Free Paper Sample on Coronavirus

Published: 2023-12-12
Free Paper Sample on Coronavirus
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Personal experience Covid 19
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 601 words
6 min read


Coronavirus is a monster that brings disease and causes people to be sick and die. My mother said that if we get ill and infect our grandparents, they will also die. The Coronavirus is like the Jabberwocky monster, which is ugly and also kills people. Our teacher also told us that if our classmates have the Coronavirus, they can infect us, and we will also become sick. We can even make our parents sick, and they will die. If I get the Coronavirus, I will also have to go see the doctor, and the doctor will use a syringe, then I will cry. Monsters make people cry, and sometimes they kill people. So the virus may kill us and make people sick just like the monsters do.

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We do not go to school anymore. The teacher told us to stay at home until the virus ends because we can infect each other and take it home to our parents and grandparents. Now I miss playing with my friends Gabby and Kyle, and I cannot even see them in their home. We just talk on the phone, but we cannot play with the swing in school. Also, we just stay at the house, and mum does not take us to the carnival or the mall anymore. Mum says that because the Coronavirus is a monster, we cannot play outside or visit my grandma. We also just talk to grandma on the phone. Since we started staying in the house, mum also does not go to work. She stays with us and makes delicious pancakes and reads for us stories in the house. I love staying with Joshua and Marlin in the house, but I want to go to school and play with Kyle and see Miss. Kimberly.


The Coronavirus is a family of viruses that cause respiratory illnesses such as the Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). The virus attacks the respiratory system and brings about highly life-threatening health complications. The virus causes symptoms that range from mild to severe depending on a myriad of factors such as age, preexisting health conditions, and the immune system. Some of the symptoms include shortness of breath, fever, chills, loss of smell and taste, coughing, and nasal blockage.

Since the virus was declared a global pandemic, many things in life have had to change. First of all, was the close-down of school. We no longer go to campus to read or interact with our friends. Not going to school is unfortunate because we miss out on our classes, which means we might have to redo the semester, taking us a few steps back. Being unable to interact with my classmates has also been tough because staying locked down in the house gets boring and monotonous. Also, staying in the house the whole day with my younger siblings and parents is extremely difficult because I feel like they are all in my space. I have also had to take on more household chores now that I am in the house the entire day. Also, since the lockdown, I have not been able to work after school hours, which has also negatively impacted my finances.


However, despite the financial implications, the adult was more receptive to the idea of the lockdown to prevent the spread of the virus. Statistics show that the virus has more severe complications and causes more adverse symptoms in older adults than children (Kail & Cavanaugh, 2019). Such findings impose fear and anxiety among older adults, making them receptive to any preventative measures.

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