Free Paper Sample on Health Policy

Published: 2024-01-11
Free Paper Sample on Health Policy
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Nursing Medicine Technology Healthcare policy
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1210 words
11 min read


Health planning and policy development involves identification of health issues in a society, prioritizing problems and adopting strategies that will help in solving these problems so as to achieve healthcare objectives. Medical and technological advancement challenge in the health sector has made it difficult to achieve the health goals. These technologies range from information systems to medical equipment. These may include; remote monitoring tools, portal technology, telehealth, mobile health and electronic health record (Jayanthi, 2015).

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Medical Technologies

Medical technologies have evolved since the early times. Medical and technological advancement have many benefits but it has also created challenges in the medical field/ healthcare. Medical equipment has been evolving and this has created efficient and faster service delivery in the health sector. Initially in information systems, healthcare providers used medical records for documentation of patients’ information but later on with introduction of computers new approaches to health information management have been adopted. Healthcare workers had access to patients’ medical history. Healthcare information technology became more prominent in 1980s and more health facilities adopted it. In 2009, HITECH (Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health) was launched to help in adoption of electronic health records by 2014. Incentive reimbursement and federal mandate facilitated the adoption of integrated electronic health record system (DiAngi et al., 2016).

Medical and technological advancement has created challenges in healthcare. This includes interoperability between devices and different organizations. Interoperability involves sharing of medical information across different platforms, organizations and systems. Interoperability increases the risk of cybersecurity attacks and patients’ privacy is compromised. The standards for interoperability are also ineffective in most cases this creates a problem in data security.

Technological Advancement

Technological advancement has also led to an increase in malpractice claims in healthcare. Unfamiliarity with new technology increases the chances of malpractices by health workers. Some of the adopted technologies are too complex to understand and their usage by health professionals may cause injury to patients.
Medicinal and technological advancement requires a skilled workforce so as to use new technologies. There is a problem of workforce shortage in many health facilities and this has created a problem in health planning and policy development. Lack of skilled workforce to manage technology makes healthcare professionals to keep up with the old technology.

Advancement in technology leads to fast, efficient and effective service delivery in healthcare but most institutions are unable to adopt certain technologies because of the high initial capital investment required. According to Dorbryzkowski (2011), financial constraints is one of the factors that has led to the slow adoption of electronic health record (EHR) in health facilities.

The problem of inadequate medical resources hinders technological development. Resources are used for research. They include; clinical practice guidelines, information sources like medical journals and textbooks, artificial organs, health IT products, drugs and testing procedures which should be standardized.

Inadequate Nursing Skills

Lack of skills by nurses affects their adoption of technology. Nurses are not well trained on how to use certain technologies in the medical field. They do not possess attributes that will enable them to work successfully with technology; critical thinking, analytical ability, problem solving and ability to properly use equipment and maintain it. As technology changes and the current ones become obsolete nurses are required to equip themselves with knowledge of the new ones. According to Powell et al (2008), most health facilities do not have an adequate plan for implementation of technology and maintenance. Training should be part of the implementation but in most cases, it is not effective because nurses are unable to deal with the trends in medical and technological advancement. Nurses may also fail to correct malfunctions or problems associated with technology because they do not have the necessary skills.

Poor Technology Design

Technology interface is the interaction between nurses and technology. During educational programs nurses lack exposure of different technologies. Most of the interfaces are complex and confusing hence nurses prefer to keep up with the outdated technology because they have more friendly interfaces and are much easier to use. The design of the technology is critical to its success. Failure to consider ergonomic principles/ human factors when developing the technology leads to a poor design. Poor design demotivates nurses and they become reluctant to adopt technology.


With improved technology in medical care, a lot of functions are automated. Automation requires little/ no human intervention. Only a few nurses are required to monitor various process. Advancement in technology requires little human effort and therefore nurses are replaced by equipment. In record keeping, most facilities do not require a specialist to record patients’ medical history. With technology, health records are managed electronically (EHR). As technology advances older nurses who are unable to deal with the advancements retire.

Human Interaction

Technologies threaten to reduce nurse and patient interaction which is necessary. Nurses are unable to give patients instructions on various medication and procedures that they will have to go through. Nurses and patients do not develop a relationship and there is no empathy and compassion when technologies are involved.


Medical technologies have direct impacts on the patients. Different technologies are used for record keeping, disease diagnosis and treatment. Some technologies used by patients may be too complicated to use and therefore patients’ opinions through patient representatives are important. It is important to consider patients when designing and developing different technologies so as to prevent backlash in future. Technologies developed should provide patient safety.

Health Professionals

Clinicians are the end users of medical technologies and it is important to understand their perceptions of the developed technology. This is because they will deal with the technology almost on daily basis. Clinicians are considered in the implementation plan because of the training they require. They will be required to operate the technology and make corrections when there are malfunctions.


According to Ortega et al (2015), 46.2% of nurses considered the training they received to be relevant to workplace needs; quality healthcare and technology use. Training and capacity building impart new knowledge to nurses. It improves the skills of nurses i.e., technical skills which enables them to know how to use and maintain equipment. This will reduce malpractice claims as a result of unfamiliarity with technology because clinicians/ nurses will have knowledge on the technology. Training is also provided for record keeping of patients’ medical history. Electronic health records are used for storing important information about patients. Training should range from information systems to use and maintenance of equipment. With training, nurses are able to handle technological malfunctions and other problems. With training, older nurses do not have to retire early because of technological advancement. Training should be incorporated into the technology implementation plan for effective results.


Involving stakeholders helps to know the perceptions of different groups of people about the technology. This helps to prevent backlash in future. Stakeholder involvement helps in the decision-making process. They include patients, policy makers, healthcare insurers, legislators and financial stakeholders. Knowing their perceptions helps to know the various steps for the technology design and it also helps to develop better technology interface. Health policies developed by policy makers guide the development and use of a particular technology. Stakeholder involvement leads to the political feasibility of a technology; acceptance by general public and decision makers.

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