towards the typology and formalization. Political anthropology itself ran out of fashion in the advancement of history. Still, the political topics such as resistance, power, nationalism, and the state returned to the anthropological plan in the 1980 and 1990s.

Also, Simpson extensively describes social anthropology concepts in the descriptions of various events in describing what social anthropology contexts are. Social anthropology is described as the idea of studying human cultures and society in general. The idea in the book, Mohawk Interruptus by Simpson Audra, seeks to understand how people lived in the society along the US and Canadian borders to make their lives meaningful (Simpson, 2014). The book describes how settlers and indigenous people are organized, evaluating the relationships between behaviors and values, and explaining how people engage in their activities.

Contemporary Social Anthropology

The contemporary social anthropology handles the ideas on several topical varieties that range from the social insinuations of the information technologies and new reproductive through analyzing the social meanings of consumers' behaviors in the study of poverty, violence, and the meaning of conflict resolutions and alleviation of human suffering.

For instance, the concept of anthropology is applicable in the book by Simpsons, as evident in the first chapter after the author introduces a series of Signposts ethnographic events. The signposts events are applied in revealing several ways that the history of the colonial settlers shaped the understanding of belonging and membership within the Mohawk communities and how such understandings were challenged generally. The concept of anthropology is well described in the first chapter of the book. Some of the identified signpost such as the description of the Mohawk Council of Kahnawake: the's eviction of non--Native residents from the reserve who had cohabitated with the Iroquois National Lacrosse and members making decisions to use the Haudenosaunee passports used in traveling to the United Kingdom for the competition despite the government restricting the identification of such a document (Rainbow & Stavrinakis, 2016). The application of the signpost of evicting the non- Native suggests the point of fundamental interruption and interruptive capacity of the sovereignty among the settlers and the indigenous life in the community.

Also, anthropology concepts are applied extensively on describing political standards in a specific society that is evident in Mohawk Interruptus by Simpson Audra. Political anthropology's subfield was developed out of the long-standing engagement with interests, power, politics, and contestation forms in various parts of the world. The idea of political anthropology is a vibrant area of the discipline applied today if not bounded as a distinct inquiry area (Valeri, 2017). The stake and pervasiveness of power relations in politics' actual existence in the anthropologists' ethnographic location would make political anthropology significant to the theories of political anthropology, reflexivity, methods, and relevance. Politics compose the old anthropology methods and motives. Throughout history, the modernization of the anthropology contexts has advanced periodically by the insights of the anthropologist that are keyed to the democratic movements in much effective response that are either indirect or direct to the crisis inform of the methodological and theoretical innovations that only retrospectively change in periodic paradigms in the disciplines surrounding transformative events beyond the ideologies in the application of anthropology in political contexts.

Territorial Dispossession

For instance, in the book Mohawk Interruptus by Simpson Audra, the author illustrates the ideas on how the territorial dispossession histories are encapsulated in the legislative actions such as the 1890 Canadian Indian Act, the implementation of a blood quantum membership code, and the establishment of the 1957 St. Lawrence Seaway canal that were applied significantly in shaping how the people of Mohawk understood themselves as well as their relationships with the outside world as well as the people within the same community (de Sausa & de Oliveira, n.d). The second chapter is much clear in describing the political anthropology contexts since the author openly acknowledges her suspicion of the claim made by Richard on the membership of Kahnawa:ke that is spurred by the inability to be replaced in a clear demarcated local genealogy. However, she also acknowledges Richard's role in the revival of cultural practices in the 1970s. Simpson aims to admit that the answer given is simply wrong (Heywood et al., 2017). Instead of canceling Richard as an intercalator, the author uses the ethnographic impasse as a departure point to show why the exchange was much puzzling, maybe since a complicated context is much simplified as described in various historical expressions. Therefore, the author handles the historical accounts with the display of political anthropology that shows careless situations when handling history.

Also, political anthropology acquired the modern form in the context of significant renovations of anthropology integral in making the discipline used in dismantling the primordial ideas in the cultural contexts. Therefore, in the perspectives of political anthropology, the respect among others in the colonizing and colonized nations caught diversely in the rip tides where the national, transnational and local political movements are applied in driving strong crosscurrents where the anthropologists took stock of the canons and found them deteriorating in the about other events that are immediacy (Pina- Cabral, 2017). Some of the political anthropology events include creating movements of nationhood and independence, social security and welfare, and equality and civil rights. Self- definitions of anthropology as the study of the primitive community is passed for various generations but slightly slower in changing the outside discipline among the public. Within anthropology, the analysis of primordialism had profound and sweeping effects in every discipline sector.

Modern Formation

The acquisition of the modern formation of the political anthropology would be evident in the cases in chapter three that turn to question the formation of the disciplinary formation and the relationship to the history of the settlers' coloniality. Initiating with the ethnographic collaboration between Ely Parker and Lewis Henry Morgan makes the author, Simpson to look at the formation of what she identifies as the Iroquois canon that is a regulatory organization of knowledge that is displayed in the anthropological formation with the monographs that constructed Kahnawa:ke to place the cultural loss and degeneration (Simpson, 2014). The context of political anthropology is evident when the Iroquois canon bleeds into the following chapter. The author develops the idea that concepts possess teeth, and the developing teeth would bite through time, thus moving the colonies into more structured's nations.

Thus, anthropology concepts that are effectively applied in the study of humanity are well displayed in understanding man's political and social theory in different contexts. Reading through Mohawk Interruptus by Simpson Audra provides other impressive contexts used in showing the value of anthropology in understanding history and predicting the statuses of the community of concern. The author, Simpson, has actively engaged in illustrating how the author actively mobilizes the concepts actively applied in mobilizing humanity study ideas in a different capacity. In this analysis, the book's various situations show the ideology of how the theoretical concepts provide an alternative way of thinking about the inheritance from wider political and social thoughts translated through the ethnographic insights.


In the book by Simpson, every chapter showed the effectivity of knowing how anthropology is applied in showing the social and political lives in a society without evaluating the statuses of the society of the settlers and indigenous people in the US Canadian border. Therefore, adequate understanding of the anthropology ethnographic has been explained adequately through descriptions of several incidents evident in the book, Mohawk Interruptus by Simpson Audra as described in various chapters. Every detail explained the social and political contexts relying on anthropology concepts.


De Sousa, B. M., & de Oliveira, G. A. Anthropology and Philosophy: the theoretical concepts feuerbachians.

Heywood, P., Bialecki, J., Boellstorff, T., Herzfeld, M., Reed, A., & Heywood, P. (2017). Making a difference: queer activism and anthropological theory. Current Anthropology, 59(3), 000-000.

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