Free Paper Sample on Artificial Intelligence for Apple

Published: 2023-11-20
Free Paper Sample on Artificial Intelligence for Apple
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Company Finance Artificial intelligence
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 629 words
6 min read


The technology industry is one of the sectors that encompasses a collection of business models that create and capture the value of products and services produced using technological innovations. The marketing system conducted in the technology industry requires a firm to have a proper understanding of the technology market. According to the World Bank, global technology exports total nearly $3trillion yearly (Frantz Group, 2020). There are many companies in different countries that operate in this sector, making it competitive. For instance, the American technology sector has about 145000 companies that have an annual revenue combining to more than $1 trillion (Frantz Group, 2020). The significant players from the country include Apple Inc, IBM, Microsoft, AR &T, and Intel.

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Core Pillars

Moreover, other leading companies are not based in the United States but are involved in developing technology. Some of these companies include Japan-based Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation, Samsung group from South Korea, and Siemens from Germany (Aydalot and Keeble, 2018). The activities involved in the technology industry have indicated a growth curve experienced despite some global economic challenges that have posed a threat to the sector. Additionally, the growth is associated with some core pillars from the digital age, where the internet has become a substantial aspect of operations. And as the data shows, there are more than 4 billion active internet users in the entire world, which accounts for about 58% of the global population (Frantz Group, 2020). Various business models can be determined in the industry, consisting of software, hardware, cloud service, and eCommerce. The sector has recorded annual revenue numbers for U.S computer manufacturing to be more than $ 100 billion, which attests to the significant potential that is experienced in the industry (Frantz Group, 2020).

Networking Equipment

The data storage systems manufacturing and the networking equipment manufacturing also accounts for more than $60 billion in annual revenue generated (Frantz Group, 2020). The industry is also currently experiencing a challenge primarily on the dependence of skilled practitioners. Further, the level of competition is noted when demand mainly outstrips the supply in the market. Besides, there is a rapid development of tech products' innovations, which tends to have a comparison of being obsolete and heavy massive for production, product pacing, and sales in the market. For instance, techno businesses that deal with PC making often spend less compared to the broader tech sector, especially in the improvements. Substantially, such spending on PC making has a revenue of 1 to 3% spent to meet the customers’ demands in the market (Aydalot and Keeble, 2018).

The report will analyze entrepreneurial consulting on the internal practice of Apple Inc on artificial intelligence as the emerging technology in the industry. Artificial intelligence is considered to be one of the essential technologies in the 21st century. It helps integrate different global industrial functions, especially in politics, data, economy, different star-ups, infrastructure, research, medicine, and finance. The annual revenue estimates of artificial intelligence in the global economy are approximately $15.7 trillion as of 2019 (Luo, 2018).


Thus, this revenue obtained is mainly from the commercialization of Al role in accelerating business digitalization, enhancing the efficient use of information, and improving industry chain structures. The main focus on artificial intelligence is on the age of machine learning and future development that depends on integrating primary technologies and industries (Luo, 2018). There are various ways in which artificial intelligence has reshaped the sector, primarily through the participation of Apple Inc in the profound social changes.


Aydelott, P., and Keeble, D., 2018. High-technology industry and innovative environments in Europe: an overview. In High, the technology industry and innovative environments (pp. 1-21). Routledge.

Frantz group 2020. Technology Industry Overview

Luo, J., Meng, Q., & Cai, Y. (2018). Analysis of the Impact of Artificial Intelligence application on the Development of Accounting Industry. Open Journal of Business and Management, 6(4), 850-856.

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