Free Paper Sample on Kindergarten and Second-Grade Learners' Well-Being

Published: 2023-11-06
Free Paper Sample on Kindergarten and Second-Grade Learners' Well-Being
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Pedagogy Childhood
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 367 words
4 min read


Learning institutions are feted with diversity when it comes to cultural, linguistic, social, and economic aspects of learners (Weissberg, 2016). The above factors are important considerations for teachers when developing Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) stemming from the fact that all learners are supposed to cooperate despite their eminent diversity.

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Various Environments

Teachers need to understand that learners emanate from various environments before they are presented in the school environment. In that case, it is worth noting that developmental skills acquired from home by children are usually used as building blocks for later stages (Weissberg, 2016). The good news for teachers, however, is that children continually develop their SEL skills over time. Thus, educators can influence children's development concerning SEL by taking advantage of the new environment at school to teach them novel insights. As children grow through the education system, they are required to exemplify volatility up the SEL ladder. In that regard, students are required to develop specific skills that should enable them tranced to later stages.

Kindergarten Stage

At the Kindergarten stage, for instance, children develop the competency of making decisions independently without requiring supervision (Loveless, n.d). The aspect mentioned above continues to grow in the second-grade stage as children are required to be much more independent than their kindergarten stage. The main difference between kindergarten and second-grade stages is that the former represents a stage whereby authority other than parents is first experienced (Leap Frog, n.d). In contrast, children in the latter stage are already familiar with educators as a new authority.


Thus, because second graders are deemed to have interacted with teachers for longer durations than kindergarteners; they are therefore more responsible in terms of material utilization. At the second-grade level, children are likely to display superiority concerning empathy and focus—aspects that are usually staggering in the kindergarten stage.


Leap Frog. (n.d). 2nd-grade skills checklist: social & emotional skills.

Loveless, B. (n.d). 5 Social Skills That Are Important for Kindergarten. Education Corner.

Weissberg, R. (2016, February 15). Why Social and Emotional Learning Is Essential for Students. Edutopia.

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Free Paper Sample on Kindergarten and Second-Grade Learners' Well-Being. (2023, Nov 06). Retrieved from

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