Free Paper Sample on Keeping Ethics in Check

Published: 2023-11-25
Free Paper Sample on Keeping Ethics in Check
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Penal system Ethics
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 545 words
5 min read


Ethical complacency is increasingly becoming a significant problem in correction centers and among the correctional leaders thwarting the ethical survival of various correctional officers. Earl (2019) explores how correctional leaders can keep their ethics in check to reduce their fallibility to ethical complacency and boost their ethical survival. From the article, ethical complacency arises from ethical lapses that, in most cases, arises from adverse and unusual ethical dilemmas that the officers encounter in the process of their policing. In this definition, Earl (2019) recognizes the officers' fallibility and the need to prepare them for better ethical survival approaches. According to the author, ethical survival concerns the ability to continue living or existing amidst problems, experiences, and challenging circumstances. Taking an interest in developing a proper survival mindset is a critical antecedent of career survival.

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Earl (2019) provides nine suggestions on how correctional leaders can improve ethics. First, he emphasizes the need for ethical pre-planning, which prepares officers to respond under an ethical scenario. The pre-plan is based on the "when/then" game, which provides that an officer should respond in a specific way when in a particular circumstance. Covering numerous circumstances in the pre-planning process is necessary for increasing the chances of ethical survival. Second, the officers have to be concerned about their safety and careers and avoid ethical complacency. Thirdly, in the event that they feel the urge to be complacent, the officers should critically think of the potential consequences, which in most cases include loss of career, imprisonment, and embarrassments.

In the fourth suggestion, Earl (2019) realizes that avoiding ethical complacency might sometimes be challenging and suggests situating ethical reminders in various points where they can be seen. Enforcement Oath of Honor and Code of Ethics should be part of the reminders. Next, he provides that officers must always be mindful of their meaning and purpose and must ask themselves the ethical reasons why they joined the correctional units. Being cognizant of purpose allows for personal ethical appraisal and ignites the desire to improve. The next suggestion he provides is for the officers to always think before acting to confront an unexpected ethical challenge. In case an officer cannot find a better reason to reinforce an act, he or she should consult a friend or any other person who can help make better decisions. The next suggestion is to set high ethical standards that concern developing one's integrity and avoiding actions that might compromise ethics. He then provides that senior officers must be role models to their juniors and teach them better and ethical ways to handle situations. Finally, officers need to make a conscious and personal decision to always act ethically. Officers need to convince themselves and build upon themselves the belief that unethical behaviors and actions are inappropriate, and shunning away from them is the only way.


In the article, the author is firmly convinced that ethics is extensively personal, and individual officers are directly responsible for their actions. Developing a survival mindset should not be debated on but instead embraced unconditionally. Keeping ethics in check enhances reputation and establishes a sustainable legacy of professionalism.


Earl, K. (2019, July 24). How correctional leaders can keep their ethics in check. Corrections1.

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