Free Paper Sample: Strengths and Limitations of the Evaluation Plan

Published: 2022-06-17
Free Paper Sample: Strengths and Limitations of the Evaluation Plan
Type of paper:  Course work
Categories:  Planning Project management
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1241 words
11 min read

Evaluation of projects is vital in determining whether the projects can be implemented successfully to bring out the expected outcome (Porter-O'Grady & Malloch, (2010). The evaluation plan for this evidence-based project is comprehensive and it provides adequate information on the improvement of healthcare delivery through the integration of evidence-based practice. There is sufficient evidence that EBP improves the patients' outcome while providing alternative methods of treatments. This plan adequate covers all issues arising in the development of a plan that incorporates the best practices that can be used to encourage early screening and treatment for HIV among Latinos. Through the use of quantitative methods, the evaluation plan concentrates on the emerging trends in EBP that can lead to early treatment of HIV. Early treatment of HIV is very vital in curbing its spread as well as the health of the patient.

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However, from the evaluation plan, there is a shortage of studies on best evidence-based practices for early screening and treatment of HIV. Most of the available works of literature do not provide recommendations on how populations can be encouraged to regularly get tested. This shortage results in some inconclusive analysis of practices making it difficult for them to be implemented.

There is an opportunity in this project for further research. While HIV has been studied comprehensively, there is a need for studies on how populations can be encouraged to embrace regular testing and early treatment. With adequate research, an evidence-based researcher can aid the decision-making of the medical practitioner in order to improve the patients' outcome (Waljee, 2014). This research needs to focus on high-risk populations such as sex workers. This can effectively reduce the infection rates to almost zero and lead to healthier populations.

Journal Entry

The project on the use of EBP to develop sustainable and effective practices that can be utilized to encourage regular HIV testing, as well as early treatment, has been a very great learning experience. In HIV treatment, early initialization of the treatment process can improve the life expectancy of a patient and reduce the chances of developing the opportunistic illness that arises from AIDS (Chen, Gallant & Page, 2016). Thus, through this project, I have utilized the available studies to develop practices that are evidence-based. From the perspective of a scholar-practitioner, the use of EBP has resulted to vast improvement in the patient's outcome resulting to improved healthcare. This is a profession that is driven by theory and research and thus this project has enabled me to comprehend how theory and research can be merged and utilized in the provision of healthcare. I have also learned that it is necessary for a scholar-practitioner to be guided by personal values such as integrity, ethical conduct, and commitment in recognition of problems, closely examining them and searching for productive solutions.

The main role of a nurse leader in the designing of healthcare systems in order to ensure that it is client-oriented and it consistently results in a high-quality outcome for patients (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2011). EBP has become very crucial in the attainment of safe and quality healthcare due to its willingness to incorporate the research that is availed different studies to practice. As a nurse leader, I will encourage the use of evidence-based practice to develop interventions that are based on professionalism and respect for patient values. This will result in improvements in the care received by the patients resulting in vast improvements in healthcare.

DNP Project: Scholarly Product for Dissemination - Project Summary

According to Chenneville (2016), the use of antiretroviral therapy (ART) has changed the perception about HIV from a terminal disease to a manageable illness. The treatment reduces the viral load thus, decreasing the chances of transmission. In order to combat the disease, with an ultimate aim of eliminating it, it has become vital to initiate a complex and innovative paradigm. HIV infection rate in America is much higher among Latinos with 24% of new infections reported among Latinos who consist of a mere 17% of the American population (Dominguez, 2017). Through early diagnosis and treatment, the high infection rate of HIV among Latinos can be prevented (Chen, Gallant & Page, 2016). Through this project, we will determine whether the current research has provided evidence-based practice that can be used to encourage regular testing and early treatment among the Latinos in order to provide the required care by people infected with HIV.

Research Design, Setting, and Data Collection

The project involves the analysis of information available on online sources. Online databases such as NIH and PubMed are the primary sources of data while secondary data is derived from professional websites as well as journals available in Google Scholar. These sources provide peer-reviewed information on HIV infection among large populations of different backgrounds. The literature will then be reviewed systematically systematic review using a mixed-method approach encompassing qualitative and quantitative findings but with a focus on a qualitative approach. This will ensure a conclusive analysis of the available studies and also articulate interpretation of the available information. The actual qualitative study will primarily target the Latino population who are infected with HIV and living in South California.

Presentation of Results

The result of the project demonstrates that incorporation of new interventions such as home-based counseling and testing increased the number of people tested. Other interventions that proved popular and practical were social media interventions and congregation-based intervention. These interventions increased the number of people tested. The average number of the people tested, those who were diagnosed with HIV before utilizing interventions and after utilizing them is showed in Table 1.

Figure 1: A chart showing the average number of people tested, diagnosed those who began treatment after the diagnosis

Interpretation of Findings, and Implications for Evidence-Based Practice

From Figure 1, it is evident that the number of people tested for HIV increased by more than 300% after the incorporation of interventions that had been developed through evidence-based practice. The average number of people who were diagnosed with HIV per month also rose from 3 to 20 when these interventions were applied. Almost all of the people diagnosed with HIV initiate treatment with antiretroviral therapy almost immediately. The intervention used for this study included the use of social media, family-based counseling and testing and congregation-based counseling and testing. These interventions enabled the medical practitioners to reach a large number of people.

From the results, it is evident that use of interventions developed through EBP cab be very effective in improving the value of healthcare. In this project, these practices have proved effective in encouraging testing and early treatment for the Latino population is in Southern California. This proves that EBP is an effective way of handling the emerging challenges in nursing practice.


Chen, N. E., Gallant, J. E., & Page, K. R. (2012). A systematic review of HIV/AIDS survival and delayed diagnosis among Hispanics in the United States. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 14(1), 65-81. DOI: 10.1007/s10903-011-9497-y

Chenneville, T. (2016). A Clinical Guide to Pediatric HIV: Bridging the Gaps Between Research and Practice. Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Dominguez, K. (2017). A Front-Line Defense Against HIV in Hispanics/Latinos. Retrieved from

Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2011). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Porter-O'Grady, T., & Malloch, K. (2010). Innovation leadership: Creating the landscape of health care. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

Waljee, J. (2014). Health Services Research and Evidence-Based Medicine in Hand Surgery, An Issue of Hand Clinics, E-Book.

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