Free Paper Sample on Unveiling the Power of Hospitality Leadership

Published: 2023-11-06
Free Paper Sample on Unveiling the Power of Hospitality Leadership
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Leadership analysis Hospitality
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 599 words
5 min read


I agree with the stated topic problem. Leadership has many definitions, but with regards to hospitality, it can be regarded as the process whereby an individual with a vision uses their abilities to create an influence in both people and activities to produce desired outcomes. While I was in placement at Don Vesir in the Atlas Mountains, I had an encounter with an intriguing and accommodating member of staff. This was during the summer, guests kept flocking in, as tourists arrived from everywhere in the world.

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Influential Member of the Government

The hotel was booked and all the staff was cleaning and preparing rooms for the influx of guests. I had been tasked with cleaning a suite, and the guest was a very influential member of the government and had asked for their room to be ready when they arrived. The guest, arrived early than scheduled, the room was not fully cleaned and there was no more free staff to assist me in getting it ready. The staff manager saw the predicament that I was in and decided to lend me a hand in my task.

This came as a really big surprise because never before had a seen a leader go out of their way to help staffers in achieving or exercising their roles, with her help, I managed to get the room clean and the guest was pleased with the work. From that particular experience, the manager taught me the true meaning of leadership. I would place the manager in the category of oriented leaders who are more interested in the overall output of the team than individual supremacy. This made my experience with such leaders a truly amazing moment that fostered the spirit of team collaborations.

Opportunity to Lead

When I get the opportunity to lead, I would want to emulate the qualities shown by the hotel manager, being a people-oriented kind of leader instead of a self-oriented leader. There have been many exemplary leaders who have shown this aspect or quality, these leaders always want to encourage people to air out their expressions and philosophies regarding various topics. One of the most famous leaders who I would emulate would have to be the former United States President Barack Obama.

Expressing your opinion and ideas even when working in the various industries sends a statement to the current leadership showing them that you have the vision to grow and foster the growth of the company as well. Leaders are very wary of the message that they send to their subordinates through their actions, citing an incident that happened while I was doing my internship. A third party company used to send employees to hotels where help was needed.


This was later confirmed to be the involuntary trafficking of employees during a staff meeting that we had with the management authority. The head manager was visibly sad from the ordeal, although she kept a straight face. Her grief-stricken face told the bigger story because she had been working with some of them for a very long time without knowing they were being exploited. At the end of the meeting, the management assured us that the matter had been taken up with the third company and they were pushing for an end to the matter. The head of management encouraged everyone and promise to keep all of us updated on the situation. The crime was reported to the relevant police authority for further investigation. Through these actions, the management inspires me to always act when others are facing hardships because that is what a leader does.

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