Free Paper Sample on Goals-Related Tasks

Published: 2023-12-12
Free Paper Sample on Goals-Related Tasks
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Psychology Criminal justice
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 577 words
5 min read


There are four established goals in criminal justice include; recruitment and hiring, training, disciplinary and accountability processes, and departmental cooperation. However, prioritize goals and jobs are fundamental skills which required for management purpose used by the company manager in solving issues in the community as discussed below.

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Recruiting and Training

Hiring and recruiting new staff is vital in my company in that new hire staff are energetic and can perform the assigned task on time. The features required to have a new officer in my company includes, would be motivating so that it keeps them going, reliability to build trust, respect to ensure they treat others the way they would like to be treated, and team working skills and communication so that they can work well with others. As a manager, an assessment that I could implement to make sure that my new workers have the qualities I gain would be an escape room. An escape room may educate a team of new staff to stay alert to get out, respect the other teammates if one applies different skills which they know and how they can work together and communicate effectively to make it out united.

Training of workers helps them to gain more knowledge and skills which they can use in their daily work. As a supervisor, I would use the most experienced workers to impart the right skills, along with volunteers from other agencies. I will make sure that all new staff gets the proper training by exposing them through a make-believe stimulation so that they can use their skills and knowledge.

Performance and Evaluation

The performance and evaluation in addressing disciplinary and accountability issues in my organization are of great essence in that it gives a chance to have a direct conversation with every employee to give my all attention so that we can work on weaknesses and praise strengths(Guinote,2017). On these, I find it good because it goes in a respectful way such that it allows the employee to feel contented by trusting me and opening up.

Departmental cooperation is the ability to unite different sectors together so that they can help each other. Despite some departments working hard than others but I think cross-training of workers of other departments is of great essence in that it helps as a connecting bridge.

For instance, a court decision impacts my company and wants me to update my policies that can determine by scanning both the final decision layout next to my guidelines and if there is any need to be edited. I can note it down so that I can do it within the time frame. Involving the community in my organization will ensure that their voices matter a lot, and ensure I implement their feedback at the right time (Anderson, Kauff, & Cavadel, 2017). These can help the community to feel considered and not ignored as they think. I will also make sure the feedback provided by my workers does not go against the policies and guidelines.


In conclusion, the recruitment of well competent and well-trained workers in an organization in that they can provide the expected services in which the clients will be satisfied.


Guinote, A. (2017). How power affects people: Activating, wanting, and goal-seeking. Annual Review of Psychology, 68, 353-381.

Anderson, M. A., Kauff, J. F., & Cavadel, E. W. (2017). Improving outcomes among employment program participants through goal attainment: A conceptual framework (Vol. 90, p. 11). OPRE report.

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