Free Paper Sample on Commanding Excellence: Exploring Military Leadership Styles

Published: 2023-12-07
Free Paper Sample on Commanding Excellence: Exploring Military Leadership Styles
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Leadership analysis
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 599 words
5 min read

Did the student remember to title the essay? If so, was the title catchy or memorable? Would you suggest any changes to the title?

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The student had a title for their essay, which gave an idea about what was being discussed. The title was short and memorable, which was a great attribute of the paper. Furthermore, it represented the contents of the essay conclusively, therefore serving its purpose effectively. The essay's title effectively served its purpose; consequently, I would not suggest any changes to it.

Was there an attention-getting hook at the beginning? If so, what was it that got your attention? If not, what could the writer change to make it more attention-getting?

There was an aspect of attention-seeking at the beginning of the essay, where there was suspense. Furthermore, the heading had an exclamation mark, which increases the reader's curiosity, adding to its purpose as a hook. The uncertainty increased my interest at the beginning, therefore capturing my attention to the essay.

Did the essay maintain your interest from beginning to end? If not, what could the writer change to make it better?

The essay was quite captivating, based on the expression and flow of ideas in the plot. There was a great flow of events, each leading to the next, making the entire essay worth following to the end. However, the only change that could be made is using more descriptive terms in the article.

Was the essay straightforward and easy to understand? If so, what made it easy to understand? If not, what should the writer change to make it clearer?

The essay was easy and clear to understand, based on the familiarity of the topic being discussed. Furthermore, the terms used to describe the plot were easy to understand. There was no use of jargon or any other unfamiliar aspects that could make the essay hard to understand. Furthermore, the article had a straightforward plot, where all the chain of events was easy to follow from the beginning to the end of the essay. Therefore, based on the combination of the various convenient and easy factors, the article was easy to read, understand, and remember. Consequently, I would not propose any amendments to the essay; because it was captivating and easy to understand by any audience interested.

Did the essay have a clear thesis? Was it stated in the first paragraph? If not, what should the writer do to make the thesis clearer?

Although the essay had a captivating flow and heading, it lacked a clear thesis statement. Therefore, at the end of its introduction, an individual would not be too sure about what the entire essay was about to address. However, the absence of the thesis was served well by the writer's significant title and straightforward plot. The writer can make the thesis clearer by placing it in the last part of the introductory paragraph. That would increase its effectiveness in the essay.

What was your favorite part of the essay?

My favorite part of the essay was the conflict and its build-up. The writer used excellent descriptive terms to explain the significant incident in the essay. Therefore, the suspense built up all tough the essay was effectively quenched by the descriptive nature of the momentous event.

What one thing could the writer do to make the essay even better?

One thing the writer could have used to make the essay better was the effective use of a thesis statement. A thesis statement points to the significant part of the essay, which helps give it flow and enhance comprehension for its target audience.

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Free Paper Sample on Commanding Excellence: Exploring Military Leadership Styles. (2023, Dec 07). Retrieved from

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