Free Paper Sample on Evidence Based Model

Published: 2023-12-25
Free Paper Sample on Evidence Based Model
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Nursing
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 458 words
4 min read


Evidence-Based Practices of nursing involve research evidence, clinical understanding, and the patient's choices for developing solutions to problems. This approach enhances the development of individual health care systems. Through the knowledge I have obtained from evidence-based practice, I will improve quality and safety in my healthcare setting by using scientific research for better and well-thought-out decisions. Through the Evidence-based practice, my healthcare setting is bound to be always up to date concerning new medical protocols for patient care. Through the Evidence-based model, I will also evaluate research for better analysis of risks or diagnostic treatments. Quality will be provided to the patient's healthcare through their inclusion medical plans. Through the research on documented interventions that demonstrate compatibility with the patient's profile, I will have used the evidence-based model to ensure patient safety and quality.

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Nursing Practice

The evidence-based nursing practice has continued to expand over the past years with support from books and journals on the alterations and content reference. Through the Evidence-based method, I will identify ancient healthcare practices and provide a good background for my continuous learning. I will focus on the patient's individuality besides well-being regarding the modifications and conditions of treatment of his choice. Through Evidence-Based practice, I have also obtained higher creativity and empathy. Therefore, as a future nurse, I will be able to critically and analytically think through situations. Teamwork will also be enhanced through the collaboration for better assessment and comprehension of patients' conditions with pain. The evidence-based method will also enable me to practice proper research evaluation in the future for risk and effectiveness analysis of treatment and diagnostic procedures.


Through the knowledge I obtained about research in this course, I will be able to determine the most effective methods and improve patient care during the practice of my career. I will also be skilled in reading, trace, critique, and research critical and emerging fields in my faculty's various disciplines. Due to the constant emergence of new information within the nursing career, research skills will be helpful. The use of peer-reviewed documents may contribute to corrections of previous mistakes, which in return may lead to the development of a new solution. Through research, I will also be able to respond positively to changes in healthcare environments. Therefore, research is essential in nursing due to its information on patient care and material analysis. Through the use of research outcomes, I will be able to administer the evidence based practice to patients for better outcomes.


LoBiondo-Wood, G., Haber, J., & Titler, M. G. (2018). Evidence-Based Practice for Nursing and Healthcare Quality Improvement-E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Pavlish, C., Brown-Saltzman, K., So, L., & Wong, J. (2016). SUPPORT: an evidence-based model for leaders addressing moral distress. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 46(6), 313-320.

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