Free Paper Sample on Innovations

Published: 2023-11-24
Free Paper Sample on Innovations
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Virtual reality Media
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 923 words
8 min read


Several contemporary emerging technological trends have influenced the development of the media. Virtual reality is one of the various innovations which the most significant potential to transform the mainstream media. However, the impacts of virtual reality on contemporary mainstream media remain significantly unexplored. Just like the telegraph's innovation contributed to the growth of the media industry, the application of virtual reality in the media industry is one of the most considerable innovations because it is majorly adopted for the delivery of engaging content to the audience (Carey, 1989). Even though predicting the definite impact of virtual reality on the media industry may be a challenge, it is fair to assume that media and entertainment will be diverse. In retrospect, this essay will examine virtual reality as one of the significant innovations and the probable impacts on media.

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Complementary Materials

Virtual reality is already playing a critical role in creating fascinating complementary materials in the media, such as television programs and even movies. Virtual reality is also enhancing the establishment of brand recognition and keeping the audience of various media programs engaged. Therefore, in a time when multiple organizations seek to establish cinematic settings, virtual reality serves as a fascinating supplement in that aspect of media. New media has been affected by a wave of fake news that spread like wildfire due to the emergence of social media hence putting doubt to the credibility of the whole media sector (Carey, 1989). Despite the increase in media problems' complexity due to fake news, virtual reality is currently playing a critical role in ensuring the media industry regains its credibility. Therefore, virtual reality is significantly likened because it enhances supplementary participation in the mind of viewers. Thus, unlike the telegraph, which was hardly recognized, virtual reality's contribution and significance in the media industry is acknowledged (Carey, 1989).

On the same note, virtual reality has contributed to more engaging advertisements because current virtual reality technology demands a headset. Hence, users can hardly glance away from advertisements, implying that adverts have become far more fascinating than those in conventional media forms. However, companies need to enforce certain restraints because virtual reality often tracks head movements; hence, advertisers can even require the users to view certain aspects of the adverts before it ends. Therefore, there is a need for striking a balance between engagement and annoyance to enhance the success of virtual reality advertising (Carey, 1989).

Media Industry

Accordingly, the media industry is not left behind in adopting innovative technology to reach a broad audience. The innovation of artificial reality technology has enhanced the media industry's development by drawing the audience deeper into the news content. The application of virtual reality in the media industry has also enabled the audience to receive information from a first-person perspective. Just like the telegraph played a role in altering the spatial and temporal boundaries of human interaction, virtual reality is also transforming how people interact with the media (Carey, 1989). The combination of virtual reality technology and communication can facilitate advertising communication to present high-quality immersive experience. People always received data in the past by watching videos or even listening to voice transmitted through radio, television, or even computers (Carey, 1989). Hence, there was a clear distinction between the information and the audience. Therefore, communication, which was adequate and timely, was not possible. The emergence of virtual reality has started to create a new approach of information acceptance for conventional advertisements so that the audience can be part of the screen and feel the virtual setting's existence. Also, virtual reality can make consumers honestly use their full-body senses to comprehend the goods' exact information (Carey, 1989).


However, the introduction of virtual reality in the media industry has also posed some challenges for journalists. The basic rule in the media industry is that journalists should remain unbiased and present all parties' opinions involved in the continuous flow of communication between media companies and the general public. Nevertheless, the introduction of virtual reality in the media industry will pose challenges because the extent to which journalists' transparency can be defined is questionable (Carey, 1989). For instance, in the presentation of news, when shooting with a virtual reality camera, then the extent of zooming in or cropping a scene may create bias. Besides, virtual reality is also likely to pose ethical challenges because there would be no appropriate way to let viewers experience gore or death scenes or other disturbing information considering how the world is increasingly violent (Carey, 1989).


In conclusion, virtual reality is an innovation that is not just an advanced technology but also a brand-new perspective of communication and advertising in the media industry. Virtual reality can enhance the use of three-dimensional features in the advertisement to improve interaction. Virtual reality is currently a technological innovation which is extensively applied in various industries. Just like the telegraph played a role in altering the spatial and temporal boundaries of human interaction, virtual reality is also transforming how people interact with the media. In the media industry, virtual reality does not only promote the development of advertising communication forms but also enhances the influence and interest of advertising. In the current era, the most critical aspect of advertising as a form of communication is transforming the advertising platform. Besides, the effect of the use of virtual reality technology has enhanced advertising communication. In the future, it will also develop towards the aspect of comprehensiveness, technology, and quality.


Carey, J. W. (1989). Technology and ideology: The case of the telegraph. Communication as culture: Essays on media and society, 201-230.

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