Free Paper with the Annotated Bibliography Example on Overweight and Obesity

Published: 2022-11-04
Free Paper with the Annotated Bibliography Example on Overweight and Obesity
Type of paper:  Annotated bibliography
Categories:  Medicine Diet Nutrition
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1035 words
9 min read

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This article provides detailed evidence on obesity by providing the effects of herbal medicine treatments that have been reported over the years. It clearly states that curing obesity with herbal medicine and nutrition is much far better as it lacks negative effects on the body as compared to western pharmaceutical medicine. The drawbacks from pharmaceutical medicine have been reported by many patients concerning the health effects such as negative effects on monoamine neurotransmitters and a potential addiction to drugs and dependency. This article is helpful for the fact that obesity is a worldwide health complication. It provides insights on medical and health services and denotes that there is a need for improvements in order to meet the expectations of patients. It will, therefore, attract attention for more research in order to uncover the common phenomenal problems relating to an imbalance in energy intake and expenditure.

Dr Amanda Becker an expert for this literature review and other co-experts provides a monograph document that describes the risky effects of the use of pharmaceutical medicine particularly psychostimulant use. It highlights the need for detoxification of western drugs as they are anticipated to have many negative effects when compared to the herbal medicine which has no effect on the human body. The literature is important for the sense that it provides feedback from each reviewed chapter and then giving recommendations for the ban on the use of psychostimulant drugs. It will be therefore of great benefits for medical practitioners and other research experts to use the empirical data from the research and accomplish their study in order to understand pharmaceutical solutions of obesity.

The article illuminates the trends of obesity and overweight in US healthcare services. According to the research, it assumes the responsibility of disease control and prevention and implicitly enlightens individuals to understand the effects of overeating in order to avoid obesity effects. It highlights that pharmaceutical medicines contribute to added complications rather than totally curing the disease. Individuals are therefore advised to use natural skills such as physical activity and use of proper diet. This article is beneficial in the fact that it has no biased information regarding pharmaceutical drugs but it advocates for the avoidance of illegal drug use.

Lee, Ji-Hye, et al. "The herbal medicine KBH-1 inhibits fat accumulation in 3T3-L1 adipocytes and reduces high fat diet-induced obesity through regulation of the AMPK pathway." PloS one 10.12 (2015): e0142041.

Lee conducts the investigation on how herbal medicine could in any way have effects to adding obesity to individuals. From the anti-obesity experiment done, the analysis illuminates the molecular targets of fatty acids and depicts that, herbal oral administration contributes to the reduction in fatty acids in the body thereby reducing obesity. The research experiment is not biased in the fact that it provides evidence on the use of herbal medicine and how it results in the reduction of obesity. The study can, therefore, be done in hospital and research institutions especially protein and gene accumulation in the body leading to obesity.

Choi, Ji-Young, et al. "Metabolic effect of an oriental herbal medicine on obesity and its comorbidities with transcriptional responses in diet-induced obese mice." International journal of molecular sciences 18.4 (2017): 747.

Choi Ji-Young's article denounces that herbal medicine has no obesity complications in Korea but rather the modern way of life. The article culminates how herbal medicine can be easily used to cure obesity without any long-lasting anti-obesity effects. It elucidates the effects of metabolic syndrome and the effects of fatty acid syndrome when one is fed with high fat especially on westernized medicine. The research focuses on the unprotected effects which have no bias on any contemporary medicine but the contemporary makes it attract attention from other proponents.

Yamashita, Alex S., et al. "Regulation of Metabolic Disease-Associated Inflammation by Nutrient Sensors." Mediators of Inflammation, July 2018, pp. 1-18. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1155/2018/8261432.

The book by Yamashita points inside out that nutrients taken by individuals can modulate obesity. The nutrients, in this case, imply that everything individuals taking should be more natural and therefore evading from the effects of modern medicinal effects which are anticipated to increase high levels of obesity. they focus on the issue that, visceral obesity which is most people cure by taking pharmaceutical drugs results into the development of diabetes type e2 which makes someone to be dependent on drugs leading to chronic illness. This book is objective in the fact that it indicates evidence for low-grade inflammation and chronic effects although it gives an opportunity for more research.

"Impact of Nutrient Overload on Metabolic Homeostasis." Nutrition Reviews, vol. 76, no. 9, Sept. 2018, pp. 693-707. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1093/nutrit/nuy023.

The article narrows down the concept of modern diet and the consequences to the human body. The increased rates of obesity according to the article results from the activities such a lack of physical exercise allowing cells to increase the intercellular metabolism which is a threat to the human body and increasing chances for metabolism. However, the solutions to the problem of obesity can underlie only on controlling the number of nutrients and therefore living naturally. This elevates biases which might be a threat when conducting future research that will assist in resolving the problem of complying to contemporary changes.

Works Cited

Lee, Ji-Hye, et al. "The herbal medicine KBH-1 inhibits fat accumulation in 3T3-L1 adipocytes and reduces high fat diet-induced obesity through regulation of the AMPK pathway." PloS one 10.12 (2015): e0142041.

Choi, Ji-Young, et al. "Metabolic effect of an oriental herbal medicine on obesity and its comorbidities with transcriptional responses in diet-induced obese mice." International journal of molecular sciences 18.4 (2017): 747.

Yamashita, Alex S., et al. "Regulation of Metabolic Disease-Associated Inflammation by Nutrient Sensors." Mediators of Inflammation, July 2018, pp. 1-18. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1155/2018/8261432.

"Impact of Nutrient Overload on Metabolic Homeostasis." Nutrition Reviews, vol. 76, no. 9, Sept. 2018, pp. 693-707. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1093/nutrit/nuy023.

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