Free Paper Sample on Health Assessment

Published: 2023-11-07
Free Paper Sample on Health Assessment
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Healthcare
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 555 words
5 min read


The article by Seidman et al., (2015) provides the benefits of using topical steroids and oral antihistamines to other therapy methods. It was first published on February 2015 and was recommended by AAO-HNSF and targets patient suffering from AR and related diseases. It notes that the use of these drugs is proving to be beneficial when treating patients with a clinical diagnosis of AR, whose symptoms affect their quality of life and have complaints of sneezing and itching. The medication is an advancement in quality and safety compared to other therapies. Seidman et al., (2015) portray the results of a study conducted on the quality as grade A, showing the effectiveness of these methods.

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The article also gives the benefits of these drugs as necessary in improving the symptom control, and the quality of life by providing the sick with a better sleeping experience. It is also cheap as compared to treatment through other therapy methods, it can be easily accessed through over-the-counter, and reduces instances of eye symptoms. This observation shows the experience the patients will face when they use this method of treatment. It is a big step in the treatment of AR and will solve the problems related to the disease, such as itching of the eyes (Bashir, 2018).

The authors also note the side effects of the medication such as sedation, red eyes, urinary retention, epistaxis, among others. They further explain that the outcomes are as a result of the direct effect of allergen on the conjuctiva and reflexes from the nose (Seidman et al., 2015). Depending on the patient's preference, the clinicians should use their knowledge of drugs to recommend a suitable method of treatment (Emeryk et al., 2019). Although the therapy is considered to be effective, it raises differences in opinion on whether the treatment is the most suitable in regards to intermittent symptoms because they are viewed as adequate therapy for these type of patients. This point of difference is critical as it determines the effectiveness of this treatment on patients and whether its recommendation will have a firm ground against other therapy methods (Seidman et al., 2015).


Thus, if the therapy is not successful in the treatment of patients with mild symptoms, it is going to be a concern mainly due to the side effects it has and will raise questions on if it is worth it or not. The article, thus, provides a valid argument that when put into context, will help shape the choice of therapy to be used on patients. This guideline will, thus, be helpful to nurses as it provides a suitable treatment method for AR and related diseases. It gives them the ability to view the effectiveness of the methods used, enabling the nurses to make better recommendations to the patients.


Bashir, H., Grindle, K., Vrtis, R., Vang, F., Kang, T., Salazar, L., ... & Jackson, J. (2018). Association of Rhinovirus Species with Common Cold and Asthma Symptoms and Bacterial Pathogens. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 141(2), 822-824.

Emeryk, A., Emeryk-Maksymiuk, J., & Janeczek, K. (2019). New Guidelines for the Treatment of Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis. Advances in Dermatology and Allergology/Postepy Dermatologii i Alergologii, 36(3), 255.

Seidman, D., Gurgel, K., Lin, Y., Schwartz, R., Baroody, M., Bonner, R., ... & Ishman, L. (2015). Clinical Practice Guideline: Allergic Rhinitis. Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery, 152(1_suppl), S1-S43.

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